Sunday, December 6, 2020

i'm still having trouble making sense of this, because i'm trying to work through the mechanism of it. 

The lack of exposure to fluoride or the ingestion of inadequate amounts of fluoride at any age places the individual at increased risk for dental caries.

....and that seems to be the overwhelming consensus.

well, if the reason for that is that your body uptakes the fluoride into your enamel as an adult and stores it as hydroxyfluorapatite, what does your body do with the fluoride if your enamel is cracked or degraded?

what i can't figure out is why it does this reaction when you have unblemished enamel and doesn't when you have damaged enamel. how does your body know? that even almost sounds backwards. you'd think that there's more space for the reaction in damaged enamel.

i know, i know - i've read the consensus position. i just can't find a clearly described mechanism. maybe i need to rent a textbook from the library, or at least look it up on google books.

but, despite what they're telling me, it doesn't make any sense to me to think that a massive fluoride bombardment - in the presence of all of the other minerals - won't produce hydroxyfluorapatite, in even the most damaged teeth. for that to make sense, you'd have to demonstrate an association between remineralization and the ameloblast cells that adults lose, which, as far as i can tell, is demonstrably false...

i will let them drill, if they can find caries underneath the plaque. and, as stated, i think there is at least one.

but, i'm struggling to make sense of the mechanism underlying this.
if you left this decision up to the masses in syria, they would leave no trace - and rebuild on top of the ruins.
so, the most egregious apologists will actually be so absurd as to argue that isis is just an indigenous group following an indigenous system of law.

....and that is so far removed from reality as to be racist. it's a perfect example of orientalism. and, it's complete bullshit.

these are foreign mercenaries that showed up with guns and forced people to do what they want, or else; it's the furthest thing possible from a spontaneous uprising, and the proof of it is in the pile of dead bodies and unmarked graves left in it's wake.
and, isis is not a misguided national liberation movement, either. the kinds of critiques you may apply to the worst segments of palestinian militants simply don't apply to isis, and there's two reasons for that:

1) isis is primarily composed of foreign mercenaries, not indigenous people. these are not people that have had their land stolen and are fighting to take it back; these are people that have come from afar to steal land from the people that live there.
2) isis is incredibly unpopular in the regions it is trying to conquer. and, this is the point that westerners attacking me seem to fail to grasp - what i'm saying is the populist position in syria, in iraq and in turkey. i'm the one that's the populist, here - and you're the colonialist.
high sources of betaine including beets & wheat, especially wheat bran.
fluoride may increase the uptake of some metals accidentally consumed as a part of the manufacturing process of certain foods. the reason is that the fluoride may bind to those metals in your stomach, and your body very efficiently uptakes the fluoride - taking the metal with it.

betaine helps to clear those metals.

so, if you're ingesting fluoride, through whatever means, you should ingest betaine as well.
pangamic acid strikes again.

i mean, the probabilities are what they are for a reason.

when the odds are staggering, it means you will almost certainly fail to overcome them. that's why they're the odds.

liberals have a hard time with that, for some reason - they seem to think everybody can beat the odds.

but, then they wouldn't be the odds, would they?

again: i want to play the odds, not ignore them.
it's this liberal tendency to hope people buck the trends, to beat the probabilities.

fuck that.

i'm interested in applying the probabilities. sorry.
"you're assuming its a foregone conclusion!"

that's right, i am.

and i think you're stupid for giving them the benefit of the doubt.
you have a chance to wipe them out, now, when they're young and helpless.

why wait until they can fight?

why wait until they kill people, first?

i don't get it. really.
i just don't grasp this showing mercy to fascists thing.

it's like giving a lion a hug - you may think it's this evolved position, as chamberlain no doubt did, himself.

i just think you're fucking stupid.
it's the old cliche.

