Thursday, May 24, 2018

think about it.

what do hardcore techno and hardcore punk have in common?

the beat.

bass-snare ------> bass-clap.

it's actually the same basic premise, the same actual formula. and, so it's easy to hear how one became the other, by changing the instrumentation.

and, the transition point was industrial music.
but, yes: detroit techno is black, because detroit itself is black.
a crash course for the ravers, indeed.

this was 1973. and bowie is talking about something that already existed.

it's not that i doubt the truth of any of this, it's just that it's only one story of the origin of techno.

i could tell you the story of british rave music, the second summer of love and it's originators in what was called industrial music - the scene that developed out of throbbing gristle and psychic tv, and extrapolated itself dramatically through the early warp records catalogue. but, americans have this strange aversion to european anything. this origin story develops techno not out of detroit or berlin but as a corollary of the british punk scene. the first ravers were actually british punks!

a third origin story begins in new york and intersects through the beginnings of hip-hop and the downtown art scene, including the important work of steve reich, and falling together into experimental acts like suicide. and, martin rev is going to be in detroit this weekend.

a fourth origin story begins in japan with the yellow magic orchestra, while a fifth develops from progressive rock and jazz fusion through the vector of early video game programming.

there is no question that detroit has claim to a certain strain of electronic music, but i'm not even certain that 'techno' is really the right name for it. the electronic music from detroit is a variant of house music, and broadly lacks the symphonic or jazz-focused development that most people associate with the term 'techno'. detroit is not the home of the techno crescendo, for example, which is the obvious defining characteristic of what that word means.

but, i think the error here is trying to lay claim to something that was spontaneous and happening everywhere at the same time. fans of punk rock will understand this dilemma, as it is claimed by a number of places, including detroit - which may legitimately have the earliest claim, if it doesn't have the best one. but, everybody knows this is really just silly. punk may have been invented in new york, but it was formed in england, and done best in california.

what detroit can say about techno is that it invented detroit techno - which is tautological.

and, i will say this as plainly as i can: detroit has a reputation of being a place that is hanging on to things. it might want to let this go. the rest of the world knows the truth, detroit - you're not fooling anybody.
i don't collect data from visitors to my blog. google does what it does; i just type.
on third thought...

the modern cathedrals show is actually over at 4:30 - there's a "chill out" set to close it down. so, i'm really only going to get an ~4 hour set of...moderately interesting techno...if i get there a bit after midnight. the headliners are on from 1:30-4:30, so that's three hours. if we get the advertised set...

terrence dixon doesn't have an endpoint to his set, so it could in theory go to 4:00. & kenny larkin seems a bit boomy, but, i am going to be drinking and looking to dance, after all. so, if i get there a bit before midnight (it's closer), or closer to 11:00 (if i leave early for it), i'm looking at an hour or two of silly techno, and at least two hours of something more interesting. it could be three hours. if we get a longer set on the deck...

if i go to the magic stick, and it's done early, i'm sure to end up in the neighbourhood of the tangent gallery, at least. they've been clear that nobody's buying tickets at the door. but, if i show up at 3:30, and twenty people have left, what do they do?

i may have nothing better to do than try.

and, if they're running late..


i'm using paypal money, which means the cover for the other two nights is unbudgeted; it's not free, but it doesn't come out of anything meant for anything else. the other parties are all free. outside of beer money, this is the only thing coming out of my pocket.

i'll see how i feel tomorrow afternoon, i guess; i could end up at the magic stick, after all.

what i want is for the line-up at the magic stick to be staggered just a tad later, and in a way that people aren't competing with each other.
the conservatives won a large number of seats in toronto in the 2008 federal election by using media to run the leader of the party, stephane dion, into the ground.

very few toronto liberals voted for the conservatives or ndp, but enough avoided voting altogether that it got harper a lot closer to a majority.

if main street is right, and turnout is down by as much as 40%, that might be the right model to look at. and, if it is, and the depressed turnout is overwhelmingly liberal in past voting intentions, it might be the case that the second-place parties end up winning seats by default - because liberals have completely tuned out.

the liberals have a strong base in toronto. it might be easier and more likely to suppress than swing.

but, they also have a strong ground game and this has been underestimated before.

