Wednesday, March 25, 2020

i don't know what's really going on.

but i have a bad feeling about it.

and, i suspect we might have to end this by standing up for our rights in a way we've only experienced in history books and films.
you're stuck inside.

you want to read something?

read the handmaid's tale first. i don't know if the tv show is any good, but the book is eerily relevant.
i need to eat, and then i need to fight back the anger and depression and hate and try to focus on bandaiding up this laptop as best as i can.
trying to lock down the whole world to save the weakest 0.05% was fucking stupid.

and, if you thought it was going to work, you're a fucking idiot.
the governments are going to blame it on the people for refusing to react. but, this is disingenuous, and deflective - they need to take responsibility for a failure in policy.

it's not up to the people to do what the government tells them, it's up to the government to interpret reality correctly and act intelligently to protect the people that need it.

but, we will probably learn all of the wrong lessons, and we will probably make the same mistakes again.

if they die nice and quickly, this needless economic mess should at least become an opportunity, for some. if it drags on, that won't happen.

welcome to collectivism, kids - the system where we all suffer equally, for the benefit of the weakest in the herd.
due to the tactic they've chosen, this isn't going to be over in the summer - unless we revolt.

if we stay quiet and do what we're told, it might not be over until the end of next summer.
the tactic that they've taken is going to drag this on for months. the only conceivable exit strategy is to wait for a vaccine, which will be ready in mid 2021 if we're all lucky.

so, you should probably plan around things like the 20201/2021 school year being outright cancelled.

....unless they just die quickly, so we can all move on.
so, i'm officially bored with this virus, now. 

governments across the board did everything wrong - when they should have been focusing on protecting the weak, and letting immunity build in the general population, they instead tried to turn the issue into some kind of stupid exercise in empty solidarity.

in the process, they've ruined the economy for no reason - these actions were not useful, and we're going to watch all of these old people die, reardless of how many bars we close.

now, the best we can hope for is that the weak, fat, old and stupid die quickly so the rest of us we can get on with life asap.
i'm going to be keeping usage down until i figure this out, so i'm turning this chromebook off for the night, until after midnight.
i wish i could break down the stats hourly, but teksavvy only gives you one number at the end of the day.

how can i log this? i don't know.

i know that all data through the connection should go through the router.

i connected for a few hours this morning and sent a few emails and made a few calls. i might have used 100 mb of bandwidth. max. it was probably closer to 20.

i then turned off the router, but left the modem on. we already know i'm getting bandwidth with the modem off. does it get worse if i leave the modem on, disconnected?

i turned it back on at 17:18, and my router oddly logs packets rather than bytes so i need to make a rough calculation. i just rebooted it at 17:45 to correct the clock for dst, so it's restarted again. but, there were about 30,000 packets over that roughly half hour of basically doing nothing, indicating about 60,000 packets are streaming in when it's idle.

the maximum packet size in tcp/ip is 65K, but i'm transferring over ethernet so whatever packets means, here, is much smaller. i don't know how to ask the router what packet size it's using. it's probably less than 2 K. so, a max calculation would be:

(60,000 p)*(2 kb/p)*(1 mb/1024k) ~ 120 mb/hr when it's idle, or very mild surfing.

120*24 < 3 gb. as can be seen from my stats, that is still a lot for me.

i just reset it again. so, we'll determine what the bandwidth from 18:00-00:00 is, and then start fresh tomorrow.

i'll need to spend the night experimenting with certain things in the image, mostly stopping files from loading and disabling hidden drivers.

there is one way to salvage the situation - maybe the server is a day behind. if that is true, i should expect it to come in at 0 tonight.
so, i'm going to get back to doing surgery on my laptop.

what do i do?

i don't want to open it up.

there's a large number of system files that i basically just want to delete, in order to wipe out the backdoor, but i'm going to need to try a few things, slowly, first.

i was doing well this morning in clearing it out, but i made a mistake in shutting down an svchost to clear out some authentication software. it didn't recover, and i'll have to reimage.

that may have been overkill. but, i'm going to see what happens when i try to boot with the file deleted.

we're going to do this on the pc, where concerns about backdoors are minimal.

i'd rather be doing something else, but, as we can see, i'm dealing with an escalation, here.