"if you could go back in time, would you kill hitler before he came to power?"

and, everybody says yes. invariably. i might introduce a caveat: i need to be given a way back to the future, or it's not worth it. i'm alive - and the past already happened.

will we ask one day if we would bomb the isis camps if we could go back in time and do it?

and, will we all agree that we should?
...and they will raise monsters.

don't delude yourself into thinking otherwise.
i'm generally in favour of international law as a rule of thumb.

but, it's silly to pretend anybody gives a fuck - or ever did. 

laws are guiding forces, they're not absolute truths, and it's ultimately the spirit of the law that is more important than the letter of it.

what that means is that bombing civilians is bad, and bombing pows is generally bad, but bombing pows that are also war criminals is perhaps acceptable, depending on the context. this is a context where it may be the only way to bring these women to justice - because they won't be held forever. they will eventually be let go.

it is the women that will repopulate and raise the next generation of monsters, not the men.
this might be the only thing i end up agreeing with biden about.

but, the thrust of my argument is that there's a lot of relativists out there that want to erect false equivalencies and pretend these people should be treated humanely.

these people are war criminals - and what we do with war criminals is we send them to the hague and execute them. that would be ideal, of course - i'd rather try them and hang them.

it is ridiculous to compare conscripted soldiers fighting against fascism to volunteers fighting for fascism. once you've done that, you've fallen entirely into nihilism, if you're not just a mouthpiece for the saudi government (and a nihilist for that reason, instead).

but, for a variety of reasons, i realize that these women will never be tried and executed like they should be. so, i'm advocating taking control of the situation and just bombing them instead.

it's not ideal, but it's the best option in front of us.
and am i aligning with trump in supporting a bombing of the isis camps?

no - trump supported releasing them, because he's in bed with the saudis.

my position is closer to obama's than trump's. and, i'm actually hoping, if nothing else, that the biden administration finishes the job - and then gets out.
we're supposed to be this public health superpower, but a substantive amount of our population doesn't even have access to fluoridated water :\.

and, we have politicians pushing for universal dental coverage. even the ford government recently expanded dental coverage for low-income seniors, because they realized that emergency room visits for toothaches were costing them a fortune. realize that: a government elected to run through the province's finances line-by-line concluded that seniors going to the emergency room for toothaches was a major public expense, and expanded dental coverage to deal with it.

the point of fluoridation is that it's a cheap way for the poor to avoid unnecessary dental visits.

it's quite baffling.

and, the people rejecting fluoridation are the same people railing against anti-vaxxers, or anti-mask advocates. you can look it up - it's almost 1:1. and, there's no irony in it.

a very simple thing the federal government could do to dramatically improve the dental health of low-income canadians would be to federally mandate fluoride in drinking water, to prevent retards on city councils from trying to save a few bucks. that is an easily enforceable first step that could be taken overnight, in the face of a universal dental system that has so many challenges in erecting that it may very well never happen.

and, while i'm concerned about public health rather than costs, no it's not an expense - it's a cost-saving mechanism. even doug ford has figured that out.
you know, growing up in ottawa, i took this for granted.

but, the list of major canadian cities that don't fluoridate at this point is actually quite shocking: montreal has never fluoridated, vancouver has never fluoridated, calgary removed it about ten years ago, and windsor (a much smaller city) removed it about ten years ago, as well.

it's kind of embarrassing, really.
i've actually updated this slightly.

this evening, i found my mouth was feeling less clean that i'd like, and it seems to be about the post-eating ritual - i was brushing gently after eating and not rinsing, after following advice that i want to maximize fluoride retention by not rinsing.

these guys indicate that this is kind of hokey advice:

ultimately, i'm driven by the empirical data of what i feel, not theoretical advice regarding what should or ought to be.

i'm going to guess that the truth is that both points are valid - you do want to rinse after you eat to wash away shit, but you also want to avoid washing off the fluoride. so, it would seem to me that the smartest thing to do, in order to react to this contradiction, is to brush away the shit first, and then apply fluoride after.

so, that's the update:

every day:

- start with dish soap, soft brush  [anti-bacterial]
- follow with medium toothbrush & novamin toothpaste & spit into cup. [may replace with stannous fluoride] [remove plaque]. 
- wait a half hour
- put remaining spit from previous day & the morning into a liter of water & drink it. wash cup. [recover fluoride]
- eat breakfast (fruit bowl)
- swoosh with calcium carbonate right away  [to increase ph of mouth]
- wait ten minutes
- brush with soft toothbrush & no product and rinse away with water [remove food]
- brush with soft medium toothbrush & novamin toothpaste & spit into cup. [remove food, apply fluoride]
- apply prevident with more novamin. spit into cup. wait an hour. [fluoride treatment]
- put 1/8th of cup of diluted spit in a liter of water & drink it.  [recover fluoride]
- put 1/8th of cup of diluted spit in after breakfast coffee. [recover fluoride]

