Saturday, December 30, 2023

resistance is supposed to be about economics, not culture or ethnicity; resistance based on economics is socialism, but resistance based on culture is ethnic nationalism.
i'm not a hacker, and i'm not going to win a hacking fight. i'm fairly comfortable with devices, and i'll learn fast, but i've just never had any interest in networking, and my knowledge about the topic is actually fairly minimal.

but, i was trying to block access to a specific server from my network when it clicked that i could potentially block ad servers that way and i'm actually surprised by how well this worked:

google's near monopoly on ads on the internet means this is almost a total block, and it keeps the processing off my overloaded and expired chromebook. the difference in performance was immediate.

i have a compaq laptop from the late 90s that works perfectly well but cannot play youtube videos because the ad servers on google/youtube crash it. i've moved from a windows 98 pc to an early xp laptop to a 2010ish expired chromebook for my tv just because the ad servers on google have forced me to upgrade. it's really quite ridiculous; none of these machines have broken, they all work, and they can all stream video, but i can't get past google's ad infrastructure with the first two.

the chromebook is a better option for integration with youtube anyways, granted, but i wonder if i might be able to save the laptop with this little trick.

Friday, December 29, 2023

it is instructive to note that while western activist media is focusing on israeli police state activities, arab countries in the region are seeking to facilitate a release of the remaining hostages because they have a better grasp on the nature of the actors on the ground.

the west has a very dangerous blind spot in relation to hamas that is a consequence of trauma coming out of the iraq war. this is actually another reason to condemn the illegal invasion of iraq. yet, it needs to be addressed immediately.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

increasing the legal age is a better idea than an outright ban.

banning things doesn't work; i'd rather ban marijuana than tobacco, as it's far worse.

young people are less mature than they used to be. 21 is reasonable; 23 is even justifiable. 25 is pushing it.

the israelis don't have a plan. they're reacting, and they had to. if you listen to the hamas side talk, they've explained that the point of the barbarous attack was to generate a response, and a lot of dumb people walked right into it. israel's only strategy in response is overwhelming force intended to bludgeon.

so, there is no plan, other than to decimate, and they have to be allowed to do it.
i've been trying to get this point across for a long time; there are valid economic reasons why people, especially those lower in the socioeconomic hierarchy, might want to vote for lower immigration. it's not just about not liking immigrants, and it's not even about losing out on jobs. it's fundamentally about the poor quality of life that results from a society rooted in high levels of competition, and especially when that competition is tied to fighting over basic resources like food and housing. that's the quality of life you experience in a third world country, and this is what is happening to canada, as a result of this high immigration; we're becoming mexico north.

now, i happen to also be apprehensive about the right-wing ideological systems being imported into the country by conservative immigrants, but that's a different issue.

i've actually long argued that we need proper support levels rather than lower immigration - we need to build housing, etc. however, the evidence is beginning to mount that this is no longer sufficient.

we've had too much immigration for too long and need to dramatically cut it, or even temporarily halt it, until we can let the infrastructure catch up. otherwise, canada will become indistinguishable from the places that people are trying to get out of, if it hasn't already.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

there is actually honestly somebody sitting upstairs pretending to be me that is trying to steal my identity and i have no idea how to react.

i can hear them. i know what they're doing. i don't know what the point is.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

i have a new years resolution.

instead of trying to fix everything so it's perfect and i can finish everything effortlessly, i am going to need to adjust to the chaotic nature of the reality around me and focus on being pragmatic.

i need to start over in 1996 and i need to do that in order to focus. i will need to be project-oriented rather than process-oriented, moving forward. i'm going to need to work on one release at a time, starting with inri000. as i do so, i will need to pull together data from as any different places as i can find. that may leave my notes chaotic and unorderly, but i'll need to address it as i go.

i'm never going to finish anything, otherwise.

as mentioned previously, the journal is being moved offline, but i need to eliminate that as a process and do it project-by-project, instead.

that may mean finishing inri000 may be lengthy. that's ok.

in fact, i need to unpublish everything and start from total scratch.