i may take the hard drive with me next time i go shopping.
when i've broadcast concerns, in the past, about trudeau having an authoritarian streak, i wasn't concerned about the power of the purse.

i think i've been clear that i support government spending in the best of times.
i've also received some further clarification that the divisional court in toronto is for real closed - that there is nobody in the office, phones aren't being answered, etc. it's closed, closed, closed.


i have to ultimately get the judge to look at the evidence, and i don't think he actually did. it feels more like they're trying to make some kind of sophomoric point about consent - as though human rights legislation doesn't exist, and all of these clauses about filing without notice aren't meaningful.

consent is a nice idea, but it's not what our laws are written around, and i would not agree with you if you were to argue that it should be. i can come up with a thousand examples where insisting on consent is unjust, or even doesn't make any sense.

i'm suing the police for harassment - it's not a situation where consent motions are reasonable, it's a situation where i want to prosecute them as aggressively as i can. we're not in a cooperative relationship; they are my opponents, and the trial that follows will be adversarial in nature, through as many appeals as is necessary. there is no compromise at the end of this, the court must rule, and somebody will be wrong when they do. it's a civil case, but it's a rule of law issue, and the ultimate outcome i'm seeking is that charges be filed against the officer.

so, i filed a motion under 38.0.6. you can look it up. it's very specific. it doesn't require notice, and it doesn't stipulate the need for consent. it's the staff that fucked this up; all evidence suggests that the judge never saw the motion. but, the ruling is essentially that i file under s. 37 instead of s. 38, which is just sort of blatantly stupid. so, what i'm going to need to do is file a motion under s. 37 to ask the judge to comment on the validity of s. 38. and, we can do this with notice, if we wish to waste everybody's time - but, in the end, we will need to file this properly under s. 38 like i did in the first place, or not file it at all. but, if the judge won't accept the validity of s. 38.0.6 - a rule in the book - i think he has the burden of proof to explain why not. so, i'll give him some slack on his bad legal judgement because i don't think he saw the motion, but i have filed a complaint with the cjc (which has been received and is under review) for refusing to look at the data. and, we'll see what they say about that - and whether i have grounds for appeal to the divisional court, if it justifies it. if this drags on, that might be the best way to get a new the least, he's going to have to excuse himself, due to a conflict of interest, for right now.

i also filed for leave under rule 61, which asked for the consent of the court, which was required to file a document that has no specific place in the rules; there is no set of rules to follow regarding how to file a reply factum. the court instructed me to ask the parties for consent, but the issue at law is if the court consents, and not if the other parties do - the court can decide i can file if i get consent, if it wishes to evade the issue, but it doesn't change the nature of what the actual legal question here, is. and, as mentioned, it comes off as kind of sophomoric and childish.

worse is that i can get all the consent in the world, and it won't matter, because i can't legally consent, myself - i will need to present the issue to the judge and have them rule on the matter, regardless, because i am legally disabled. my consent is irrelevant, in context.

so, the immediate issue in front of the judge when this issue comes back is to have the court acknowledge that i cannot sign the legal consent form required to file a consent motion, and will need to put any and all such issues in front of a judge, to rule, due to my legally disabled status.

as mentioned repeatedly, the weak link here is the coordinator, who keeps filing everything incorrectly. i am entirely confident that i filed both of these motions correctly, but i can't do the coordinator's job for her, and if she's going to misrepresent or falsify motions then i just need to gather the evidence for the judge. this will eventually come out right, in the end.

right now, it's looking like my hearing will need to be rescheduled, and my bus ticket won't get refunded. i'd be happy to exchange it. so, i'm going to ask about extraneous conditions.

but, if i'm stuck with the ticket, i'd might as well go in with as many motions as i need to get this fixed - and i'm a lot harder to misrepresent when i'm standing in front of you.
i need to state again that the numbers in south korea - which spiked due to a religious ceremony, and then fell once that particular issue was under control - are not as good as some news reports are suggesting.

it's perhaps taken a little longer than might be expected, but the numbers are stubbornly trending higher.

if that one short-term outbreak hadn't happened, which was easy to contain, they would really look just about the same as anywhere else - just shifted a little.

