Tuesday, March 27, 2018

trudeau no doubt thinks that complying will take the issue off the table - because he doesn't realize that trump is just fucking around with him, anyways.

donald trump doesn't actually think that anybody is flooding the canadian market with anything. but, he does think that justin trudeau is a complete idiot. and, trudeau's reactions are, unfortunately, just proving trump right.

not only will trump not react positively to the concessions, he will hold them over trudeau as evidence that he was right all along - that canada really is getting flooded with cheap metals, as can be seen by the steps taken to prevent it.

but, we must not take this as evidence of trump's strategic brilliance - we must take it as evidence of trudeau's absolute idiocy.

for, it is easy for a bully to take advantage of a moron.

they should not be negotiating with trump at all; canada should refuse to negotiate with terrorists.
