Monday, May 18, 2020

so, i'm about 50% through the double check on the rebuild, in terms of calendar dates. let's hope i can get through the rest of this pretty quick.

i want to finish this before i go out to get my pills.
i think i was able to avoid the migraine by running the shower.

but, the smoke seems to have triggered my asthma, which could set me off for weeks right when it's about to get nice out.

it's a lesser problem. but, this is so fucking frustrating :(.
you fucking pig.

you revolt me.

hey pig....

do you think i give a fuck about your flooring?

'cause i don't.
she's smoking drugs up there again, and here comes the migraine, on cue.

why don't i just drink more water?

because i'd have to drink less coffee.

i don't want to live in an artificial desert and drink gallons of water to offset it. there's no reason for it; it's stupid. and, i'm going to end up gaining weight.

just let the humidity come up to normal levels...
i was almost feeling normal yesterday for a bit, before the heater turned back on.

i'm not depressed. i'm just dehydrated. the chemical i'm not getting enough of is water. and, i've done enough of an experiment to convince myself of it.

we could still get some downpours, but the scary system coming in seems to have broken up just south of the border and looked something more like this when it get here:

i succeeded in getting the humidity in here up on saturday to a point where i felt healthy, but what i had to do in order to do it was pretty insane - i had to run the shower nonstop for hours, while continually washing my face. i'd have to essentially sit in a sauna for six hours a day. i can't do that on a daily basis.

the forecast was a tease last week, but it looks like we should finally get some more humid weather soon, and i can only hope it clicks into place for a nice, long humid summer so i don't have to constantly run the shower to offset the desiccation...

but, i mean, if i'm inside all summer, and the air kicks in, that's the reality of what's going to happen. i'm not going to sit in here and shiver in dry, cold air, with shit all over my face. the shower is going to be running nonstop so i can clean myself...

for now, i'm going to finish a few things up this morning before i get back to running the hot water for a few hours to try and undo the heaters, and hope it works.
hey, listen - i don't think i'd like to live under chinese hegemony, and, thankfully, i don't think it's likely to happen any time soon. i can, have before and will again intellectually react to the idea, and i don't have a lot of patience for the useful idiots, but i don't fear it; it's not imminent.

do not fool yourselves - they would invade, conquer and colonize us if they could, just like we tried to do to them not so long ago. see, that's the thing about the chinese - they're our mirror reflection. they're exactly the same as us, in all the worst ways. and, they're an alien culture in a very real sense, in a way that the russians and even the arabs really aren't. china doesn't come from greece, or rome or egypt - it's a different planet, altogether.

but, at least they'd stamp out this festering, lingering problem that canada is developing around religion.

hey, there's an upside to everything, right?
i wonder what they're actually thinking.

like, do they really think i'm some kind of "bot"?

what does that even mean?

seems like the pigs didn't like something i just posted and have stopped the forwarding again.


i'm making some progress in getting through this.

but, you can't rely on broadcasting right now - the pigs are trying to shut me down, again.
pynchon's ellipsis use is legendary.

wherever she got it from, that's were i got it from, not my mother.
i want to say a little about my mother's writing style, because i'm noticing how strangely it is actually like mine, and it may lead random readers to a false conclusion. in fact, as far as i can tell, the influence flows in the other direction, and it's actually a little bit creepy.

the primary overlap is in the use of the ellipsis (...), which is something that goes very far back in my writing style, and that i mostly picked up from pynchon. i will admit that there was a period in the late 90s where i was very purposefully attempting to emulate his writing style, and i ended up overusing it, even falling into it as a bit of a crutch. it's come in and out of prominence since then, but it's never really gone away; i'd say it's largely become something i use when i'm being lazy nowadays, but i do still use it fairly frequently.

i was online about 1997 or so and it's been at the centre of my life ever since. however, my mother did not get a computer until the early 00s, and while there were some random emails sent, i don't recall reading much of anything she'd written in any detail until she added me on facebook around 2010.

i do, however, believe that she spent a very large amount of time reading my old web site at in the few emails that she sent me between 2003 and 2008, she was using the tagline - those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it - as her email signature. i think it meant something different to her than me, though; i was using it to suggest that we were spiralling back into fascism, whereas she seems to have been using it as reference to her alcoholism.

regardless, i get the impression that she spent hours and hours sorting through that page. maybe she felt it was the only way to really understand who i was as a person, given that i'd been so distant from her for so long. i think i may have spent something on the order of ten hours with her between 1996 and 2003; i was living with my father, and she was struggling with a severe heroin addiction.

i guess i first sent her the link around 2002 or so. the emulation, since then, is noticeable enough to conclude it isn't a coincidence. but, does she just write that way when she's typing to me? is it more of a reflection of the fact that it coincided with her first serious computer use? she's nearing but not yet at retirement age, but she's never had a meaningful job in her life, and she wouldn't have done much typing in the 70s, when she was in high school. i don't know the answers to these questions...

but, i know i've noticed the similarity, meaning you might have noticed it as well, and i do think the influence flows from me to her, that she was heavily influenced by my writing.

i honestly don't think i'd seen a phrase she'd typed for upwards of ten years after i started writing...
this is the most right-wing government that this country has seen since...the last one.

we're just carrying forward with the same trajectory we've been on since 1985 - each government swings further to the right, regardless of what party forms it.
giving money to church groups to privatize core state functions is the definition of thatcherism.

and, you're all too stupid to understand what's happening.