Sunday, March 31, 2019

and, what about trudeau and his pdas?

i remember watching the swearing in ceremony and being a little taken aback by his insistence on categorically grabbing every cabinet minister - male or female - like he's the head linebacker, and they're all in for orientation. it was weird.

over the years, the process has changed a little. when joyce murray was sworn in last week, she seemed to expect it and kind of cringed as it was happening. i've seen other women just kind of stare him down as he approaches, and he at least seems to get the hint and tone it down. it should be obvious to the most passive observer that this isn't being taken well.

nobody has really said anything about it, though....not even in this mound of criticism about "fake feminism", as though that's a coherent concept - as though he's just trying to get laid, or something.

here's an interesting thought experiment, though: how would lucy flores (was she named by a palaeoanthropologist, or what? i bet her husband's name is hobbit erectus.) react if it was justin trudeau leaning in to get a whiff of her unwashed hair?

i'm not missing the point about consent. i understand that the issue is consent.

but, this has been going on for years in canada and nobody's said a peep. further, biden himself has been doing this for years, and it only seems to have generated a reaction when he turned 75. i wonder what his hair smells like, btw. you've seen grease, right?

regardless, i guess it just cycles the issue back to the point, doesn't it? it's about consent...
broadly speaking, recording a phone call is not illegal as long as one of the parties knows it is happening, although it is doubtful that any judge would admit it as evidence in much of any context. so, the purpose of the recording was clearly political, rather than legal - it indicates that she was intending from the start to use the issue as leverage in a scandal.

further, as noted, her role as attorney general (counsel to the government) introduces a set of responsibilities that is not present in the general population. while perhaps not technically illegal, i think there's a strong argument that she should lose her license over it.

but, broadly speaking, the way she has tried to present the issue is that this is really all about consent. the hypocrisy here is pretty awful.

can we get this rank opportunist out of the news, now? i think her 15 minutes are up.
this ought to completely enrage fiscal conservatives, but they are of course a bunch of hypocrites.
ok, so i've got july done - everything uploaded, everything downloaded and the journal nicely formatted, and in fact ready to print..

now, i need to figure out what i'm doing with the pdf file....

i've been thinking about this for a while regarding the isos, as well. when i get to permanently closing the aleph-discs, i'm actually going to want to put the iso up for sale somewhere. so, i need a kind of generalized bandcamp, willing to sell pdfs and isos along with flacs and cds.

i'm going to stop to eat, because i didn't eat yesterday. but when i get back, i'm going to need to figure that out...

one day, the master document will be completed and will need to be both offered in some kind of massive disc of everything, as well as standalone, but for now i'm going to be splitting it up into periods for the aleph discs and liner notes for each individual release. does a monthly or tri-yearly breakdown make sense in context?

for connecting periods like the summer of 2013, it might seem obvious, because it isn't really attached to any particular recording. the story in the july, 2013 pdf of hitchiking to windsor while my father is dying in ottawa will be relevant for pretty much all of the aleph discs, but may not end up in any specific liner note. but, once i get into the fall of 2013, the entries are going to be cut up in ways that are more specific to the recordings...except not really...

the music journal was initially meant to be pure documentation, but is now more of a broad narrative that is even crosslinked to vlogs of both studio time and adventures around the region. it really is it's own thing, and can stand alone outside of the music. but, i'm not sure i really want that...

i guess the choice i'll have is whether i want these documents to exist solely in the aleph disc, or whether i want them to be standalone - but i already know that i want them to be standalone.


they need to be cheap, and intended mostly for ease of reading; i don't intend to take the journal down, so this will always be available here for free. it's just that reading a blog like this is backwards. if i could reverse the ordering, i would - and i will, eventually, for the alephs. so it's here for free, but if you want to actually read the story, you want to read it in order, right? presenting them in monthly instalments will make them more digestible, and also keep the thing flowing.


so, i need to find the right kind of site to sell pdf files for a small fee, which is really just a donation box, right? one of the things i like about bandcamp is that it lets you increase the price; the sale price is actually a minimum suggestion, and there is no max. so, that's really what i want, here - the file will be $0.99 or something, and downloadable to your kinder or just your laptop, but it's really just an opportunity to throw money at me, if you want to.

alright. so, that's settled - the larger documents will be in the aleph discs, and the liner notes will be cut up accordingly, but a simple monthly digest will be available, as well. i'll just need to figure that out after i eat...
i'm not even shooting blanks.

i'm not shooting at all.
somebody that i've never met before, or don't remember meeting, is trying to contact me over facebook and send me pictures of her son. i initially informed her that she had the wrong person, and she initially seems to have accepted that. but, she keeps messaging me.

i could be getting trolled, or i could be being targeted via some kind of immigration scam. or, the person might be crazy. i dunno. i know i've blocked this person and hope to not hear from them again.