Monday, December 18, 2023

i've avoided discussing my personal life here lately because this is the politics space now, but i need to briefly point out that the email address and the youtube account @inri_records are currently likely hacked by my landlord or maybe her juvenile children. i expect to be able to get the account back, but i am not sure when and i must warn people not to communicate with that address or go to that youtube site until the issue is resolved.

the weirdness with my landlord has just gotten worse, and i think they're trying to steal my internet presence because they think it's lucrative. my retarded mother is involved, and she's long been of the misperception that i make a lot of money from the internet, when the truth is that youtube has never cut me a check and bandcamp sales are trivial. bloggers are presented as wealthy by production companies, but it's actually all make believe; nobody actually makes money on the internet without putting money down first. you have to pay to play and i don't want to. i'm stuck with a family full of idiots; i went 1000 km away to escape them, and they seem to have followed me. ugh. if i did make $1000 from ad revenue, my mother would try to steal $900 of it. the only solution is to expel her from your life.

i woke up to a truncated password; my password was 100 characters long when i slept and 20 when i wokeup. i cannot remember those extra 80 characters. it looks like somebody truncated it when i was sleeping; i can't come up with another explanation. i suppose i might have accidentally done it but i don't know how.

this account had no connection to anything, except this blog; i have disconnected it from the blog and removed any links to it from youtube. the account was meant strictly for data storage. if the address was stolen, they gained nothing of value. i can create a new shell account.

i don't know yet if i get the account back or i have to lose it and get a new one. i'm feeling unsettled about the second option. please be cognizant for now that is not me, until further notice.

update: i've contacted the fraud unit, and they are aware of the theft. somebody may have tried to hack my paypal account. the person that stole the account has changed the name on it and may be trying to actively use it, which will make it easier to figure out who it was, in time. but, for now, i'm essentially going to have to accept the loss and set up a new account. they gain nothing of value. do not respond to anybody contacting you using that address, it is not me, it is my crooked landlord.

update: password worked on morning of dec 16, got truncated & cut off late in the morning or early in the afternoon of dec 16. corruption between 10:00-15:00 on 16th. i'm lifting weird files off recovery media, but i haven't found the password yet.

it looks like somebody edited the file when i was sleeping close to 12:00, probably on my recording pc. there is some possibility that i mangled it when i changed my bandcamp passwords around 14:30. i have the pieces to set up a camera in here over the next few days. the machine is air gapped, but vulnerable to physical attack.

after 20:00, i was looking at the gmail activity log and logged out of my accounts, and that is when i discovered that the password was truncated. i had logged in previously at around 9:00 after a reboot.

i want the address back. it's useless to them.

keep an eye on this space:

that is what they currently have access to.

i kicked them out of the inri records blog, so they may try to start their own. 

i have aggressively flagged them for impersonating me. the second best thing is that the account is disabled. 

i had some issues with paypal today and wonder if they tried to hack in, but paypal wouldn't provide information.

Saturday, December 16, 2023

what are these service members going to do when they get raped by enemy soldiers? call their commanding officers?

the idea of having a professional military is that they need to be able to fight. military personnel need to be rough, dirty people with low levels of individual morals.

we take the lack of actual ground wars we've been involved in for granted and it's really an increasing problem. what needs to be addressed here is the softening of the military, as it does not serve our interests, as canadians.

we have a military so that it will protect us; soldiers that cannot protect themselves should not be soldiers any longer. 

as for the alcohol, drinking is a part of war in order to desensitize ourselves to it. we want our military members to be rough vikings that reject authority and like their mead and their women, not weak religious people that do what they're told and follow the rules.

progressives are idiots. this is exactly the foolish thinking that led to rome's collapse; we have to be able to defend ourselves, and we need a group of barbarians at our disposal to fight for us when required.

if you show up to the barracks and get raped because you can't defend yourself, the reality is that you should look for a different job. you're actually a liability to the country, as a military officer. sorry.

they actually thought that they were going to gain political points by taking on "big silicon".

it's rooted in this cynical, hyper-capitalist analysis of why people don't like corporate actors; it's not because some corporations, like exxon or monsanto, are legitimately sociopathic psychotics but just because they're wealthy. everybody hates rich people because they're rich. right?

well, no. neither facebook nor google are responsible for raping children in africa, destroying rainforests, patenting dna, dumping chemicals in lakes, etc. elon musk and steve jobs are more the psychopathic type that you might get some public sympathy around going after, but jobs is dead and musk has his hands full with the american regulators. the one that the state has spent the most time attacking is bill gates, who has spent more of his time as a philanthropist, at this point. i would actually endorse bill gates if he ran for president. google is maybe a little bit scary; facebook isn't scary at all. it's really the state that spies on you, not google. it's just not comparable.

people like facebook, and people like google. that was obvious, wasn't it?

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

it's very disappointing to see canada take such a foolish position, in assigning palestine equal status as a party to a conflict. there is only a "cycle of violence", which is a juvenile term used by dumb hippies and other equally vacuous types of pseudo-intellectuals, in israel for as long as they pretend that palestine might exist as a political entity.

