Saturday, September 26, 2020

it's like the masks.

the fact is that the masks don't work at all.

but, people wear them like a security blanket - or a hijab, if you will. it makes them feel safer in a scary, unpredictable world. its some kind of certainty in the face of danger. and, that makes sense, if you're right wing (liberals do not think like that!). but, there's no science underlying it, except science debunking it. so, you'd might as well wear a dunce cap instead, if you really believe in it, if it really makes you feel better; it's just as effective in keeping you safe.

and i need to reiterate that i'm very concerned that these observations are not coincidental, that there's something to the idea of the nanny state mandating mask use to provide a false sense of security.

'cause some conservative people might, in the end, decide they don't want to take them off, at all - that they're safer hiding behind them, even when the virus is gone.

and that might be what the bastards actually want.
the answer is all of the above, and if you're serious then you have to shut everything down. the virus doesn't know that it's at school, and should behave, or spread more easily at bars than it does at churches. these are arbitrary human conventions that make no sense and have no rooting in science - but they can be deceiving, if you're a conservative (which everybody that is making decisions, right now, is).

opening schools and gyms and closing bars and strip clubs isn't "risk reduction", it's just base stupidity rooted in illogical puritanical ignorance.

it will make the idiots feel safer, though - and that's really the purpose of it. it's political. it's meat for the base.

they're scapegoating sinners. 

and, that is all.

so, if you're looking for an easy answer, there isn't one; if you're looking for a specific activity to cancel so that everything else carries on safely, you're doing this wrong.

if you want to target any specific group, the group you should be targeting is geriatrics. and, it doesn't matter if they're playing bingo at the tavern or singing hymns at the church or giving their grandkids a hug - any outside exposure is dangerous.

that is the only intelligent thing that can be done, and suggestions otherwise will merely lead to abject failure and excess death.

and, no, i'm not committing on which one is dumber.
maybe i'll rent illegally download dumb and dumber, instead.
frankly, i'm not finding myself remotely interested in watching those two idiots down there debate with each other, at all.
that was some overdue sleep after trying to stay awake for far too long.

i want to get a rough idea of how i'm finishing this, and then get to some court stuff.
b2 is the same kind of idea as b1 - except that it's more plentiful in the foods i like, so i need less of it across the board. i should be able to get what i need in the fruit bowl from the previously isolated combination of cereals and nutrition drinks.

but, i also have my first serious candidate for a salad dressing, and it's yogurt, which is full of b2 from milk and heavily fortified with d, solving two problems at once. i'll want to look around for the right combination, but it's kind of the perfect answer if i can find the right brand.

i would probably be better off with milk yogurt than soy yogurt due to the superior 6:3 ratio. yogurt will present the bowl with enough fat to allow for proper vitamin absorption, but it's about a 90% reduction, compared to the soy-based caesar. i wish they were more clear on the packaging for this caesar, because soy + cheese + eggs sounds horribly fattening but at a potential net benefit of high vitamin intake. they're mum when they ought not to be.....

so, that's really about the only answer i can think of to get the pasta bowl up, and it's a good one all around. i've penciled it in.

regarding the eggs, the deficit is not great, but my options are not inspiring. if i've tapped out milk & cereal & eggs, what is left is organ meat. veal is very high on the list. but, that's not under consideration.

the only remaining option to get b2 in substantive quantities appears to be the soy meat. and, i'll have to very carefully sort through my options. but, eggs & soy bacon is what it looks like it is...

i've gone to town with a few things - i'm not making up vitamins but rather filling things in. i mean, there's all these "missing vitamin names". what were they, exactly? it also gives me an excuse to work in a few things like choline that are hard to otherwise define as they are essential in some amount but not technically vitamins.

note that these numbers are scavenged and should be interpreted approximately. that's partly why i'm aiming to overshoot on most of it.

