Wednesday, July 27, 2016

if you were to sit down and press hillary on the era, she'd sound a lot like phyllis schlafly.

j reacts to fat shaming as an anarchist social control mechanism

fwiw, i have no problem with fat shaming. in fact, i encourage it. again: i'm an anarchist, i'm not a christian progressive. fat shaming is an example of what anarchists refer to as informal social control mechanisms. it's what we promote as replacements for state institutions. and, there's a giant level of inherent statism in erecting all these things that require policing, but are really just a lot of bourgeois fantasies and nonsense upon stilts.



i think this whole idea of comparing categories is absurd to begin with, because i don't like putting people in categories. but, being gay and being black are similar in at least one way - it doesn't harm anybody. i think we can all agree that we can't really change our skin colour (without an extreme expense). can we change our orientation? i don't particularly care if we can or not. it's the question of harm that's important.

that's standard liberalism. but, the harm principle is also very important to anarchists. there's a big point of agreement there. if you're getting bogged down in the question of choice, you're exiting liberalism and aligning with....see, there's those christian progressives again. with homosexuality, though, the harm issue is at the center of academic liberalism. it's in some ways the actual defining issue - because it's so prominent in mill.

so, what about being fat? is that a choice? probably, but who cares. the important issue to me - both as an anarchist and as a liberal - is whether it produces harm. this is a complex point, but there are a few things to think about. food scarcity. is that really an issue? well, the issue has more to do with distribution - or at least it does here. my bigger concern is health care, which is in fact scarce. when you take poor care of yourself, you do consequently harm others by wasting resources that are being inefficiently distributed. it follows that society has a valid mandate to fat shame you.

the people that call themselves liberals nowadays want to talk about individual rights theory, while ignoring the more important questions of social harm. i don't pretend i'm a liberal to start with. i'm a socialist. it's obvious how this makes sense to me. but, "liberals" have lost the plot if they think we all have the right to waste resources for no good reason.

this kind of thinking isn't actually really christian, either. it's only christian on the most base, surface level. christianity was constructed in an economy where food scarcity was a real issue  - that's why gluttony is a sin.

it's more along the lines of what might be referred to as nihilism, this idea that we should just live in excess and tell everybody else to fuck off. it's utilitarianism, certainly - but basely so. satanism, perhaps, in the sense that it appeals to base, animal instincts. objectivism, in the sense of it upholding selfishness as a virtue.

but it's not a coherent liberal view (it causes social harm), a coherent socialist or anarchist view (it rejects distributive justice, if not in food then in health care) or even a coherent christian view (gluttony is sinful).


body temperature is 36-38 degrees celsius.

you're sweating at 25 degrees because you're unhealthy. i don't sweat at 25 degrees. i barely sweat at 30 degrees.

hypothermia sets in when your body goes below 35 degrees celsius. that's about 95 degrees farenheit.

we evolved in eastern africa, not siberia. we like it hot. if we're healthy...

ok, so i should have probably expected that i would have been a little distracted by the primaries, but this is the end of day three of aimlessness and i didn't want this at all.

i've moved my laptop back into my bedroom to re-establish a separation between play and labour. the dangerously obese, parasitic piece of shit upstairs will not relent on the air conditioner (which i'm paying for), so the heat is currently set to 31 degrees celsius - and i'm willing to increase it further. this has an effect on alertness, but it's better than living in a fucking fridge.

i still haven't heard back from the mri and it's still eating at me. but i'm at least a little more focused. i think.

i need to be a little bit more strict with myself because i want to finish what is in front of me by the end of the week so i can get all the between-things things done at the end of the month.

j reacts to the impossibility of feminine men within hierarchical heteropatriarchy

"so why don't you just be a girly dude."

i just got that one. again. the reason is that you can't actually live that way.

i'll just show up to work in a skirt, right? ok, maybe that's not as out there as it was even a few years ago. here's another example that cuts a lot deeper: women just don't ask guys out.

so, why don't i show initiative? why don't i take control? why don't i be a man about it?.

whatever the answers to those questions, i think it gets the point across: you can't just be a girly dude. i think it's a lot easier to be a masculine female. you may even get a little privilege out of it. but, the premise you're throwing at me just really isn't actually feasible, and i don't think that you need to be queer to be cognizant of it.

do you know what would have actually happened had i shown up to work at microsoft in a skirt?

they'd have sent me to hr, and off to a psychiatric assessment - where i would have been given hormones, and probably the option to go on leave for a few months. i may have even been transferred.