"ending the cycle of violence" means eradicating palestine. literally. there's no other algorithm for that end point. so long as palestine exists, there will be violence. only a buffoon would project otherwise.

the police operation against the hamas organized crime network must continue until hamas is eradicated. we succeeded in eradicating the nazis via overwhelming force; we can succeed in eradicating the islamicists, too.

i would call on nato to take a stronger position in aiding israeli activities outside their borders. russia is not a threat to canada, but islam certainly is; hamas is the kind of enemy that a proper nato mandate would set the alliance off after, and israel is a defacto nato ally. we should be standing in lockstep with israel as they do away with these fascist criminals.

this is the wrong position and i hope canada gets punished for it.

if ms. joly has any ideas about how to sustainably end the violence in the levant for good, i'm sure the world would love her to publish them. i'm sure they must be quite profound.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Total eradication of Hamas requires for Israel to not only carry out a military campaign in the Gaza Strip but also now Lebanon, Syria, Iran and even potentially Qatar where Hamas has a presence.

israel should absolutely be carrying out targeted assassinations of hamas terrorists in lebanon, syria, iran, turkey, egypt, iraq and qatar. further, the united states and nato should be aiding them in those targeted assassinations.

all civilized people should stand together in solidarity at this time in a global campaign to eradicate hamas.
the tunnels in gaza are a surreal reality. the archaeologist in me wants to preserve them, and the libertarian in me wants to quarantine them, but my primary concern is the kind of constant fear that comes attached to being kidnapped and taken into the tunnels. it is reminiscent of the fear of muslim pirates that westerners were under for centuries; these pirates used to raid european cities and specifically carry away the blonde girls.

(see:, to start. cities that were frequently raided by muslim pirates seeking white slaves included london, dublin, lisbon, marseilles and rome, to name a few.)

our entire concept of using religion to form a basis for slavery was adopted from the reconquista, when spanish warlords adopted arab slave practices in reverse and started enslaving non-christians in response to the arab enslavement of non-muslims. it wasn't until he 18th century that american slavery became about race instead of religion, as a response to the christian abolitionist movement, that wanted to free the slaves by converting them. the slave owners had to find some other excuse to not release their black slaves.

so, they can't have these tunnels; they're just havens for organized crime. if this round of kidnapping is unusual, it's an algorithm that you should expect to repeat itself.

there's talk of flooding them with seawater, but i don't think that's the right approach, either. if i were israel, i would want to take control of the tunnels, clear them out, keep the ones that are useful and fill the rest in with cement. 

not seawater; cement.

cement is a strong foundation to build over.
this is an inefficient use of land that will lead to urban sprawl, which is what we should be trying to prevent as a society as a primary condition, at the moment. this is consequently a bad idea.

can we stop looking to the past for solutions and look to the future instead? nobody wants to turn the clocks back to the fucking 50s. yuck.

we need to build up; building up is the future. building small is the past. let us look forwards, and not backwards.

yet, this is reflective of what is wrong with the trudeau government, as well; the truth is that justin trudeau wants to make canada great again.

Monday, December 11, 2023

this story about terrorist suspects being justifiably searched for weapons has been presented as an equivalent wrong and even largely replaced the story about israeli women being raped and mutilated, no doubt by some of the people being pictured, as an example of the depravity underlying the current antii-israel media bias, which is being driven by demographics.

i don't see anything wrong with this at all. i'm glad they're getting them off the street and into jails where they belong.

i refuse to concede the premise that there is a war going on; this is a police operation to stamp out the palestinian mafia.

i may have been the first person to suggest that what israel is doing in palestine is a genocide, in the process of rejecting the term 'apartheid'. apartheid is fundamentally about enslaving a population. the israelis do not want to enslave the arabs, and have rejected attempts by diplomats like john kerry to set up an export economy; what is closer to the truth is that western capitalism tried to create apartheid in the levant for the benefit of european investors, and the israelis put an end to it. the israelis want those jobs for their own people; they don't want enslaved arabs, they want the arabs done away with and thrown out.

i consequently rejected the term "israeli apartheid" when it was popular in the 00s and replaced it with "genocide of the palestinian people". this was before hamas took over gaza,

however, i've actually evolved my thinking since then, as i've become more aware of the fact that the palestinians are not arabs but jews that have converted to islam. you can find genetic differences between a saudi and a jew, or an egyptian and a jew, or a leb and a jew, but you cannot genetically differentiate between a a palestinian and a jew. the reason is that the palestinians are the jews, they're the jews that stayed and converted to islam. in fact, most of them even know that, they just don't like to talk about it. there is a small ruling clique of arab monarchs that don't get hit by israeli bombs; the mass of palestinians getting killed are ethnic hebrews. this is jewish hebrews killing muslim hebrews, and vice versa.

