Wednesday, October 18, 2023

i've posted pleas here before. this is very serious and i very seriously need some intervention by an enlightened benefactor.

i know this site is read by powerful and wealthy people and i need somebody to step in and write me a check for a small amount, on the order of 2 to 5 million dollars. this is imperative. i am going to disappear if i can't find a way out of the situation i'm in.

at the start of the year, my house was purchased by what turned out to be some massive losers from toronto that wanted to have sex with me. i turned them down for the sole reason that they were unattractive. these ugly, unattractive women may tell you another story - they appear to be pathological liars - but the truth is that i rejected them, and i rejected them because they were gross. amongst the reasons they were gross is that they showed up here smoking crystal meth and listening to death metal and seemed confused as to why i wasn't interested in it.

i'm not into hanging out with ugly crack whore dykes. sorry.

in response, they started injecting me with testosterone when i was sleeping because they wanted to make me horny so i'd be more interested in fucking them. this is their level of pathetic disgustingness.

while there have been signals and rising levels of evidence pointing towards it, i convinced myself that this was actually real about three weeks ago and barricaded the door shut. since then, i've been feeling and getting better, but now they're trying to aggressively evict me because i won't put out. i'm trying to get them charged with conversion therapy, which is a crime in canada, but that will be difficult.

the simple fact is that they've moved a bunch of gross people in here. the owners are gross. the tenants are gross. i wouldn't touch any of these gross people with a ten foot pole. they're all on hard drugs, they're all smoking cigarettes and they're all full of diseases. they've got something like 20 kids running around between them. it's become a white trash shithole, here. i need out; i can't live here.

however, i can't get out and trying to engineer or negotiate an exit on favourable terms might be impossible.

i may be able to hold them off for several months and i may be able to figure something out but my life is going to change and this site is going to disappear if i can't get out of here on positive terms and seriously rebuild somewhere else. i need a grant in order to get out of this white trash shithole, to salvage my life, to salvage my art and to restart.

this should be looked at like an artist's grant. the money will be spent on building the kind of safe, clean and isolated surroundings that i need to be creative. i've been finding this very difficult for the last several years due to events that are largely out of my control.

you can best contact me at the email address on the side of the page, at the link that says 'contact'. that email address also accepts funds and is connected to the paypal donation link higher in the list.