Friday, May 19, 2017

every time i stand in line at a grocery store, or some other place with music playing, i become convinced that the worst part about living through 8 years of trump/pence is going to be 8 more years of 80s radio pop.

why can't we get rid of this shit? we've tried over and over again to burn it, behead it and bury it but it keeps fucking coming back.

it's 2017. there is absolutely no reason why i should be subjected to bonnie raitt. all i wanted was a kiwi...
"because life's not about just doing whatever makes you happy."


i think it kind of is, actually. i mean, what else do you propose that life is about?
do you enjoy getting up and going to work every day?

if not, then why do you wish misery upon others? see, you can call me names if you'd like, but i think that makes you small-minded and vindictive and petty - and ultimately flatly pathetic.

here's an idea: instead of demanding everybody be as miserable as you've made yourself, why don't you seek to emancipate yourself?

it's your choice. but, i'd request that you keep your misery to yourself. i'm not having any of it, and don't feel any empathy towards your condition, if you just get up everyday and take it with a smile.
and, when is a pastry a coffee cup?

(i'm sorry.)
when is a pastry a donut, and when is it not?
it follows that the canadian dollar is undervalued.
i have conflicting interests with the exchange rate...

personally, because i'm right on the border and party in detroit on a fixed income, i want a higher canadian dollar. my direct personal interest is in parity.

but, i recognize that the economic strength of the region i live in depends on a lower dollar - and also that the economic strength of the country over all demands a higher one.

i'm really pulled in a lot of directions.

but, it seems to me that the canadian dollar is trying to climb. every time a new report is released, it is accompanied by international headlines declaring a higher dollar. but, then trump opens his mouth and the canadian dollar falls.

it's a pattern, but it has to break. so, i'm putting out a call: stop listening to trump. look at the data.
there is no space for religion in my revolution, and that is a firm position; if the currents wish to move in a different direction at this point where centrists are being pushed into opposition by a neo-liberal establishment, then i will have to keep my support withdrawn until the opposition realigns with a more traditional anti-hierarchical left.

and, i'll take a chance at sabotage when i can. you need to fight hierarchy wherever it exists, and all religion is hierarchy.

centrists will always exist (under capitalism). it's the left that needs to find itself, again, in this period of realignment.

there cannot be a pro-religious left. this issue was discussed at length in the nineteenth century, and is settled. a pro-religious left is never actually a left, but always a conservative movement in disguise. we see this with progressives, both historical and modern.

the longer you drag this religious baggage around, the longer we will endure capitalism for.

no, i don't think religious people are inferior or deserve less rights. i just don't like them, and refuse to stand in solidarity with them.
and, russophobia is a very old word.

i first ran across it in a history textbook that i nabbed from my dead step grandfather's shelf, it was written in the 30s or 40s, to describe nineteenth century british tory policy under disraeli.

the idea can be traced at least as far back as thomas paine, who realized that the british empire would collapse if it did not have a russian bogeyman to justify it's waste of resources on militarism. but, the fear of russian expansion goes back to genghis khan and even atilla the hun.
canada is a lot bigger than sweden, so there are deficits in the comparison. but, we should be looking towards the swedes, and perhaps the germans, for models in trying to exist between the united states and the russians, without being absorbed by either one.

geography may be destiny, but the geography is changing.

the arctic ocean is just a big baltic sea, now.
this is the first i've heard of the expansion to windsor, which may seem superfluous at first - until you realize that it becomes very easy to integrate into detroit, which has amtrak services running to chicago.

would i hop on the train to toronto to see a show? it's about 330 km, according to google. the train will run between 250 km/h to 300 km/h, but it will also need to stop a few times. i could conceivably get to toronto on the train about as quickly as i can get to ferndale on the bus.

i guess the change, for me, would be that it would open up the possibility of going to toronto without having to stay the night. but, i would expect it to be kind of expensive, too.

it's years away, still...
if your goal is to isolate human rights abusers, then doing so by going after russia - rather than israel or the saudis or the united states - is flatly farcical.

you can't take this seriously. it's just a propaganda smear.

the truth is that this woman is a deep russophobe and that that should have disqualified her from cabinet. her job's prerogative is to advance canada's interests, not to advance the interests of the democratic party in the united states.

and, the reality is that this is very short-sighted. it doesn't take a lot of vision to realize that a warming arctic is going to require canada to develop closer ties with the russians, and that attacking them is acting against the country's self-interest - and in the self-interest of american capital.

freeland should resign her post (under necessary pressure) and move back to the united states. and, i'm not being trite about this. this policy position is so pro-american, and so against canada's long term strategic interests, that it's not outlandish to suggest it's a type of treason.

she's made it very clear who she's working for.