- start with dish soap, soft brush [anti-bacterial]
- follow with medium toothbrush & novamin toothpaste & spit into cup. [may replace with stannous fluoride] [remove plaque]
- wait a half hour
- put 1/8th cup of diluted spit into a liter of water & drink it. [recover fluoride]
- eat supper (pasta)
- swoosh with calcium carbonate right away [to increase ph of mouth]
- wait ten minutes
- brush with soft toothbrush & no product and rinse away with water [remove food]
- brush with soft medium toothbrush & novamin toothpaste & spit into cup. [remove food, apply fluoride]
- apply nanohydroxyapatite gel. wait an hour. [remineralization treatment]
- put 1/8th of cup of diluted spit into a liter of water & drink it. [recover fluoride]
- put 1/8th of cup of diluted spit in after supper coffee [recover fluoride]

- start with dish soap, soft brush [anti-bacterial]
- follow with medium toothbrush & novamin toothpaste & spit into cup. [may replace with stannous fluoride] [remove plaque]
- wait a half hour
- put 1/8th of cup of diluted spit into a liter of water & drink it [recover fluoride]
- eat late-night eggs
- swoosh with calcium carbonate right away [to increase ph of mouth]
- wait ten minutes
- brush with soft toothbrush & no product and rinse away with water [remove food]
- brush with soft medium toothbrush & novamin toothpaste & spit into cup. [remove food, apply fluoride]
- extra treatment? wait an hour, anyways,
- put 1/8th of cup of diluted spit into a liter of water & drink it [recover fluoride]

- sleep in the early morning, if i have to.

every three months:
- fluoride varnish
right. so, it seems like they're being cleared out to make room for some of ford's cronies.

they want to build condos, and it's foolish - all of those trees are fundamental to why people want to live in toronto. if you turn the city into a toxic sea of smog and pollution, you're just going to reduce property values.

now, i'd like to see reduced property values. but, not at the expense of clean air...

they just don't care - they just see land they think should be developed.

they're just too vicious, too barbaric.

no caveats.

no rationalizing. 

they need to not exist.
i've been over this a few times and tried to weigh it out and my deduction is that it doesn't matter if isis is a false flag or blowback or not - they're too evil to let exist.

it's basically the only war i've ever supported. but, i'm not backing off, now. and the more they linger, the more important it is to finish the job.
see, this is the other slant on it.

....because those who know, know. and, we know that isis is hardly a spontaneous group of random islamic radicals that arose from nowhere out of the desert, but is rather a very organized, professional group that is at least funded by the fake saudi theocracy. 

ah, the fake saudi theocracy - that sips wine between beatings for impropriety. that makes them worse - they're not crazy, they're just evil.

at least funded by the saudis - we know that, we can figure that out with minimal effort. it's when you get deeper than that that it gets messy.

how much support did isis get, or still gets, from the cia, anyways? it seems clear that it's non-zero, but the depth of it is blurry. 

so, who's interests am i advancing when i call for the bombing of isis prisoner of war camps? and, why exactly is it that i get so much pushback from curious places when i do that?

you might accuse me of standing with the military and advancing endless war, but you might be misguided in doing so.

"quraishi" means "of the tribe of muhammad". it's like an arab hapsburg, or bourbon - a member of the ruling clique. how distant is this guy from mbs, really? the answer is no doubt "not very".

and, this is the wrench in this - it's not entirely clear what's really going on, here. is. but nobody wants to come out and say it...

these women are being protected by powerful people. and, my calls for justice are in direct opposition to what the elite wants for the region.

the good guys, here, are actually the russians. but, they're too soft....

i just want to close the thought on this "bombing isis camps is genocide" nonsense.

it's baffling that i need to remind people of this, but i do:

