Sunday, July 12, 2015

this is the correct analysis, and you don't hear it often - which is why i'm always posting it. the crux of israeli policy is the separation of gaza from the west bank. and, this kind of solidarity is exactly what israel was trying to prevent, in breaking up the unity government. at the end of the day, israel simply does not care about gaza. but, it has every intent of controlling and annexing the west bank.

see, i agree that it's clearly in rather poor taste for the guy to walk around with that flag, if he does. i dunno what he's doing. appealing to a southern, rural fan base or something. but, that's marketing. i mean, c'mon al. the only hierarchy that kid rock is at the top of is the "talentless morons from detroit" hierarchy. no, really. he's at the top of the pyramid. icp is the next ring down. and etc. obama's policies have done more harm to brown people than kid rock ever will.

you don't have to agree with him to realize this is a waste of energy, and he's just going to milk it for publicity.
this is an important speech that should be thought about very carefully.

cognitively speaking, the eye covering is very interesting.

and, then, when you're done your lunch break, you can go back to your pointless bullshit life.

that is why this is garbage. not because it doesn't have some poetic value, if you drop the mesolithic basis of it; it does. no. it's because it's a coping mechanism, designed to clear you out and send you back into the fire.

if you actually live your life by these kinds of principles, you don't need to spend twenty minutes a day dreaming that you do.

no longer confused

initially written in 1997. recreated in feb, 1998. reclaimed july 5, 2015. remixed july 12, 2015.

i still don't fully understand this.

initially written in 1996. recreated in april, 1998. reclaimed july 5, 2015. remixed july 12, 2015.