Sunday, December 6, 2020

but, the thrust of my argument is that there's a lot of relativists out there that want to erect false equivalencies and pretend these people should be treated humanely.

these people are war criminals - and what we do with war criminals is we send them to the hague and execute them. that would be ideal, of course - i'd rather try them and hang them.

it is ridiculous to compare conscripted soldiers fighting against fascism to volunteers fighting for fascism. once you've done that, you've fallen entirely into nihilism, if you're not just a mouthpiece for the saudi government (and a nihilist for that reason, instead).

but, for a variety of reasons, i realize that these women will never be tried and executed like they should be. so, i'm advocating taking control of the situation and just bombing them instead.

it's not ideal, but it's the best option in front of us.