but, to set the record straight on this issue: it would actually be impossible. that is, i am physically incapable of producing sperm and have been for almost ten years.

there are a handful of blurry nights over the last five years, and i do suspect i was on the receiving end of an anal session over the course of at least one of them. but, whatever happened, i can assure you that i did not ejaculate - because i can't.

i can orgasm still, with a little effort, although i don't do so very often. but, there is no corresponding flow event - no ejaculate, no "cum". so, no clean-up. and, no evidence.

why is this?

because the testosterone suppressors - the anti-androgens - that i've been taking for roughly ten years have reduced my testosterone levels to nearly zero. this is a process called chemical castration, and what it means is that my testicles can no longer produce sperm because they aren't receiving the hormones that instruct them as to how to do that. as such, i cannot ejaculate.

this has been thoroughly tested and is repeatably demonstrable.

so, if somebody were to approach me about something that happened during the small handful of blackouts i've incurred since i moved here, i'd have to keep an open mind. i expect i'd be far more likely to have sex with a male than a female, but it doesn't make sense to speculate upon events you don't remember.

but, i can state with absolute certainty that no children could possibly be the result of any such misadventure, because i am physically incapable of impregnating anybody - it's impossible, and i could prove that in a court if i had to.
it's just so much style over substance, accompanied with rhetoric that is often intellectually lacking. the thing is that the latter is actually pretty normal for somebody of her age and experience; the disconnect is taking somebody that should be gaining life experience and thrusting them into a leadership role before they're ready to deal with it.

i'm still waiting for her to write some actual legislation, and am withholding judgement until i see it; in the end, i will judge her by her work, and will refrain from doing so until she presents some.

but, is she bad news for the party?

it's the other ones i'm more worried about.
i don't have any reason to doubt lucy flores, either, especially considering that biden is known for pdas and he doesn't appear to be denying it, so much as he appears to be claiming that the interaction was so trivial to him that he does not remember it even happening at all.

and, it probably was trivial; where i may introduce some doubt is in questioning whether it really affected her to the extent she is claiming it did, and whether there is some danger in elevating a triviality to the level of rhetorical assault. when you politicize an issue to this extent, you are entering a space where you run the risk of trivializing the narratives of actual survivors of actual assault.

regardless, biden's reaction here needs to be to indicate that he understands that social roles are changing. given the triviality of the interaction, he has an opportunity here to demonstrate that he understands that, trivial or not, this is no longer acceptable behaviour in polite society. rather than acknowledge that there has been a cultural shift towards the assumption that all forms of affection require consent, he's digging in and asserting his innocence in intent. in the process, he's completely missing the point.

the reality is that it might not harm him in the primary, which is so disproportionately old. there is this misunderstanding in the media that the twittersphere represents the electorate, probably because virtually the entirety of the journalism profession exists so firmly within it. but, these hashtag movements really represent nearly immeasurable fragments of the population. the democratic primary is going to be dominated by wealthy white people older than 50, and they may not give a fuck about a peck on the head.

the danger here is that biden ends up breeding the same kind of apathy that clinton did in the general.

but, will this move his poll numbers?

i doubt it.
what am i actually doing?

i'm putting this up here temporarily to get the idea across. this is the final document for 07/13, but it will likely only exist in this form in my notes. i'm toying with whether i want to put monthly files up for download, or if i want to do it by semester; i'll have an answer within a few days, at least.

this is actually going to be one of the shorter documents, as it is only a half month. for that reason, it's hard to argue this should be up as a download, unless it's half price, i guess. we'll find out what i do soon enough.

i need to sleep.

but, once edited for a 5x8 novella page size, the journal comes up to 220 pages. it was 125 pages in the full document, so that would suggest to me that i already have about 5000 pages of novella-sized pages to edit down. yeah. and, i still have a lot of writing to do..

that's just the music journal. the complete file would be more like 20,000 pages of novella sized paper, when edited accordingly. by the time this is done, it could be pushing 500,000 pages.

electronic publishing aside, this journal is eventually going to be the liner notes, as a continuous whole. so, i'll have my 10,000+ page document that acts as a continual liner note, from 1993 to whenever i expire. but, this will be spliced up into several hundred page entries that will be attached to each release in the discography.

when i finally catch up to the end of 2016/1996, i will upload a pdf file that is like this to the inri000 release, which will be complete - it will have the found journal, notes from the alter-reality in 1996 and notes from 2013-2016, when it was reworked and then permanently closes. these notes will be in this 5x8 format, to appear as though they are a novella. each subsequent release will receive a similar document.

what that means is that, in the end, each entry in the discography will come with what amounts to a book.

i hope that what i'm doing is a little more clear, if it wasn't.

for now, this is just getting filed away and zipped up.