Tuesday, March 27, 2018

i have to remind you every once in a while that i'm not a young person.

i was born the same year that britney spears was. which would make me the same age as her.

(actually, i'm almost a whole year older than her, as i was born at the very beginning of 1981)
the spokesperson of my generation is not a dead musician, or a profound writer, or a fashion icon or an entrepreneur...

it's conan o'brien.

this guy.

nobody else permeates our thoughts the way that conan does.

and, this is how you know you're gen x - when the conan jokes flow like water, and the people around you get it instantly, and effortlessly join in.
this is an essential services that sufficient tax revenue must be generated to fund.


john bolton is very scary, and i don't want to temper anything he's said - it's every bit as outrageous as anybody is saying.

(although he happens to be correct about china, which should be obvious to anybody with a pulse.)

but, he's the national security advisor and not the national security dictator. and, we know that trump is ultimately inadvisable.

trump may very well be looking to start a war. but, there's not a lot of places to bomb right now. and, i suspect that when he finally does it, it will look more like the falklands than it does like fallujah.

the reality is that the left media has a narrative to uphold, here. it needs dollars, too.
i did not receive the eucharist.

i was not "confirmed".
if the public school system had started at the same age as the catholic school system, i would have never been baptized, and would have been sent to a public school.

my maternal grandmother is an anglican; my mother isn't even really an atheist, so much as she's just disinterested in the topic altogether. my dad would have probably baptized me, but my mom didn't want me anywhere near the catholic church, as she was convinced all the priests were gay paedophiles. she was less pro-atheist and more anti-catholic.

but, the fact that she agitated for me to be baptized as a way to get me to school quicker indicates the deep disinterest in religion that i was raised into.

i vaguely remember it - i was just instructed to sit still while he sprinkled some water on me. i mean, it was kind of scary - i was old enough to be cognizant of what was happening, without being old enough to understand it. she attached absolutely no meaning to it, whatsoever.

my paternal grandmother (who is probably part genetically jewish, but was raised italian catholic) always saw me as a heathen.
my mom sent me to pre-school because she was a negligent alcoholic that didn't want to take care of me. and, then she had me baptized at the age of four three to send me to a catholic school for the same reason (the public schools at the time only had kindergarten starting at age five).

but, i wasn't born smart. i'm a statistical norm; i got a head start.
i mean, i guess you can look at it two ways.

- is this designed to help mothers enter the workforce?
- is this designed to help kids achieve their full potential?

while both things are important, i'm kind of more interested in the latter. and, i guess the plan that was announced was more focused on the former.

i just don't know why you'd do this without focusing on the former though - it's kind of missing the broader point, in just focusing on the moms.

i liked the martin/dryden plan a lot, which would have ensured that we're not merely leaving kids with babysitters, but leaving them with licensed learning professionals that can help put them on the right path at an early age. studies are crystal clear that kids that go to pre-school are better positioned to learn as they advance through life.

if that is actually what is being proposed, wynne should announce it. i'm not directly affected by socialized babysitting; i wouldn't vote for or against it. but, the pre-school component is a broader social engineering change that i'd have a stronger level of direct support for, as it affects everybody's future in a positive way.
i'm unclear - is this socialized babysitting, or is it an expansion of the school system?

i would strongly support expanding the school system, but i....why promote socialized babysitting when you can expand the school system?

i guess the difference is that i'd actively support expanding the school system, and be more or less indifferent to socialized babysitting.

trudeau no doubt thinks that complying will take the issue off the table - because he doesn't realize that trump is just fucking around with him, anyways.

donald trump doesn't actually think that anybody is flooding the canadian market with anything. but, he does think that justin trudeau is a complete idiot. and, trudeau's reactions are, unfortunately, just proving trump right.

not only will trump not react positively to the concessions, he will hold them over trudeau as evidence that he was right all along - that canada really is getting flooded with cheap metals, as can be seen by the steps taken to prevent it.

but, we must not take this as evidence of trump's strategic brilliance - we must take it as evidence of trudeau's absolute idiocy.

for, it is easy for a bully to take advantage of a moron.

they should not be negotiating with trump at all; canada should refuse to negotiate with terrorists.

i'm just not somebody that wants to smoke pot at home; i'm somebody that likes to smoke pot when i'm out at a concert, or out dancing.

it's a social drug - very much like alcohol. and, the only people that smoke alone, at home, are the marijuana equivalents of sad alcoholics. losers. hopeless losers...

the vast majority of people are going to want to smoke with people, at a party, or at a bar.

all the concerts and parties are in detroit. it follows that it's actually detroit that i'm more interested in, when it comes to legalization; legalizing it here is actually kind of useless to me.

given where windsor is on the map, legalization in michigan will make going to windsor flat out stupid, because it will require passing the border twice. and, as everybody knows, the worse direction is on the way into the united staes.

no sane american would cross the canadian border to get stoned, and then go back through american customs. they'd be setting themselves up for detention. it would be far less dangerous to buy it illegally. but, if michigan legalizes, the decision to cross to be legal moots itself.
windsor is boring.

full stop.

pot won't make it less boring.
in fact, as a windsorite, i'm far more excited about the possibility of legalization on the other side of the border. that's going to be a much more impactful legal change, for me.
anybody that thinks people are going to come to windsor to get stoned has not spent any time in detroit, which may even end up legalizing it first.