Monday, January 6, 2020

the police are not good people. they're screened for low intelligence, and the job requires a bully mentality.

you'd have to be severely mentally deranged to want to walk around with a gun and tell people what to do. like, these people weren't abducted and trained against their will. they walk around with guns....try to process that, it's insane.

they don't exist to "serve and protect", either. they're not out there for you and me and your friends.

the police exist for the sole and singular purpose of protecting the rights of property owners, that's what they do. that's what they've always done. and, because they're hired muscle, goons, thugs, they get into all kinds of trouble, all of the time.

the reason i'm under surveillance is that i'm an anarchist. but, the surveillance is just demonstrating my point.