Tuesday, February 14, 2017

it was kind of hard to miss.

but it was equally obvious that justin wasn't having nothing of it. nope. no way.

the guy is actually obviously kind of used to this. there's curious pictures and video footage of him with a wide assortment of female politicians in canada, of all three parties. basically, every time he meets a woman face to face, he has to deal with this. what a burden, right?

you can tell that he's at least acknowledging it when he falls into this "not looking at you, thinking of sophie" routine, which involves avoiding eye contact and speaking to the other half of the room.
it's funny how this blew up days after reports - no doubt leaked by he, himself - came out that he couldn't answer a set of 3 am questions from trump about the strength of the dollar.

some advisor, right?

i don't mind if he fires some of these guys. but, who is next on the list, though?
