Monday, March 1, 2021

fuck, let's start a new party made up solely of people on disability, and overturn the entire legislature, then all get pensions out of it.


again: that's called justice.
i could always move home and fucking unseat the bitch, then take the pension.

so, i have to gamble here.

if i take the money, i'll have to get off disability, and that will force me into the real world - which means suing my stepmother and probably my sister. one thing i've learned doing this is that time limitations don't mean much in court, in real life - but i already knew that. if there's no further sources at the end of it, i dry up. so, i'll need to finish everything in the finite space and just die when it runs out.

if i don't take the money, i'm gambling that disability might get cancelled, which will have the result of getting thrown out on the street almost immediately. but, if it doesn't, i'm probably ok until i die.

i don't want to live in a market economy and would rather take the check and not have to worry about it. i'm lucky - i found an escape, and argued my way into it. but, what if they take it away?
the thing is that doug ford (and, specifically, this psychopath representing barrhaven, which i grew up smoking drugs all over, named lisa mcleod) has said some very concerning things regarding......

eliminating disability.

like, we're not talking about slashes. we're talking about completely doing away with it. and, this is a big part of why i'm doing all of this.

if i win this settlement - or the larger one at the hospital - i'm going to all of a sudden have no choice but to look into my father's finances and potentially sue my sister. i wanted to avoid that. like, i just got up and left - i just wanted out, immediately, at all costs. but, the perception was that the upper limit of what i could actually gain from this would pale in comparison to a stable odsp check. i was actually better off just bolting. but, if the check is evaporating, or i'm otherwise forced off of it...

now, that being said, it doesn't seem like they're actually doing any of this. this woman was shuffled into a less powerful role, and that doesn't seem like a reasonable thing to do in a pandemic. but, if they win another majority...

we've all no doubt forgotten it, but this is a government that was elected on a staunchly fiscally conservative platform and a party that has a history of radical cuts to everything. it's not outside of the realm of plausibility, if they're allowed to sit in office for too long.
i was supposed to take the money the karen sends me and give it to the bank. and, i claim that is justice.

but, if the student loan is cancelled - and we'll see what happens next week - then what happens if i get a $100,000 settlement?

my income, according to the return i just filed, is a hair under $15,000. at 1.5% interest, which is more than i get now, i'd need a balance of a million dollars to do better than that, if the intent is to live off the interest.

as it is, $100,000 is probably good for 5-6 years. realistically...

and, then what? then i'm broke, and can't get on to disability. well, unless i can find some way to sell my fucking art. right?


i welcome the debt cancellation, if it happened, but i worry it might be a poison pill.
my canada student loan has also disappeared from the list of debts. did it get cancelled?

that was the big one - almost $100,000 and just piling up interest.

the ontario portion of the student loan is still there, but it's much smaller.
i keep logging into the cra site to unchange my address change. they "corrected" my address in such a way as to produce an incorrect postal code. so, i want to change it back and can't because the servers have been down for a week...

but, it seems like i have a $300 carbon tax rebate in transfer.

maybe my letter writing worked after all; maybe they changed it. we'll see soon enough - the date is the 8th, which is next monday. if it goes through, great.
do you think the jews want another failed state on their border?
so, am i more aligned with trump than biden on syria?

i need to be clear that neither option is very good.

but, yeah - trump is looking more and more like a lesser evil.
and, the fake left media will blame it on the jews.

following chomsky, i used to argue the opposite point, but the evidence in front of me has pulled the rug out from underneath me.

we are the lapdogs of the saudis.

we do what they pay us to do.

and, we don't even ask a lot of questions about it.

and, this is why i could not support biden - it took less than three months to get there.

if they win in syria, is iran next? maybe. but, the saudis are probably more focused on africa, because those are conquests they can actually win.
it is not surprising that biden is bombing syria, and i need to be clear that i supported and still support eliminating isis, but did not and do not support attacking assad. so, i am opposed to this action. staunchly.

in iraq, you had to rely on analysts to understand what was going to happen, but it was hardly ambiguous.

in syria, you can see what's happening in front of your eyes - we are supporting islamic extremists, in their attempt to topple a flawed but secular state.

so, it is not just predictable that iraq will follow in the same footsteps as iraq should the baathist regime there fall as well, but it is actually the intent - because the bankers pulling the strings are the theocracy in saudi arabia, and this is what they actually want, to reduce syria to a backwards, islamic theocracy.
i have about as much time for debunking christianity as i do for disproving the easter bunny.

it's just too dumb to bother with.
i'm still cleaning...

so, i haven't been doing much on here besides triggering playlists. i stopped to watch a bertrand russell video while eating pasta last night, and didn't have much to say about it. 

i guess that being a christian in 2021 is a little different than being one in 1927, so if he's to preface his analysis with a rejection of medieval dogma, i'd have to reverse the logic of it - the most dominant form of religion nowadays is a sort of deist syncretism, so if you're to be insistent that you're actually a christian, chances are you're adhering to some sort of creed. there are of course also the nationalists that attach christianity to some kind of white identity, but i'd actually argue that that's even wrong - the ideals they're upholding were largely extant in direct opposition to the imperial domination that christianity spread itself with. to claim you're european ought to mean you're in opposition to middle eastern systems of religion, like christianity, and in support of the political anarchy and master morality inherent in pagan european cultures, including those of early greece and rome.

so, if you're a christian in 2021 it's because you actually believe it, and i'm willing to dispense with much of any discourse on the topic - it's just a bunch of obvious bullshit, and you'd have to be an infantile buffoon to take it seriously at this stage in history. like, to even begin to contemplate it, you'd have to be a complete idiot.

somebody died to...what...? get out of here, you moron...

so, the reason i'm not a christian in 2021 is really the most simple one possible - christianity is daftly stupid. to it's core. and, there is no way to save it or any value in trying, or any worth in condemning it. it's so utterly nonsensical that it's not even worth the time debunking.

if you need something a little more than that, you can listen to bert speak, though.

hey, can i call you bert? no? fuck you, then.

see, here, he cites hannah arendt in his argument that the regime in iraq is "evil". is this a neo-con argument?

he was wrong.

but, few people understood him or can really, to this day, explain why he was wrong.