fruit bowl pasta salad bowl fried eggs
136 g
75 g
75 g
250 ml
200 ml
sum red
175 g
100 g
60 g
72 g
10 g

sum fried
30 g
2 tbsp
+ flax  
(1 slice)
(37 g)
250 ml
sum total
(fat sol)
4 0 2 10 13 29
103 30 241 0 - - 375
21 15 10 0 - 46
6 2 2 8 5 21 6 84 1 3 11 - - 105 6 .5 0 10.5 - 17 143
b2 [aka g, j]
12 12 25 10 49 8 41 13 2 2 40+ - 66 42 6.5 0 3 - 51.5 166.5
10 2 2 10 1 23 8 66 0 4 6 - - 84 1 0 0 6.5 - 7.5 114.5
adenine (mg)
3.26 0.375 0.6 19.3 0.9735 24.1335 27.825 4 - - - - - - 3.36 - 0 4.27 - - -
pantothenic acid
10 2 2 15 5 32 5 8.5 2.5 2 1 - - 19 21 1 0 4 - 26 77
50 2 4 6 1 61 24 7 2.5 5 3.5
- 42 12 1 0 3 - 16 119
b7 [aka h]
(rdi: 35 mcg)
20 2.5 ? 30 1 51 16.5 1 3 12 8 - - 40.5 65 1.5 13 9 - 88.5 180
inositol (mg)

(myo or lipid)
20 10 204 25 5 254 99.75 70.27 - - - - - - 6.3 - 16  50 - - -
b9 [aka m, b11, r]
folic acid
14 4.5 12 6 1 33 19 71 3 3 3 - - 99 18 1.5 0 5 - 24.5 156.5
~0 ~0 ~0 >0 ~0 0 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
b12 [aka t]
0 0 0 50 20 70 0 0 8.5 0 0 20+ - 8.5 33 4 0 0 - 37 115.5
orotic acid (mg)
~0 ~0 ~0 ~0 20 20 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
taurine (mg)
~0 ~0 ~0 ~0 2 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
pangamic acid
~0 ~0 ~0 0? ~0 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4 1 2 11 5 22 2 2.5 2 1 - - - 7.5 68 1 0 2 - 71 100.5
b20* [aka I]
~0 ~0 ~0 ~0 5 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
c 40 74 234 4 0 278 350 0 0 7 0 - - 357 0 0 0 0 100+ 100+ 735+
(fat sol)
0 0 0 45 0 45 0 0 2 0 0 20+ - 2 12 1 30 0 - 43 90
(fat sol)
2 1.5 20 0 2 24 13 1 1 2 7 - - 24 9 .5 20 6 - 35.5 83.5
linoleic acid
omega-6 (g)
0.1252 .09 0.374 1.5 .300 2.2992 .0738 .540 .3462 .0828 2.87  200 - 3.91283.23 .1731 1.5 .5 - 5.4031 11.6151
alphalinoleic acid
omega-3 (g)
0.0734 .065 0.0638 0.2 .200 0.5372 .041 .024 .219 .0014 .93 100 - 1.2154 .228 .1095 .5 .75 - 1.5875 3.3401
f1:f2 ratio - - - - - 4.28 - - - - - - - 3.22 - - - - - 3.40 3.49
(fat sol)
2 1 78 5 0 85 10 1 1 12 0 - - 24 9 .5 10 3 - 22.5 131.5
coenzyme q10 (mg)
0.272 .075 0.075 .625 .0308 1.0028 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 quinone (mu-g)
3.536 ? 4.05 .063 .2101 7.8591 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
salicylic acid (mg)
~0 ~1 ~0.075 ~0 ~0 ~0.75 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

* not really.

complete requirements

fat soluble:
- a: 100% of pre-formed + 300% of convertible, total daily
- d:
- e:
- k should not exceed 100%/meal 

water soluble (bs & c):
- 300+% total w/ 100% for each meal

incomplete requirements legend:
+75<=100% each meal    [=+200%<=300% total]
+50<=75% each meal   [=+100<=200% total] 
<=50% each meal    [<100% total]

specific brands used:
- so nice vanilla soy milk
- chapman's black cherry ice cream
- irrestibles brand olive canola oil
- selection brand pasta [metro/food basics]
- dempster's whole grain double flax bread
- black diamond brand medium cheddar cheese

diet options:


1) fruit bowl:
- 2 bananas (8")
- 2 kiwis (75 g)
- 200 ml ice cream
- 250 ml soy milk  [but double it?]
- strawberries [but, looking for a fruit replacement]
- blueberries
- raspberries
- "meal replacement packets" for a & b & d & e
- special k or vector or cream of wheat cereal for various bs (or something else)
- or maybe even baby food cereal for a total vitamin wash
- banana peel + soy smoothie
- red cherries <------------- a
- ground cherries  <------- a, b1, b3
- rosehips (if locatable)  <------------ a, b2, b3, b5, e
- fresh goji berries (if locatable) <------------ a, b1, b2

