Thursday, April 7, 2016

this is the actual, flat truth: i don't care. i expected the government would be corrupt. i was not naive. i did not think they would be different. and, they can steal as much money as they care about, i'll still vote for them if they make some progress on reducing emissions, on poverty reduction, on legal liberalization (marijuana, assisted-suicide, etc), on feeding the beast and and on some of other things i actually care about.

let the conservatives yell and scream about finance. i don't care. i care about social issues.

apologies for the bad grammar. i'm still amazed that the cbc does not allow editing. it's the way people write nowadays.

but, this narrative expired about 1995. the thing is that the media is driven by an old tory guard that is completely out of touch with people under 50. it's this cycle of information going around in the heads of old folks, and that almost nobody else cares at all about.

let the right yell itself into irrelevance. just focus on what people actually care about.

(link lost)
i have to admit that i'm not really sure what the benefit of building public transportation through the collection of very small towns on the windsor side would be. i mean, it makes sense on the detroit side, where you have a large collection of medium sized cities. but, when you get outside of windsor, it's just a lot of small towns. villages, even. maybe there's some demand i'm unaware of, but it's kind of head-scratching.

the better way to get people into windsor would be to make it easier to get across the border. a pedestrian foot bridge over the tunnel would be ideal.

shit hillary said vol 22

"Mandatory sentences for certain violent crimes may be appropriate"

of unwanted dogs and media-fueled paranoia

it seems as though i've been able to avoid the dogs in the apartment for the night. to be clear: my opposition is that i don't want strange animals parading through here. i would not oppose a human inspector.

that said, i understand that i cannot stall forever. so, i will have to allow the inspection, should cooler heads not prevail. just allow me to quickly make the following points, both to attempt to persuade you to halt and to make clear where i stand should the dog track anything in.

1. there are no bed bugs in the unit.
2. bed bugs are not like roaches or air-borne pathogens. they must be carried from place to place.
3. a detector dog is a perfect transmission vehicle. it actively seeks them out, thereby volunteering itself as a ship from them to sail on.
4. it is consequently dangerous and irrational to allow a detector dog to move through the unit. there are no bugs in the unit now. there may be by the time it's done.

so, if you insist, i cannot stop you - i can only stall the process, in hopes that whatever media-fueled hysteria behind this comes to pass. but, should the dog "find" anything, i will legally argue to the maximum extent of my ability that it was the dog, itself, that brought them in.

there are no bed bugs in this unit.

the landlord
Jessica, I have become aware of the situation and I know my brother does not have good judgment or thinks things through. I will be around as soon as I can. Please wait till I get there. I have told my brother to find a bug for proof and not be so stupid to believe a bug smelling dog! I believe there are no bed bugs at this point.