Monday, January 6, 2020


so, that database error file in the catroot seems to be timestamped at the same time as that weird file in my cache, almost (almost.) suggesting that one is triggering the other.

i blocked the path they were using to drop updates in firefox, but then noticed different phantom directories showing up, instead.

again: the persistence is hard to explain in terms of random attacks. i'm disabled. do you know how much is in my account right now? less than $200. i have no access to credit. so, there's going to be some disappointed hacker in india if he gets in, let me tell you.

it doesn't make any sense. he'd have given up by now, i'm sure.

this has to be law enforcement...

...or a very sad, very pathetic little boy.
....and that is the reality for a lot of people right now, and has been since the police were invented.

which was fairly recently, actually.

we've spent most of our existence, as a species, without the need for a police force. the anarchist argument is that the current use of policing is an anomaly, that we don't need them and that we'll get rid of them once we have the courage and unity to rise up and throw them off of us.


i don't know. now? 
i don't need the police to protect me from the bad guys.

i need somebody to protect me from the police.
the police are not good people. they're screened for low intelligence, and the job requires a bully mentality.

you'd have to be severely mentally deranged to want to walk around with a gun and tell people what to do. like, these people weren't abducted and trained against their will. they walk around with guns....try to process that, it's insane.

they don't exist to "serve and protect", either. they're not out there for you and me and your friends.

the police exist for the sole and singular purpose of protecting the rights of property owners, that's what they do. that's what they've always done. and, because they're hired muscle, goons, thugs, they get into all kinds of trouble, all of the time.

the reason i'm under surveillance is that i'm an anarchist. but, the surveillance is just demonstrating my point.
so, i took the clean drive out of the pc and put it into the laptop because the electrical usage is lower, but forgot to plug the video card in before it posted. so, i had to put it back into the pc to get past the nag screen (i can't see it on the laptop. the lamp is burnt out.) and i noticed the squiggly file, which passes every scan but seems to act like a trojan, was back again. further, the kill & restart mutants were back. i think that figuring out what these are is key to understanding the reboots.

so, i booted back into xp and deleted it from the xp install, and came back up in 7 to find it was gone, but the kill & restart mutants were back. hrmmn. did the clsid create the mutants? is that a coincidence?

i rebooted again to find the clsid there again.

worms tend to be able to do stuff like this, recreate themselves from their own fragments. but, what happened?

i guess there's two possibilities:

1) this is normal. but, i can't figure out what the files are. if it's normal, it's pretty weird.
2) i picked the file back up from the bios in the laptop.

if the latter, i might have infected the pc with it.

if i have a virus (government or private sector, but this looks like it's government - and this all started when i put the rcmp disc in my computer, remember) in this laptop bios, i suspect i'll need to fix the lamp before i can flash it. i know how to flash a bios; i don't know how to flash a bios if i can't see the bios screen. and, it's making me wonder. as always, the lamp burned out when i was gone.

but, for right now, i just don't know, and i'll need to do another fresh reinstall before i do. so, i'm not going to worry too much about this for right now, i'm going to just work out some loose ends and get myself back online within a few hours.

again: my cyberstalker is persistent, it is true, but this is just a stupid waste of everybody's time. i should be back into my email well before the morning.
i haven't slept yet, really.

i got out of the shower a few hours ago, took the machine out of hibernation, rebooted and hoped that i'd get most of this done before the sun came up.

instead, i got that annoying rpcremote error which keeps coming back after a few hard restarts. i did point out a few, but wasn't convinced it was another attack because the only other thing i saw running was that weird clsid that keeps coming back free of viruses.

i also noticed that my usb hub was knocked sideways and my cords were all tangled up, making me wonder if somebody wasn't down here when i was actually in the shower, which would be absolutely desperate and pathetic.

as it is, i never made it back on to the internet before i formatted - 10 passes this time - so if somebody actually came down here to patch something remotely, it didn't get them very far. it's no doubt gone, now.

after i reinstalled clean, i took a closer look at a few things and realized that the clsid i saw poking around actually wasn't there in the clean install, it was these other ones that were. and, i noticed that explorer didn't have some of the mutants loaded that i'd seen previously in the other install, including the shutdown and startup ones that i flagged while poking through last time.

i was able to completely delete this file once by changing the permissions on the cache folder, but then i got the lock screen again.