2) pasta salad bowl:
- 100 g cooked pasta
- one large red pepper
- one large chopped carrot
- 60 g chopped medium cheddar cheese [12 slices]
- 10 g hulled hemp seeds
- yogurt dressing
- glass of pasta water 
- tomatoes
- flax seeds (ground!) (probably not) 
- spirulina 
- tahini  
- macademia nuts 
- croutons
- tomato powder 
- caesar dressing (very little b1, 35% e?, some a)
- one tbsp of imitation bacon bits (isoflavones, maybe_
- 5 g chopped crickets [5 crickets]  [b12]
- kalamata olives (probably for e) 
- lemon (probably for phytonutrients) 
- garlic cloves (probably for phytonutrients)
- oregano & pepper (probably for phytonutrients)
- microwaved/chopped broccoli (probably not, due to k and I3C) 
- broccoli leaves or kale or dandelion leaves? (probably not, due to I3C and k) 
- red clover (if locatable or foragable, for phytoestrogens)
- alfafa?

3) eggs:
- 2 jumbo fried eggs
- 1 slice of whole wheat bread (including the germ!) with flax
- 2 tbsp olive oil margarine
- 30 g sliced medium cheddar cheese [6 slices]
- salami (45 g) (25% b1, 8% b2, 12% b3, 5% b5, 11.5% b6, 0% b9, 20% b12)
- rice (100 g) (60% b1, 2% b2, 35% b3, 4% b5, 6% b6, 69% b9)
- soy meat (100% b1, 50-70% b2)
- indoor grown tuna? (50 g) (15%+ b1, 6% b2
- indoor grown salmon? (50 g) (<15% b1, 9% b2
- + apple juice? (1 cup) (100% c)
- carrot juice (1 cup) (18% b1, 8% b2
- orange juice (1 cup) (15% b1, 4% b2

4) coffee
~ 600 ml [1/2 pot] [strong] [low-ball]
- with 100 ml chocolate soy


1) banana peel smoothie:
- 14 banana peels
- red pepper seeds from 7 peppers [soak? pre-grind? figure this out.]
- chocolate soy
- cherry ice cream
- strawberry tops


the list of everything i need to get.

added are green

13 vitamins:
1) A
2) B1 (thiamine)
3) B2 (riboflavin)
4) B3 (niacin)
5) B5 (pantothenic acid)
6) B6 (pyridoxine)

7) B7 (biotin)
8) B9 (folic acid)
9) B12 (cyano-cobolamin)
10)  C
11) D
12) E
13) K

15 amino acids:
1) histidine
2) isoleucine
3) leucine
4) lysine
5) methionine
6) phenylalanine
7) threonine
8) tryptophan
9) valine
10) arginine
11) cysteine
12) glycine
13) glutamine
14) proline
15) tyrosine
+ measure 6 non-essential

4 fatty acids:
1) linoleic acid
2) ala
3) dha
4) epa

23 minerals:
1) calcium
2) phosphorus
3) potassium
4) sulfur
5) sodium
6) chlorine
7) magnesium
8) iron
9) zinc
10) copper
11) manganese
12) iodine
13) selenium
14) molybdenum
15) chromium
16) fluoride
17) bromine
18) cobalt
19) tin
20) vanadium
21) silicon
22) boron
23) nickel
24) lead?

carotenoids (not including pro-vitamin a)
1) lutein
2) zeaxanthin
3) lycopene
4) phytofluene
5) phytoene
6) astaxanthin
7) capsanthin
8) canthaxanthin
9) cryptoxanthin

1) chlorophyll a
2) chlorophyll b

other molecules required for proper metabolic functions:
1) choline (cannot synthesize properly)
2) coQ10

3) lipoic acid
4) glutathione precursors
5) ergothioneine  (cannot synthesize)   <-----mushrooms
6) pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) (cannot synthesize)   <-----kiwis
7) queuine  (cannot synthesize)    <-----cheese [made in stomach by bacteria]

8) taurine (cannot synthesize properly) <----cheese
9) betaine (more than a choline precursor?)

i'm more concerned about diabetes than weight gain, so...
the glycemic index is:
running total...

i don't need many different types, i just need some. i'm not worrying about this.