what that means is that there isn't truly an ethnic component in the conflict. this is in truth a hebrew civil war that is about religion and while i don't support jewish nationalism or jewish supremacism, i realize that civil wars are things that happen and that they need to work themselves out.

i support a one state solution where everybody is equal and rights aren't determined by religion, perceived ethnicity or language. i don't want jewish or arab states, i want a secular democracy with equal rights. yet, i realize that the process of getting there requires one side to win the civil war. historically, the end result of civil wars is that the side that loses the civil war adopts the values and beliefs of the victor. i would strongly suggest to muslims in palestine that they might want to consider looking at their roots with a sober perspective and converting back to judaism if they want to stay in israel, by following the logic of their ancestors, when they converted to islam. the situation has changed and they need to adjust.

if they do not like that idea, they might want to seriously consider leaving as it is clear which side will win this civil war. once the civil war is over, it will be time to talk about civil rights in the framework of a single state where a critical mass of israelis are on their side. they can't talk like that while they are ruled by crazy groups like hamas, which is a reflection of their desperation.

i do not support "national liberation struggles" or religious extremist groups like hamas. i don't support what they want as an outcome, and i don't support their tactics. if the palestinians want to align with groups like hamas as their voice, it would be better if they were wiped out.

however, i know that's not actually true, that most palestinians do not support hamas.

i am putting out a call for palestinians to stop being idealistic and start being pragmatic. you are ethnic hebrews. examine your family history and ask yourself what is truly in your self-interest, as individuals.

Sunday, December 10, 2023

i just 'splained my way out of a potential fucking mess.

Friday, December 8, 2023

everybody wants to be open and welcoming in principle, but we need policies like this to slow it down right now.

when the liberals are cutting immigration, you know it's overdue.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

farming is one of the highest intensity forms of carbon pollution and one of the industries that most needs to innovate ways to reduce it's carbon use. farmers need to find ways to reduce their carbon footprint, and that is imperative. i thought the conservatives liked free markets and policies designed to stimulate innovation?

there is some irony, here; i support the carbon tax as a means of wealth redistribution, but i never expected it to actually be successful in stimulating innovation. polievre's demagogic grandstanding is merely demonstrating how free market policies like carbon taxation don't work in incentivizing behaviour. 

where does this party stand in the spectrum, today? they remind me of the racist american populist and progressive movement of the late 19th century, which organized through the racist democratic party in the solid south and was old tory in ideology, which is authoritarian right-wing but collectivist in a religious sense and not at all pro-market. the party is increasingly reverting to it's roots as a christian progressive farmer's union. are there still funny socred economic ideas floating around in the reform party?

what a carbon tax can do and will do if left in place long enough is make existing solutions (that are currently less cost effective) more attractive, and make more polluting solutions less attractive. that is not innovation, but it might reduce carbon footprints nonetheless. if farmers are complaining that the tax is making them make hard decisions that means the policy is working to the extent that it ever could and the government should stay the course.

farmers need to make different choices and need to change how and what they produce.

climate change denial is the new slavery.


it might have seemed odd to many to watch the conservative party win power in 2006 by promising a series of social welfare handouts, but that's because they didn't fully grasp that the conservative party was actually the rebranded social credit party and not the old tory party.

we used to have an actual conservative party in canada, but it was wiped out in the 1993 election and never recovered.

as it is, our conservative party in canada is weird; it's a christian progressive party with very weak free market or libertarian tendencies that has a lot of ideas that are hard to place on the existing spectrum.
i'm not exactly a buddhist. i'm an atheist, and i think for myself.

however, my views on sexuality are very similar to buddhist views on sexuality and i think that western views on sexuality are broadly unhealthy and a major factor in the widespread depression that westerners experience. our sex-obsessed culture is what drives us insane.

my celibacy is by choice, and is desired by me. i have better things to do than waste my time having sex.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

the polling for donald trump in the republican primaries is what you expect to see in a fascist country, where people tell the pollsters what they want to hear instead of what they truly think. putin consistently gets 80%+ approval ratings; the polls are sound, but the people are afraid to tell the pollsters what they really think. the same thing remains true to this day in iron bloc countries like slovakia that really shouldn't have those kinds of issues anymore.

trump was a mistake, in the sense that nobody actually wanted him. he came up the middle in a crowded primary that didn't have an acceptable candidate. i will not let you forget that trump was elected republican candidate primarily to stop ted cruz, who was seen as a right-wing extremist; trump was the closest thing to a moderate in the field.

