Friday, September 11, 2015

i need to see the footage of him getting dragged off by harper's security...

nardwuar is truly somewhat of a national treasure.

hopefully you'll get a call from michael stipe, soon. yeesh....

listen, what do you want to do? have the rest of the world ignore the sanctions? bomb iran, through the russian anti-aircraft defenses? nuke moscow?

you have no leverage. none. you couldn't order the ayatollah to spell his own name correctly.

the russians are now in control of iran. maybe that could have been prevented by bombing then ten or fifteen years ago, like the neo-cons wanted - at however high a cost it may have been. but it's too late, now. and you need to deal with this.
hip-hop is the strongest expression of white heteropatriarchy that capitalism has yet to come up with.

this is a travesty. how is anybody in the future supposed to know who wuz there in the past? what's next, book burnings?

it's a historical record...

but, i suppose that history is written by the victors, isn't it? the truth is too often erased or forgotten.
except that the national numbers are broadly misleading because they mask various levels of regional dominance. if current trends hold, the maritimes, suburban ontario and urban quebec will likely vote in liberals - and the urban sections of the prairie provinces, the urban cores in ontario and the vast bulk of rural quebec and northern ontario will likely vote in new democrats, with quite a few areas in urban ontario and urban quebec being ndp-liberal races where the conservatives are not competitive. bc seems to perhaps be volatile. it's easy to look at the numbers and do the math, but it's not always useful depending on the demographics - unless the parties were to sign a pact before hand. this vote splitting scenario really only occurs if the ndp vote rises in the 905 and 519 areas around the gta; that will merely elect conservatives. and in some areas of bc and manitoba that are less clear cut in terms of cause and effect.
this is excellent news! now, let's take the opportunity to divest from oil and invest in sustainable manufacturing while the dollar is low.

Mark Naiman
Yes. lets invest in pot

Jessica Murray
hemp will almost certainly be our primary source of plastics in the post-carbon economy.
the most politically important part of the refugee part of the poll is that 25% of liberals and 15% of dippers think we're bringing in too many refugees. i'd need some polls on the topic directly to be sure. but i would think that people that think we should do more on this issue would be very unlikely to change their vote on this topic alone, but that people that are...racists, basically...might find the issue has some pull. and, yes - there are plenty of racists that habitually vote ndp and/or liberal.

these numbers are more realistic than what we're seeing elsewhere. big sample sizes. phones, not panels. but, a few days behind. you want to believe this poll, whether you like the results or not.

and i don't. but it's reflecting the problem that the liberals have in campaigning on the right (which they're now moving away from, thankfully). if we're going to be pretentious and pretend we need an explanation for such a small shift, let's not ignore the deficit announcement. but, let's not jump to absurd conclusions either - these are tories coming home, and voters the liberals could have never kept through any sort of difficulty. it takes a lot for them to swing liberal, and very little for them to go back home. it's true that the liberals may have blown the duffy scandal by taking a smart economic position on deficits. but, they could not have won solely on the scandal, anyways. and if the ndp can form a government, the liberals are in a lot of trouble. they have to fight on the other side.

i haven't seen the regional numbers yet. i'm going to guess that the conservatives are mostly up in alberta, and if that's the case then this boost is largely inconsequential. what i want to see are the numbers in ontario.
modest deficits are, in fact, the historical track record. but, 20% interest rates to fight huge, sudden increases in the price of oil were starkly unusual. whatever you think of the debt (i don't care...), it is not the direct consequence of "over-spending". it's a consequence of the inflation that resulted from the 1973 oil embargo, and the interest rate hikes that were set to fight it.

it follows that if it really bothers you, you should be focused on keeping interest rates low, not on maintaining a balanced budget.