& water

also, let's measure flavonoids:

1) pelargonidin
2) delphinidin
3) cyanidin
4) malvinidin
5) peonidin
6) petunidin
7) rosinidin

1) isorhamnetin
2) kaempferol
3) myricetin
4) quercetin
5) fisetin
6) kaempferide

1) luteolin
2) apigenin
3) techtochrysin
4) baicalein (to avoid!)
5) norwogonin
6) wogonin
7) nobiletin

1) eriodictyol
2) hesperetin
3) naringenin
4) hesperidin
5) isosakuranetin
6) pinocembrin
7) sterubin

1) daidzein
2) genistein
3) glycitein
4) biochanin A
5) formononetin

i should try to measure some further phytoestrogens:
1) matairesinol
2) secoisolariciresinol
3) pinoresinol
4) lariciresinol
5) coumestrol

& finally, let's also measure:
1) saponins
2) ursolic acid (& precursors)
3) cafestol
4) resveratrol
5) ellagic acid
6) coumarin
7) tyrosol
8) hydroxytyrosol
9) oleocanthal
10) oleuropein
11) gingerol
12) phytic acid
so, i'm going to need to do some shopping to work out the right addition to the fruit bowl, but it's going to be some combination of fortified wheat supplements with dietary replacements.

for the pasta salad, i'm going ahead with a boost in pasta to 100 g, and i'm adding hulled hemp seeds. i was going to add fake bacon bits & chopped crickets, but i'm holding off for now. one thing at a time.

and, i'm holding off on choices around the fried eggs, but i've added a few options at the bottom.

so, for the pasta, i just retraced my steps to readjust the proportion, and i actually found a typo with the niacin that's been corrected.

for hemp, i'm using the following site to start:

that site, however, doesn't measure the gamma-tocopherol in hemp seeds, which i relied on the following site for, for now:

note that that is for an oil, not the hulled seeds. in the end, i'm going to want to understand the correct conversion factors i need to meet the daily requirements. and, cost permitting, i may boost the amount of hemp, in the end. for now, this is about the b1, and the 11% bumps me over for the pasta salad bowl.

it is stated repeatedly on the internet that the european hemp association would allot an amount of 9% of the rdi for b5 to 10 g of hulled seeds, but i can't source that.

however, there's data on omega fatty acids here:

and, this site filled out holes for the less common nutrients.

further, note that while it seems to be clear that hemp is a non-trivial source of both choline and inositol, i cannot find clear data regarding it.

note that b9 for the pasta meal bumped up as well, as collateral damage. good.

& b2 is next. where i can get more of that?

i've gone to town with a few things - i'm not making up vitamins but rather filling things in. i mean, there's all these "missing vitamin names". what were they, exactly? it also gives me an excuse to work in a few things like choline that are hard to otherwise define as they are essential in some amount but not technically vitamins.

note that these numbers are scavenged and should be interpreted approximately. that's partly why i'm aiming to overshoot on most of it.

fruit bowl pasta salad bowl fried eggs
136 g
75 g
75 g
250 ml
200 ml
sum red
175 g
100 g
60 g
72 g
10 g

sum fried
30 g
2 tbsp
+ flax  
(1 slice)
(37 g)
250 ml
sum total
(fat sol)
4 0 2 10 13 29
103 30 241 0 - - 375
21 15 10 0 - 46
6 2 2 8 5 21 6 84 1 3 11 - - 105 6 .5 0 10.5 - 17 143
b2 [aka g, j]
12 12 25 10 49 8 41 13 2 2 - - 66 42 6.5 0 3 - 51.5 166.5
10 2 2 10 1 23 8 66 0 4 6 - - 84 1 0 0 6.5 - 7.5 114.5
adenine (mg)
3.26 0.375 0.6 19.3 0.9735 24.1335 27.825 4 - - - - - - 3.36 - 0 4.27 - - -
pantothenic acid
10 2 2 15 5 32 5 8.5 2.5 2 1 - - 19 21 1 0 4 - 26 77
50 2 4 6 1 61 24 7 2.5 5 3.5
- 42 12 1 0 3 - 16 119
b7 [aka h]
(rdi: 35 mcg)
20 2.5 ? 30 1 51 16.5 1 3 12 8 - - 40.5 65 1.5 13 9 - 88.5 180
inositol (mg)

