Monday, July 3, 2017

i watched growing pains and family ties and full house, and then stopped watching tv in the 90s - except for the simpsons.

and seinfeld.

and the x-files.

i had a latchkey around my neck. not exaggerating. because nobody was ever home until 9:00 pm.

and, when the 90s ended, i complained that the culture was dead and i should have killed myself when i had the chance.

i'm sorry.

it's true.

i'm gen x.
and, i mean it's not like i'm '85 or something.

i have a younger sister that's '84. you can have these "it's not fair that they call me millenial" conversations with her. although, she's some kind of alt-right, anyways.

i'm '81. early '81. so, i was conceived in 1980, meaning i was imagined in the 70s.

i grew up on rem. i had nevermind on cassette. they played "smells like teen spirit" at the school dances.

i'm fucking gen x, bitch.

deal with it.
i don't know how many times i have to tell you that i identify as gen x.

i'm not just being difficult.

it's really true.
somebody should forward this to michael stipe.

the irony, of course, is that while chomsky clearly didn't get the reference, he's just about the best person on the planet to sit you down and lecture you on hegel.

the water is working.

it was about about 24 hours, give or take.

i won't pretend i know exactly what happened. but, here's the thing: if i knew they shut it off on purpose, i'd file charges. i'd have to. and i suspect they did, then reversed when i told them i would follow through.

as mentioned, that itself is harassment.

but, whatever the cause, the issue was very quickly resolved. and, i'd rather take that positive than drag them through criminal proceedings.

....for now.

this is all cumulative, of course.

but, whether due to my reaction or due to good faith, the water was in truth restored quite promptly, and i have reason to think things will improve. if that proves naive, they'll pay for it, in the end.
dude, you don't get it.

i'll send a fucking swat team after them.

i don't give a fuck.
i could not contact the property owner, as her voice mail was full. i briefly talked to the superintendent, who i prefer to avoid, and he confirmed that the issue is across multiple units.

or, at least, he claims as much.

today is a holiday. so, i'll give them a day or two.

i can't call the rheu with what i have, whether the situation is malicious or not.
the man is a thug.

i don't know if he's spent time in jail, but he seems to belong in one, from what i can see.
i haven't called yet, but it's clear enough what's going on.

i have no tolerance for this at all and will almost immediately jump to calling it in. it's a criminal offense in ontario to turn off water services - and i will have the landlord charged and convicted, with no second thoughts at all.

i will charge them twice, even.

1) harassment: It is an offence to threaten a tenant, interfere with a tenant, or pressure a tenant to move out of a rental unit.

2) withholding services:  It is an offence to withhold or interfere with the reasonable supply of a vital service, which includes hot or cold water, fuel, electricity, natural gas and (during certain times of the year) heat.

i already gave them second and third chances.

this will be followed by a second civil suit, seeking full rent abatement since april 1st, which will be $2679.64.

and, because of the malicious nature of their behaviour, i will win this in full.

should have thought it through, huh, old man? now you've got a criminal record and a $2700 bill coming up because you couldn't control your anger.


she has a very short time window to work this out and make it right.
my hot water appears to have been cut this afternoon, and it's hard to believe that it wasn't on purpose.

they'd better have a good reason for this, or the harassment suit is getting that much worse. they're going to give me a year's worth of rent by the time they're done.

it's hard to believe that somebody could truly be this hopelessly idiotic. they're just throwing money out the window. the more they harass me, the more it costs them. how much are they going to have to give me before they get it?

i sent them a notice a few weeks ago to do something about the cats and pro-rate my rent in order to avoid another court date. this was a consequence of another demeaning yelling match and a need for me to be more firm in my reaction to them. i don't care if they're retarded; they can't be yelling at me, and i don't have a responsibility to be patient about it. but, they got rid of the cats, so i decided to let it slide for the benefit of the universe - so long as everybody duly noted that i'd consider the situation cumulative, should i need to.

now, this: they've rather clearly cut my water maliciously. right when i was about to back off on the harassment proceedings, they've gone and escalated to a point i can't ignore.

it is illegal in ontario for the landlord to cut utilities for any purpose whatsoever - even non-payment. that order has to come from the tenant board. all i need to do is demonstrate that they actually cut the water. they have no conceivable defense whatsoever.

i'm willing to cut the property owner a little bit of slack on the premise that her father is acting without her knowledge. but, i'm going to need an actual settlement, this time. these damages are not due to cost but purely punitive - and somebody is going to pay, one way or the other.