Thursday, May 24, 2018

my teeth.

if you're curious.

i have never had a cavity, and rarely go to the dentist. i have all of my teeth, still. in fact, i have some crowding in the back - a few extra.

it was now quite a while ago that i went to the dentist for the first time in years, and what he did was fill in a couple of gaps with some kind of cement. i can't remember what the procedure was called, but he literally just drew it in.

since then, i've drank a lot of coffee, and picked up some stains on the cement in my mouth. it's not the prettiest thing, but it's just cosmetic.

i never made it to the follow-up, because i moved to windsor from ottawa. and i was waiting to quit smoking before i booked another appointment. and then after i quit i just never got around to it.

i'm going to have my phone open this morning. and i'm going to try and book an appointment.

i repeat: it's coffee stains. it's cosmetic. i'm going to guess they'll paint over them; my teeth are, in fact, actually flawless.