(myo or lipid)
20 10 204 25 5 254 99.75 70.27 - - - - - - 6.3 - 16  50 - - -
b9 [aka m, b11, r]
folic acid
14 4.5 12 6 1 33 19 71 3 3 3 - - 99 18 1.5 0 5 - 24.5 156.5
~0 ~0 ~0 >0 ~0 0 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
b12 [aka t]
0 0 0 50 20 70 0 0 8.5 0 0 - - 8.5 33 4 0 0 - 37 115.5
orotic acid (mg)
~0 ~0 ~0 ~0 20 20 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
taurine (mg)
~0 ~0 ~0 ~0 2 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
pangamic acid
~0 ~0 ~0 0? ~0 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4 1 2 11 5 22 2 2.5 2 1 - - - 7.5 68 1 0 2 - 71 100.5
b20* [aka I]
~0 ~0 ~0 ~0 5 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
c 40 74 234 4 0 278 350 0 0 7 0 - - 357 0 0 0 0 100+ 100+ 735+
(fat sol)
0 0 0 45 0 45 0 0 2 0 0 - - 2 12 1 30 0 - 43 90
(fat sol)
2 1.5 20 0 2 24 13 1 1 2 7 - - 24 9 .5 20 6 - 35.5 83.5
linoleic acid
omega-6 (g)
0.1252 .09 0.374 1.5 .300 2.2992 .0738 .540 .3462 .0828 2.87  - - 3.91283.23 .1731 1.5 .5 - 5.4031 11.6151
alphalinoleic acid
omega-3 (g)
0.0734 .065 0.0638 0.2 .200 0.5372 .041 .024 .219 .0014 .93 - - 1.2154 .228 .1095 .5 .75 - 1.5875 3.3401
f1:f2 ratio - - - - - 4.28 - - - - - - - 3.22 - - - - - 3.40 3.49
(fat sol)
2 1 78 5 0 85 10 1 1 12 0 - - 24 9 .5 10 3 - 22.5 131.5
coenzyme q10 (mg)
0.272 .075 0.075 .625 .0308 1.0028 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 quinone (mu-g)
3.536 ? 4.05 .063 .2101 7.8591 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
salicylic acid (mg)
~0 ~1 ~0.075 ~0 ~0 ~0.75 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

* not really.

complete requirements

fat soluble:
- a: 100% of pre-formed + 300% of convertible, total daily
- d:
- e:
- k should not exceed 100%/meal 

water soluble (bs & c):
- 300+% total w/ 100% for each meal

incomplete requirements legend:
+75<=100% each meal    [=+200%<=300% total]
+50<=75% each meal   [=+100<=200% total] 
<=50% each meal    [<100% total]

specific brands used:
- so nice vanilla soy milk
- chapman's black cherry ice cream
- irrestibles brand olive canola oil
- selection brand pasta [metro/food basics]
- dempster's whole grain double flax bread
- black diamond brand medium cheddar cheese

diet options:


1) fruit bowl:
- 2 bananas (8")
- 2 kiwis (75 g)
- 200 ml ice cream
- 250 ml soy milk  [but double it?]
- strawberries [but, looking for a fruit replacement]
- blueberries
- raspberries
- "meal replacement packets" for a & b & d & e
- special k or vector or cream of wheat cereal for various bs (or something else)
- or maybe even baby food cereal for a total vitamin wash
- banana peel + soy smoothie
- red cherries <------------- a
- ground cherries  <------- a, b1, b3
- rosehips (if locatable)  <------------ a, b2, b3, b5, e
- fresh goji berries (if locatable) <------------ a, b1, b2

2) pasta salad bowl:
- 100 g cooked pasta
- one large red pepper
- one large chopped carrot
- 60 g chopped medium cheddar cheese [12 slices]
- 10 g hulled hemp seeds
- glass of pasta water 
- tomatoes
- flax seeds (ground!) (probably not) 
- spirulina 
- tahini  
- macademia nuts 
- croutons
- tomato powder 
- caesar dressing (very little b1, 35% e?, some a)
- one tbsp of imitation bacon bits (isoflavones, maybe_
- 5 g chopped crickets [5 crickets]  [b12]
- kalamata olives (probably for e) 
- lemon (probably for phytonutrients) 
- garlic cloves (probably for phytonutrients)
- oregano & pepper (probably for phytonutrients)
- microwaved/chopped broccoli (probably not, due to k and I3C) 
- broccoli leaves or kale or dandelion leaves? (probably not, due to I3C and k) 
- red clover (if locatable or foragable, for phytoestrogens)
- alfafa?

