Saturday, June 13, 2015

i agree that this is carefully cut up propaganda. but, adults aren't supposed to look to children for wisdom on complicated issues. adult issues. it's kind of a dumb premise to think that somebody is going to be convinced by an eight year old's reaction, when they've already rejected more informed arguments. it's insulting to the audience it's trying to reach, to the point that it's counter-productive. on one side, it's a circle jerk. and, on the other it hardens attitudes through a backlash at the attempted emotional manipulation.

i'd prefer to see videos of these sort focus on intellectual arguments. what we need is a public discussion. this isn't really able to spark one.

How many kids did they start off interviewing? We only see positive because they just cherry picked the good reactions. where is the blonde boy who asked a how a man becomes a woman? he probably got freaked out and said things that weren't compatible with the two gay guys agenda and yes the men in this video are gay. so obvious.

Brian Mendez
+spearofconquest ofc there is...there isnt any community who everyone gets along, thats impossible....but im saying that they are a huge community, most of them dont hate eachother...

+Brian Mendez that's not accurate. there's giant divisions. there's two broad schools of thought on the subject, but, broadly speaking, feminist lesbians tend to reject transwomen. there's been some pretty nasty and pretty ignorant literature written on the topic. an idea that is pretty fastened to lesbian feminist academic literature is that transwomen are driven by the desire to rape women - a claim that doesn't pass the most obvious test, due to the chemical castration involved in the process. like, i haven't had an erection in something like five years - i'm hormonally incapable of it. i couldn't rape somebody if i wanted to (not that i'd want to...). there's also some pretty nasty levels of misogyny in the gay male community, who seem to see the idea as some kind of threat to their own identity. and, while this is wrong, it's not hard to construct the logic - you just need to look at what the british government did to alan turing to see how the issue could be constructed to erase gay male identity. but, i mean, it's not right to blame it on us. trans people tend to have their own issues (i find queeny men to be incredibly irritating, and i find butch women to be broadly misogynist when you scratch the surface on their viewpoints), which aren't limited to push back on the exclusion.

political organizations like to try and umbrella us as "queer", because solidarity produces greater political power. we can all agree that this makes sense. and, the divisions are certainly not absolute. but, "out in the wild", random surveys are going to produce more division than solidarity. it's a nasty reality.

that said, i do agree that this is carefully cut up propaganda. but, i mean, adults aren't supposed to look to children for wisdom on complicated issues. adult issues. it's kind of a dumb premise to think that somebody is going to be convinced by an eight year old's reaction, when they've already rejected more informed arguments. it's insulting to the audience it's trying to reach, to the point that it's counter-productive. on one side, it's a circle jerk. and, on the other it hardens attitudes through a backlash at the attempted emotional manipulation.

i'd prefer to see videos of these sort focus on intellectual arguments. what we need is a public discussion. this isn't really able to spark one.

+spearofconquest  I'm sure they cherry picked the good reactions. It's those that help make the world a better place. The bad reactions can go back to hell where they came from.

+freshair3451 well, there's that approach, too. and, when you have roughly the same level of strength as your opponent, it can sometimes be a rational one. but when you're at the bottom of a hierarchy, you need to be a little more careful than that.

at the end of the day, i don't care what religious groups or radical feminists or just plain out assfaces think of me. but, i think it's imperative that some kind of understanding is reached where we can decide to agree to disagree without needing to get oppressive about it.

like, i don't seek active approval. but i do seek mutual respect. and the mutual part enforces on all of us.