as i've pointed out a few times: if toronto holds liberal, we could see provincial numbers swing all over the place, and very few seats actually change hands. the vote is strongly concentrated; if they get wiped out outside toronto, and yet hold it, they could end up third in the popular vote, and still win the most seats. you'd need them running in the high 20s, minimum, though. but, if liberals don't vote, in the end, it's hard to imagine any outcome besides a tory win.

people hate this woman. i get it. but, if she has the best ground game in the most populous region, it doesn't matter.

the tories don't have a large enough swing to compete where they haven't already won. and, the ndp need a 10+% swing to be serious, not a 5% one.

we'll see what the numbers say tomorrow. but i'm still holding to a likely pc minority.
it would be nice to get a second opinion, but he's the only scientific pollster in the field, right now.
and, of course the separate school board should be abolished.

that's a populist position in this province.
the mainstreet poll should be out tomorrow, i think. we'll see if it picks up the same movement to the ndp or not.

if it doesn't, the media will reject it as an "outlier". wrong.

it's the only scientific poll in the field. you can't be an outlier, when the sample size is one.

rather, what it will demonstrate - again - is that the "online polling" is merely propaganda.

if it does pick up the same trend, what we'll need to look at is how it's being quantified. i would not be surprised, at this point, to see some firming of ndp support at the expense of the liberals - if for no other reason that the media is pushing it down so strongly. but, i would be very surprised to see the ndp competing with the tories for first place.

i think that what the polling is going to reveal is the following:

1) are undecideds remaining steady, or are they beginning to shift one way or another?
2) how seriously do we need to take the idea of a hung parliament?

i might end up staying in tomorrow; the late party doesn't seem worth it, but then the early party doesn't, either.

i made a kind of a bad gamble, in thinking the line-up at the magic stick was actually better than the one at modern cathedrals, and if i was going to show up late after trip metal, anyways, i'd probably have a better time at the magic stick. the tickets were also cheaper...and there was no warning of an increase in price....

i figured if i got to the magic stick at 12:00 and stayed there until 4:00, i could get a coffee at the old diner around 4:30, leave a little after 5:00 and catch the early bus to get ready for the next day, which starts at 22:00 and runs until the next afternoon. less crazy than staying at tangent until 6:00, but tangent has been raided more than once, too - there's no guarantee they'll be open until 6:00. if tangent does get raided, i'm the one laughing at the stick right?

but, they've since doubled the price of the ticket (to the same cost as the modern cathedrals show) and put the two djs i wanted to see on at the same time. these particular djs are the most interesting ones playing anywhere on that night, they really are, but i'm not really interested in paying $30 for a two hour set and spending it bouncing between areas - and then having to find a late party somewhere else, anyways.

modern cathedrals is now sold out. 

i'm wondering if my secret hideout might be open. it's not far from the modern cathedrals show. and, are they really going to turn people away once people start exiting, fucked up on whatever? i probably wouldn't get there until 1:00, anyways.


if i can't find a late party, i'll probably stay in tomorrow. that's ok, i've got two long nights planned  afterwards.
for tonight, i'm going to rebuild a bit more and then wait until a bit later to dye my hair. yesterday felt unproductive :\.
fell asleep again this morning. argh. and, i ate early, too, to prevent it. *shrug*.

the air quality is certainly suspect in these early crashes, but it's hard to tie together anything substantive. i'm happy it's nice and warm in here, anyways.

my drugs are now fully covered, which gives me an extra $85/month, which i may very well spend on rent. it expands the scope of what's available, anyways.

i got a hold of somebody about a non-smoking apartment, but it's available for june 1st. if i break the lease, i won't get my last month's back, so i'd be breaking it for july 1st, as of right now (and not paying june). and, after june 1st, it's going to be rigid for august (meaning i won't pay july). i'll need to wait until the next showing.

and, i've decided, for that reason, i should wait until next week to make any more calls. i don't want to be tempted, and after i pay june's rent there's no longer a choice.

that means i'll need to find something over the weeks of june.

still need to call a dentist...
also: when i was a child, i never cried.

not that i remember, it's what my mom said.

i was apparently highly non-vocal all around, but just started talking in full, flowing sentences one day, out of the blue. it was apparently concluded by some doctors that i had decided against speaking. i just didn't want to talk.

was i an existentialist as a toddler? was life already so absurd, that there wasn't any point in speaking? did i realize that nothing good comes out of arguing, so i'm better off being quiet?

