Saturday, December 16, 2023

what are these service members going to do when they get raped by enemy soldiers? call their commanding officers?

the idea of having a professional military is that they need to be able to fight. military personnel need to be rough, dirty people with low levels of individual morals.

we take the lack of actual ground wars we've been involved in for granted and it's really an increasing problem. what needs to be addressed here is the softening of the military, as it does not serve our interests, as canadians.

we have a military so that it will protect us; soldiers that cannot protect themselves should not be soldiers any longer. 

as for the alcohol, drinking is a part of war in order to desensitize ourselves to it. we want our military members to be rough vikings that reject authority and like their mead and their women, not weak religious people that do what they're told and follow the rules.

progressives are idiots. this is exactly the foolish thinking that led to rome's collapse; we have to be able to defend ourselves, and we need a group of barbarians at our disposal to fight for us when required.

if you show up to the barracks and get raped because you can't defend yourself, the reality is that you should look for a different job. you're actually a liability to the country, as a military officer. sorry.