Monday, July 15, 2019

but, if i'm being optimistic, i might present her as a more realistic face for the future of the party.

because she actually writes bills.

you know. the job.
this jayapal character seems to be a better presidential option than almost the rest of the field.

she seems to introduce a lot of very strong legislation, and seems to fundamentally get what the actual problems are. she seems to have an analysis, which is so rare.

it's too bad she was born in india, which bars her from the presidency.
this is kind of equivalent to the libertarian party hiring karl rove.

i saw this coming, but i'm still as baffled as everybody else.

ready or not, here they come.
i'm just skeptical about the return of the bloc.

i was pushing it a few years ago, but they're just meeting a lot of resistance.

so, if the ndp are cooked, and the bloc are stalled, the greens are what's left - which sounds facile, but that's quebec.

there's some problems, granted. but, we don't have to cite stiglitz to reject perfect information, here. it's a tipping-point process, before the mob mentality kicks in. where they're at it is not far from it....
well, what exactly happens if the greens win 50 seats in quebec?

it's probably still a liberal minority, at this point, as they would get most of them from the ndp.

but, the liberals would have little option but to listen to the greens, and very carefully, even if they can avoid coalition with them.
the greens are at eight in quebec?

that's a protest vote, but quebec doth protest (yeah, i know).

everybody knows this is about quebec, in the end. and, they tend to be unpredictable.

hey. i'm just thinking out loud.
i mean, did you americans stop to wonder if maybe you like trudeau so much because he's actually, kind of basically one of you?
this is, indeed, long overdue, even if it's just a first step.
and, if trudeau manages to win at all in october, it is quite clear that he's going to lose his majority.
trump is not known for being particularly articulate, but on a certain level i think he's making a valid point. and, i don't think justin trudeau is a very good source of information regarding understanding how things are done here in canada, considering that he seems to be more culturally californian than canadian or quebecois.

i'm reminded of parizeau blaming his referendum loss on "money and the ethnic vote". and, no, that wasn't that long ago.

these kids are not the future of the party - i don't expect any of them to be re-elected more than twice. they routinely say stupid things, and it's just a matter of time before it gets to them. i mean, maybe one or two of them will wise up, but i wouldn't count on it. what will be awful is if one of them sticks their foot in their mouth so badly that they lose their seat to a republican, as they're supposed to be in unloseable seats - which was the point of putting them there.

a lot of the time, the fact is that the basis of their cringe is that they're presenting a perspective that is considered to be backwards, here. those clearly anti-semitic remarks, for example. or, erasing israel from the map. i mean, is this representative ahmadinejad, or what? these are things that you expect people in oecd countries to know better than to state.

there was a famous line by adlai stevenson, who was very much the cultural forefather to the elder trudeau. as he was dodging shit being thrown at him by right-wing protestors, he insisted on pushing the cops off. why? because he didn't want to send these idiots to jail. what he wanted to do was send these idiots to school.

and, if it was anybody other than trump, you'd have expected something worded a little more along those lines.

but, on a fundamental level, he's making a valid point - the west is not going to learn much of value by adopting third-world perspectives about much of anything, and doesn't even really have the obligation to give those perspectives the time of day.
so, step one is done.

step two is the judicial review on the shelved police report.

well, yeah. why would he expect otherwise?

and, he doesn't, you can tell; he knows they're fucking with him.

and, frankly, if you want a reason why his numbers are falling, it's the coverage. he goes on cnn or whatever and they bash him for as long as he's there. then, he complains they don't give him enough time. are you a masochist, bernie? what the fuck?

he didn't get his momentum last time by talking to rachel maddow or wolf blitzer, he got it by end-arounding it and taking his message directly to the people. now, he's a talking head, and his numbers are falling - it's not surprising.

it's easy enough to argue that he needs the tv to get to a wider audience, but i don't think it's actually true. rather, i think he needs to be registering more younger voters, and that he should probably more or less tell cnn to fuck off.
i guess he'll want to get this dealt with as soon as possible.
well, it seems like we got a summer here in ontario after all, even if it ends up being short.

the gulf's moisture - yes, a consequence of climate change - has overpowered the solar magnets. for a while. so, we're going to end up drenched in humidity and rainfall, as all of that water moves from the ocean to the great lakes, through the atmosphere as an intermediary.

the universe is driven by conflict and change, not by harmony or stasis.

i'll take it...

...but, enjoy it while it's here. it won't last long.

let's hope the guy upstairs stays away this week, so it doesn't get ruined by the air conditioner.
so, i finished the human rights application this evening, then fell asleep. it won't send over the virtual network connection in the virtual machine (i don't want adobe software on my dummy gateway), so i'm going to try over the chromebook, and then maybe at the library, before i resort to mailing it....

if there's a hearing, it seems like it will be in toronto.

but, that's done.

the three other suits i need to file are:

#2) a judicial review on the oiprd result. that's going to be in superior court, in london, and i'll need to serve the oiprd directly in toronto.

#3) the constitutional challenge. superior court. i'll need to serve in windsor, and maybe also in toronto..

#4) a judicial review regarding the access to information request. that should also be in superior court, and i guess i'll need to serve in toronto, as well.