in hindsight, i don't think this is far from the truth. i might suggest that what was happening was actually a lack of emotion, and reflective of a personality disorder; i was a little sociopath, really. aren't all toddlers sociopaths? not in an introverted sense, like this.

she says it was clear that i understood her, but i just refused to actually respond. until i did, one day. and instantly converted myself from a borderline autism case into a highly precocious gifted gift.

fine lines.
if there was ever any truth to the historical idea that blacks lean furthest left, the importance of this today lies in the reason that they were targeted by this form of conditioning.
what i think is that hip-hop is the absolute pinnacle of gramscian hetero-patriarchal conditioning, using quasi-scientific methods, and that the effectiveness of this strategy is clear from the empirical results: the target audience is a perfect representation of the status quo. it's not just kanye west.

your hip-hop records are just corporate brainwashing, intended to teach you to love capitalism and the systems of control that uphold it.
there still hasn't been any scientific polling released since the weekend.

and, no - it's not the case that you can argue that the unscientific polls are convincing if they're consistent with themselves. fallacy.

i'm not arguing that the unscientific polling is necessarily wrong; it might be correct, by coincidence. or, it's trajectory might be continuing evidence of the argument i presented previously - that the media is trying to split the vote.

i'll need to consult some scientific polling before i can present an analysis of this.
my teeth.

if you're curious.

i have never had a cavity, and rarely go to the dentist. i have all of my teeth, still. in fact, i have some crowding in the back - a few extra.

it was now quite a while ago that i went to the dentist for the first time in years, and what he did was fill in a couple of gaps with some kind of cement. i can't remember what the procedure was called, but he literally just drew it in.

since then, i've drank a lot of coffee, and picked up some stains on the cement in my mouth. it's not the prettiest thing, but it's just cosmetic.

i never made it to the follow-up, because i moved to windsor from ottawa. and i was waiting to quit smoking before i booked another appointment. and then after i quit i just never got around to it.

i'm going to have my phone open this morning. and i'm going to try and book an appointment.

i repeat: it's coffee stains. it's cosmetic. i'm going to guess they'll paint over them; my teeth are, in fact, actually flawless.
i want to be clear though.

when you kill a fly (and i'm actually fairly good at catching them with my bare hands), there is a fly carcass that you then need to retrieve and flush.

but, when you kill a moth, it often vanishes into some alternate dimension - because it's just water.

i've pulled two of these things out of my hair tonight and they're just water. no carcass. just kersplat. but they're like two-three times the size of a house fly.

if they were may flies, i'd be getting swarmed, right? or there would be a swarm outside. there's not.


i'm a big girl.

if i know what it is, if i understand it, i can think it through and work it out and know it's nothing. just a fucking fly. right. doesn't bite. not harmful.

it's when you don't know what it is that it's kind of gross and creepy and unsettling.

i was thinking "nymph" because it didn't have that classic angular may fly look. but, i've seen some pictures now of young hatches that look fairly similar to the nymphs.

i'm sticking with the mayflies for now.

still like to get one unsquished, though.
the only bugs i'm used to having squish that thoroughly are sow bugs and moths.

wonder if they're a phase of moth i haven't seen.


that can't be right; they're aquatic in that phase.

hrmmn. not certain what these bugs are, then. they fly, land in your hair, are about 2-3 cm long and are squished into water on quite minimal force.

i haven't see any roaches in here since december, but the ones i saw were climbing species and i'm wondering if it's humid enough for them to fly....which would be creepy...

they could be very small mayflies? ugh. i've killed two tonight, but, like i say, they just squished into water on immediate contact - i'll have to see if i can get one in a good enough condition to study.
you know, they don't have mayflies in ottawa.

that's two, tonight. i guess they came in the window...they just fall right on you...

i remember seeing them last year when i biked out to tecumseh to see a neurologist. just swarms of them all over the store....first time i'd seen one, creeped me out...

i just hate getting bugs in my hair. ick. and it's nice to knoiw what they actually are.

i think they're mayflies, anyways. the nymphs...
see, when you understand the futility of existence, you realize that it's not possible to avoid wasting your time.

all time is wasted.

the question is whether you enjoyed wasting it or not.
i'm still waiting for some scientific polling to come out after the long weekend.