it's when it starts spreading undetected that it gets hard, and that's what looks to be setting hold.

again: these tactics should fail. 
for the moment, turning the modem off doesn't accomplish anything....
i don't know if you're even in town or not, and i'm not going to write a long email, but i'm going to give you an opportunity to explain the situation.

i noticed the other day that my internet usage had gone up dramatically starting on the morning of the 13th, which was a friday. the first picture is me realizing this:

my internet usage is extremely low, because i just spend a lot of time typing, or reading the news. i don't have a cell phone. and, i'm not exaggerating when i say i haven't watched a movie or a tv show in 20 years (the last tv show i watched regularly was the xfiles when it was still on fox, and i think the last film i saw was the first lord of the rings). when i stream, it's low quality educational videos or news reports at 240 p on youtube, because my computer is too old to handle anything more than that.

so, these are tremendous spikes.

my usage is generally around 20 gb or so. february was mildly atypical and got me all the way up to 40, still much lower, but i'm going to show you january and december for examples of more typical usage:

so, i somehow downloaded more on sunday than i do in an average month.

the next thing that i checked was my hydro. is that unusually high too, all of a sudden? it's not. but, i did notice something unusual on the morning of march 13th, when the increase in usage developed:

you'll notice there was a peak around 2:00-3:00 am. i was in detroit at the time. if there was a rise in electrical when i was in a different country (something i could prove by accessing my nexus records, which indicate that i entered the united states around 7:00 on thursday night and came back at about 8:00 on friday morning), it would mean somebody must have entered the unit.

so, i have at this point put together a strong hypothesis that somebody came in here and essentially spliced the lines. how can i test this? one way would be turn the modem off, and see if can cut usage to 0.

so, i turned my modem off around 11:30 on the night of the 23rd and didn't turn it back on again until this morning. that should man my data use for the calendar date of the 24th would be exactly 0. however, i checked it when i logged in and this is what i found:

so, somehow, i used over 9 gb of total bandwidth - even though the modem was turned off.

this would indicate that somebody has installed something to my line in parallel, and for what reason or purpose i do not know. but, i have contacted my isp, and i'll need to get a tech out here to look at it.

if you can explain what happened, maybe we can skip the tech - or maybe we can make the process easier when the tech arrives, by already knowing what happened.

on first glance, it would appear as though you're just stealing my internet. but, i'm led back to thoughts about law enforcement, and left wondering what is actually going on.

the other option would be that maybe you made a mistake and put the wrong lines together (i know that mess of lines is a mess), but i would need it corrected relatively fast.

see, everything else aside, i only have a 200 gb limit on my account, on what is a $25/month internet fee. it would take a long time to download that much at 6 mbit/s, too - which is my max speed (about 100 kb/s). at an average of 9 gb/day being siphoned, 9*30=270. that is way more than my limit of 200 gb, before i even use it myself. maybe somebody thought that this wouldn't be that much and i wouldn't even notice, but the actual reality is that this is an up to 50x increase on my normal usage of less than 1 gb/day. i'm glad i caught it, because i otherwise would have ended up with an expensive bill that i can't afford to pay.

and, you know, i could have even been willing to sell you 100 gb/month for a small rent reduction - which clearly isn't enough. 

but, as of right now, there is a tech coming, and if something has been spliced, we're going to find it. if you can provide any information upfront, it could save us some time. 
for reference:

regarding the laptop...

i'm convinced somebody unscrewed it and installed a chip on the board. it's loose in places that indicate somebody took it apart. and, i'm noticing all kinds of files are running again that i thought had been deleted.

so, i'm back to square one on that.

as for the chromebook, it is powerwashed, and you can't do much better than that if you want to wipe something.

so, it's going to be a few more days before i can get back to work, unfortunately.
so, we've got a mess here, it turns out.

i turned my modem off around 11:30 or so last night - more than enough time to ensure that nothing would carry over. and, i turned it back on again around 4:30 this morning, more than enough time to make sure i didn't jump the gun. and, this is what happened:

so, even with the modem off, i have 9 gb of transfer.

the modem is physically turned off.

the only possible explanation is a spliced line. so, i'm going to have to call them to get a tech in here.

and, i'm going to send the landlord an email to ask him to fess up.