the same problem remains. if you thought cruz was too right-wing, desantis is no answer for you. everybody knows that chris christie is a loser. and, then there's the brown girl; why isn't she running for the democrats?

trump has no opponent.

a strong moderate could have beaten trump very easily, but it's too late now; he's functionally running unopposed. at least he won't catch covid on the campaign trail from a jail cell.

but, don't be surprised if his support is 20-30% lower than the polls are putting it at when the real numbers come in. i don't think trump is as scary as some would claim, but that enforced groupthink in trumplandia is not healthy for american democracy and leaves the country vulnerable to the potential of electing an actual fascist.

in fascist america, president elect you!
peel, york and durham should just be amalgamated into toronto.

well, it would expand the city's tax base by going after all the wealth that's fled the city.

Saturday, December 2, 2023

creating safe zones for civilians is exactly what israel should not do because it is well understood in advance that hamas will hide in the safe zones.

israel needs to rely on it's substantive intelligence to hit actual targets and kill actual bad guys and civilians need to take some responsibility in being proactive about getting out of the way. i understand it's a small space and that's hard, but it's how it is.

if you are a civilian in gaza, you should be seeking to find somewhere that is isolated to hide in, not going to civilian safe zones, refugee camps or un food distribution zones. hamas will get there first, and you'll be entering a target zone. it is safer for you as a citizen if there is a lack of governance and a lack of social cohesion; seek out small, autonomous collectives that hide in the cracks in the system, instead.

this is unfortunate, but it's real; there is little that israel can do to protect civilians when hamas makes blending into civilian populations and hiding in safe or non-combatant zones a central part of it's strategy. it's impossible to follow the rules when your opponents flaunt them, and the blame for this should be put on hamas, not on israel.

i can't comment on individual examples of vengeance or insubordination in the idf, which should be condemned when or if they are found.

Israel said it had recalled a team from Qatar, host of indirect negotiations with Hamas, accusing the Palestinian faction of reneging on a deal to free all the women and children it was holding. 

it is predictable that they would not let the women they impregnate via raping them leave, as they would then become their property, under islamic law.
what naomi and others miss is that if you let people with anti-semitic biases engage in a process that is legitimate on it's face, it becomes anti-semitic. my experience with "progressive" activists in canada is that most of them really don't like jews very much. i have one jewish ancestor 200 years ago, and it's better if i don't tell people about it, because once i do i get labeled as a jew and marginalized. it really does affect people's perceptions.

spraypainting slogans on a storefront is pointless vandalism, but if they wanted to get their point about this fund across without being labeled nazis, they should have chosen their words more carefully. if it sounds like a nazi and acts like a nazi, most people will decide it's a nazi; and, frankly, the truth is that it probably actually is one, too.

naomi's concern should be about nazis co-opting the action she feels is legitimate, however pointless the action might have been.

the bill c-18 deal just signed by google is not what was legislated. the legislation calls for google to make bilateral agreements with independent news organizations in order to allow them to appear in google's search results, which forces google to pay for a service it provides to news organizations for free. the actual agreement has google pay into a fund that is distributed to news organizations.

as a distant observer, my concerns were with free speech advocacy and academic freedom, which were under attack by the initial legislation. i opposed the legislation for those reasons. this agreement changes my concerns, but they do remain.

if i were google, i would want to ensure that a healthy news industry existed in canada and i would also want some influence over the news in exchange for my contributions to it's stability. that actually places google in a position where it will gain undue influence over news organizations due to the fact that it's paying them, as a result of this government dictate. it is not healthy for democracy in canada for a large corporation like google to have a cartel-like influence over the entire journalism industry, but that is what we should expect as an outcome from this agreement, the google news industry cartel that oversees google news content and which has a near monopoly on news access in canada.

i liked google's aggregate because it wasn't integrated. i may need to look elsewhere.
roger was syd's friend; he cared about him, and wanted the best for him.

syd was lucky to have friends that cared about him.

they should really make a movie about syd and roger. it would be quite touching.

Friday, December 1, 2023

can we get this in ontario, too, and enforce it on my landlords?

i would support this.

i'd also like to see substantive increases in tuition for international students; it should be prohibitively expensive to come to canada to study. we shouldn't have international students treating this exemption as a backdoor through the immigration system, and in the process competing with the working poor and disabled for resources. going to a different country to go to school should be reserved for the wealthy and those who are poor and can get substantive scholarships.

we have a serious housing availability problem in canada and we will need to take drastic steps to address it.