...because it was fucking microsoft.

in canada.

it would have been a little different at a mcdonalds in dallas.

but, you get the point. it's not a real option.

j reacts to the predictability of hillary clinton's campaign strategy

if you were to play a game of chess with hillary, she would mimic your every move until the clock runs out. absolutely predictable. so, beating her is easy: you predict that and adjust.

she may be surprisingly easy to trick into shooting herself in the foot.

dude, you gotta lay off the cheese, or something. you sound constipated as fuck.


Commented on LeafyIsHere's Discussion tab
i don't think they should ban this kid, i just think they should send his revenue to the creators of south park.

the only thing i find offensive about him is his lack of individuality & deficit of critical thinking skills.

what would be better is if he did all his videos dressed up like a sheep.

this kid doesn't smoke, either. that's bullshit. "sheepy" fits a lot better.

it's just a lot of ideas that have been put in his head with cartoons, memes and viral social media.

the sad part is that people look to him for some kind of wisdom. dude. he's a fifteen year-old kid repeating the media he was brainwashed with...

when he grows up and becomes his own person, he's going to look back at this and cringe.

j reacts to the surreal truth that trump comes off as a dove when compared to clinton

“I’m not going to tell Putin what to do,” Mr. Trump said. “Why should I tell Putin what to do?”

i'm sorry. but, i like this a lot better than clinton's belligerence.

it wouldn't convince me to back trump, or vote for him or whatever else. but, the more this narrative unfolds, the less urgent stopping him seems and the more appealing the green party becomes.

i'm not giving him any credit, either. i'm blaming the clinton campaign. why is she running on such a violent foreign policy?

j reacts to "online polling".

online polling, panel polling and all other types of polling that are not random are simply propaganda. polls of this type are designed to influence popular opinion, not to measure it, and should neither be reported on nor aggregated.

put another way, this is not actually polling at all.

that said, we may have just experienced the media's expected to shift to trump.

it's just disingenuous to expect sanders supporters to concede that the difference between trump and clinton is that great. all the language thrown around treats it as an assumption - or something so obvious that it doesn't need to be demonstrated. the basis of the push back is just simply that the case has not been made. hillary supporters are going to have to actually make that case: they are going to have to convince these people that hilllary is measurably better than trump.

it's not obvious. and you do have to make that argument.

j reacts to continuing democratic party frustration with the left

it's just disingenuous to expect sanders supporters to concede that the difference between trump and clinton is that great. all the language thrown around treats it as an assumption - or something so obvious that it doesn't need to be demonstrated. the basis of the push back is just simply that the case has not been made. hillary supporters are going to have to actually make that case: they are going to have to convince these people that hilllary is measurably better than trump.

it's not obvious. and you do have to make that argument.

see, here's the twist: i don't think it's actually true. trump is absolutely terrible. hillary is in some ways even worse, because she's more calculated.

i have no problem spinning the language around: how can you look your grandkids in the eye and tell them you voted for hillary clinton? i couldn't.

the facts are not on bernie’s side. i don't want to pretend that i don't understand his perspective, but he's just not correct.

like, what is it. you want to vote for clinton on climate change? on immigration policy? on foreign policy? how is she better at any point along the way? i'm not even sure she supports stimulus spending, which is the one place she might be a little bit better. and, she wants to run on everything except the economy.

you have to actually have this debate, if you want to convince people. and, good luck to you.

the current approach - "have faith in the party" - is going to get the reaction it deserves.

26-07-2016: having difficulty focusing on inri013

tracks worked on in this vlog:

i think that a big part of the reason that i'm floaty is the mri. it's some kind of repressed anxiety. even when i'm not explicitly thinking about it....

we'll have to see what it says. but, i guess the next thing to check is my jaw, if my ear comes back clean. but, i'm kind of still convinced there's something in there. it sure feels like it...

the other big thing i'm concerned about is if it comes back with lesions. i'm actually becoming more and more convinced that it's lyme disease. i had said i would get that checked last month, but i decided i should wait for the mri, first. short of finding a giant tumour in my eustachian tube, that's almost certainly going to be the next thing i check.

you can imagine it's a little distracting. so, cut me some slack for a few days, here.