what i want to know is how to insert and remove mutants and semaphores from a running explorer. i have taken os classes. i do know what these things are. but, i haven't the slightest idea how to actually get in there and mess with them, and it looks like i'm going to have to figure it out.

as mentioned - i've run scans, and they come up blank, indicating that this is a sophisticated attacker. and, the broad scope of the scenario indicates as much, as well. this person, who i do suspect is my landlord, who i also suspect is a cop, and i'm sure is smoking a lot of drugs, is being very persistent.
well, do you think we should do what's in iran's self interest?

that would be useful of you, to them.

you idiot.
you're going to hear a lot of comparisons between iran and iraq and that's fine.

i'd rather see the contrasts.

for example, unlike iraq, iran has a popular opposition movement that could conceivably seize power.

iran is very young, and there is a very big generation gap regarding religion. if that was true in iraq, one suspects it was in the opposite direction.

these interventionist wars are a shitty way to do this, and i'm not advocating anything, but i could find myself biting my tongue.
listen: i don't want to start another war. but, i won't stand with the ayatollah, either - more so than i refused to stand with saddam.

at least saddam was a secularist.

i would like to support a secular insurgency in iran, which, unlike in other places, actually exists. i'm not naive, though...i know that american bombs are not likely to bring peace, so much as they are to bring chaos.

i've pointed out before that i do find this a little bit trickier than iraq. iraq was stupid. clearly. even if it's by accident, iran might actually work.

but, what is in canada's actual self-interest here?
you know, if bombing iran keeps the price of oil high...

canada has it's self-interests, you know.
.....and they have a profit motive.

what they don't seem to realize is that i can't inherit more than a few thousand dollars without going off disability anyways, and that i'd need to inherit millions to make going off of it worthwhile, which is not realistic.

so, i would turn down a check for $500,000.

i'm better off on odsp.

that's why i haven't been fighting this.
they are completely shameless, malicious, in-your-face, habitual, pathological liars.
i repeat: there is absolutely no scenario at all whatsoever where you should ever trust my mother or my sister for any reason at all.

i hope that the police are at least competent enough to figure that out, eventually, without the outside help that is no doubt coming.
broadly speaking, let it be clear - these people are both pathological liars.

they should not be trusted.


at all.
i've been clear enough that i don't have a lot of patience for conservative family values.

we'll see what the report says, first.

but, nobody should expect me to be lenient about this - if i'm right, they've been feeding lies to the police to get me locked up, and i will need to retaliate, legally, in self-defense.
would i send a woman with kids to jail?

well, i'm not a judge.

but, if i were, i'd be likely to make the argument that it's better to get the kids away from her before she harms them. and, in context, i think that's the right argument.
and, here comes the stench, right on schedule.

i don't understand this.
i took a short nap, but i'm still up. i'm at dec 21st and think it should move forward relatively quickly as these are mostly larger posts, left. that said, i still have about 50 file stamps to post to the music site.

i've learned that i need to reboot coming out of hibernation, which i think is a processor thing, but the computer has otherwise been stable. i think i've got this figured out.

i'm going to give them until tuesday morning before i start making calls, but this week should be important for the review as i should either get the documents i've been waiting for or be able to at least make my case that the delays are unreasonable.

and, the more i think about it, the more i'm convinced that the cops are actually hiding some deeper information, and the more i'm convinced that it's going to land my mother and/or sister in a lot of trouble. with some reflection, based on a number of overlapping events, i'm more and more convinced that this is what they're operating on. i think this is the reason they're pushing me to get a lawyer - they don't want to disclose.

but, they're going to have to disclose.

my mother actually has a long history of lying to the police for financial reasons, and i'd guess that her motive has to do with her own mother's inheritance, but this is a different circumstance altogether. the people she's fucked around with have been quick to forgive her.

i'd send her to jail as quickly as i could, and for as long as i could. i think she's long overdue for a lengthy sentence, for a lifetime of bad behaviour. and, if it's her oldest child that sends her away, there's really just something proper in it. people that are rotten to the core like her should really be put down by their own children.

i would have no more concern for my sister, who is just as terrible and dishonest of a person.

it is against the law to lie to the cops, but they'll need to take the situation into consideration. if i can charge one or both of them with filing a false report, i will do so, and push for the strictest possible sentence. the malice here suggests a danger to the public. but, we'll have to see how bad it is.

i'm getting the impression that it's pretty ridiculous.

for right now, i can only wait.