3) eggs:
- 2 jumbo fried eggs
- 1 slice of whole wheat bread (including the germ!) with flax
- 2 tbsp olive oil margarine
- 30 g sliced medium cheddar cheese [6 slices]
- salami (45 g) (25% b1)
- rice (100 g) (60% b1, )
- soy meat (100% b1,)
- indoor grown tuna or salmon?
- + apple juice? (1 cup) (100% c)
- carrot juice (1 cup) (18% b1
- orange juice (1 cup) (15% b1

4) coffee
~ 600 ml [1/2 pot] [strong] [low-ball]
- with 100 ml chocolate soy


1) banana peel smoothie:
- 14 banana peels
- red pepper seeds from 7 peppers [soak? pre-grind? figure this out.]
- chocolate soy
- cherry ice cream
- strawberry tops


the list of everything i need to get.

added are green

13 vitamins:
1) A
2) B1 (thiamine)
3) B2 (riboflavin)
4) B3 (niacin)
5) B5 (pantothenic acid)
6) B6 (pyridoxine)

7) B7 (biotin)
8) B9 (folic acid)
9) B12 (cyano-cobolamin)
10)  C
11) D
12) E
13) K

15 amino acids:
1) histidine
2) isoleucine
3) leucine
4) lysine
5) methionine
6) phenylalanine
7) threonine
8) tryptophan
9) valine
10) arginine
11) cysteine
12) glycine
13) glutamine
14) proline
15) tyrosine
+ measure 6 non-essential

4 fatty acids:
1) linoleic acid
2) ala
3) dha
4) epa

23 minerals:
1) calcium
2) phosphorus
3) potassium
4) sulfur
5) sodium
6) chlorine
7) magnesium
8) iron
9) zinc
10) copper
11) manganese
12) iodine
13) selenium
14) molybdenum
15) chromium
16) fluoride
17) bromine
18) cobalt
19) tin
20) vanadium
21) silicon
22) boron
23) nickel
24) lead?

carotenoids (not including pro-vitamin a)
1) lutein
2) zeaxanthin
3) lycopene
4) phytofluene
5) phytoene
6) astaxanthin
7) capsanthin
8) canthaxanthin
9) cryptoxanthin

1) chlorophyll a
2) chlorophyll b

other molecules required for proper metabolic functions:
1) choline (cannot synthesize properly)
2) coQ10

3) lipoic acid
4) glutathione precursors
5) ergothioneine  (cannot synthesize)   <-----mushrooms
6) pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) (cannot synthesize)   <-----kiwis
7) queuine  (cannot synthesize)    <-----cheese [made in stomach by bacteria]

8) taurine (cannot synthesize properly) <----cheese
9) betaine (more than a choline precursor?)

i'm more concerned about diabetes than weight gain, so...
the glycemic index is:
running total...

i don't need many different types, i just need some. i'm not worrying about this.

& water

also, let's measure flavonoids:

1) pelargonidin
2) delphinidin
3) cyanidin
4) malvinidin
5) peonidin
6) petunidin
7) rosinidin

1) isorhamnetin
2) kaempferol
3) myricetin
4) quercetin
5) fisetin
6) kaempferide

1) luteolin
2) apigenin
3) techtochrysin
4) baicalein (to avoid!)
5) norwogonin
6) wogonin
7) nobiletin

1) eriodictyol
2) hesperetin
3) naringenin
4) hesperidin
5) isosakuranetin
6) pinocembrin
7) sterubin

1) daidzein
2) genistein
3) glycitein
4) biochanin A
5) formononetin

i should try to measure some further phytoestrogens:
1) matairesinol
2) secoisolariciresinol
3) pinoresinol
4) lariciresinol
5) coumestrol

& finally, let's also measure:
1) saponins
2) ursolic acid (& precursors)
3) cafestol
4) resveratrol
5) ellagic acid
6) coumarin
7) tyrosol
8) hydroxytyrosol
9) oleocanthal
10) oleuropein
11) gingerol
12) phytic acid