Saturday, September 26, 2020

it's like the masks.

the fact is that the masks don't work at all.

but, people wear them like a security blanket - or a hijab, if you will. it makes them feel safer in a scary, unpredictable world. its some kind of certainty in the face of danger. and, that makes sense, if you're right wing (liberals do not think like that!). but, there's no science underlying it, except science debunking it. so, you'd might as well wear a dunce cap instead, if you really believe in it, if it really makes you feel better; it's just as effective in keeping you safe.

and i need to reiterate that i'm very concerned that these observations are not coincidental, that there's something to the idea of the nanny state mandating mask use to provide a false sense of security.

'cause some conservative people might, in the end, decide they don't want to take them off, at all - that they're safer hiding behind them, even when the virus is gone.

and that might be what the bastards actually want.