Monday, July 15, 2019

well, yeah. why would he expect otherwise?

and, he doesn't, you can tell; he knows they're fucking with him.

and, frankly, if you want a reason why his numbers are falling, it's the coverage. he goes on cnn or whatever and they bash him for as long as he's there. then, he complains they don't give him enough time. are you a masochist, bernie? what the fuck?

he didn't get his momentum last time by talking to rachel maddow or wolf blitzer, he got it by end-arounding it and taking his message directly to the people. now, he's a talking head, and his numbers are falling - it's not surprising.

it's easy enough to argue that he needs the tv to get to a wider audience, but i don't think it's actually true. rather, i think he needs to be registering more younger voters, and that he should probably more or less tell cnn to fuck off.