ISIS systematically committed torture, mass rapes, forced marriages, extreme acts of ethnic cleansing, mass murder, genocide, robbery, extortion, smuggling, slavery, kidnappings, and the use of child soldiers; in ISIS' implementation of strict interpretations of Sharia law which were based on ancient eighth-century methods, they carried out public "punishments" such as beheadings, crucifixions, beatings, mutilation and dismemberment, the stoning of both children and adults, and the live burning of people. ISIS committed mass rape against tens of thousands of children, mostly girls and women (mainly members of non-Sunni minority groups and families).

it's widely understood that the wives - most of whom are not from the middle east, but came to the region out of their own free will - are deeply complicit in all of this. they participated in the slavery, and the genocide and all of the rest of it. they were not passively observing - they were actively participating.

so, is calling for the bombing of isis camps the same thing as calling for a bombing of the middle east? hardly - it's essentially the opposite of that. is calling for justice equivalent to calling for genocide? these are warped arguments, true mental gymnastics. and, as stated previously, what they really expose is a level of sympathy for the islamic state, for whatever reason - perhaps some kind of ideological allegiance, and perhaps some kind of misguided ethnic identification.

let us all be clear: the biggest victims of isis were the people that live in the region - arabs, iranians, kurds, turks, jews and others alike. isis poses little threat to the west, but it poses a dramatic threat to the freedom of people in the middle east. and, while i'm generally not a strong advocate of intervention and war, there are some bad guys that are worth fighting against.

i understand that my prescription is harsh, but it's intent is to minimize violence, in the long run. these women are monsters. they need to be brought to justice. and, these children are not reformable - not except in the youngest of cases.

i'm not calling for the extermination of the isis camps because it makes me happy to do so; i'm calling for the extermination of the isis camps because i recognize the grave threat that they pose to the people in the region, and realize the need to take action, before it is too late.

you can disagree - that's ok.

but, don't call it genocide. that's just stupid.
music is in a down point right now, and son lux is one of a very small number of artists i'm still actively following. there's a new release...

i found the last one a little too sombre. i mean, i get that he's moving in that direction, but you can overdo it.

we'll see how i react to this one.

ok, if i think i'm awake and stable, maybe i can get that post done before i eat.

this was a shit week. i can only hope next week is better.
crises with my hair the last few days.

i got back from the dentist's office on the 26th and took a long shower. hair was fine - smelled nice, even. i skipped friday, and intended to shower saturday morning before i went to amherstburg, but i was running a little late. i was going to bike most of the way with a ski mask on anyways - it was nearly freezing.

this ended up being a two+ hour slog in heavy winds, which exhausted me to the point that i required drugs to make it home safely. and, i fell over when i got in.

when i woke up on sunday morning, i noticed my hair was a horrible mess, but i didn't think much of it - anybody with long hair knows that it happens, sometimes. you run a little too hard, you sit in too dry a space, etc. it's generally fixable, except in the most extreme scenarios. i was going to be out in yucky weather all day anyways, so i decided i'd wait. 

and, then i waited one more day, because i had to finish the shopping on monday afternoon, in the snowstorm. and, i think this is what produced the actual crisis.

when i was on the way back from the metro to get soy milk on monday afternoon, i got sprayed by a couple of trucks hitting puddles. i tried to schedule it so i'd be in the snow, so i'd avoid that, but the forecast failed, and i ended up biking in the rain.

i think it was the water from the puddles that left some kind of residue in there, which locked the matted hair in place. and, it took some time to come to terms with it. 98% of the time, simply applying conditioner gets the knots out, but this was different - every time it seemed like i was winning, something seemed to harden and undo the progress, and i just couldn't get whatever the residue was out.

i've had long hair for almost my whole life, and i've never had to cut a chunk of it like this out before...

i was very worried. but, it turns out it's not that bad - you can't even really tell, due to the way i wear it, behind my ears. to be clear: i lost a lot of hair, all of it in the back. but you'd have to examine me with a set of mirrors to determine it. thankfully...

i kept telling myself "it'll grow back". and, it will. three months. six months...

but, it's why you need to avoid biking in the rain - and why i almost always do.
we should be planting trees, not wasting them like this.

this is a practice that needs to stop.