Monday, September 7, 2020

it's really not a clear or obvious choice as to who is going to be worse...
a lot of it comes down to priorities, rather than disagreements.

if my primary concern is foreign policy, i may see trump as the lesser evil, because i'm concerned about biden's bellicose, pro-war rhetoric and history of supporting major armed conflicts. i might even win that debate with a jello, who i know is not kind to liberal interventionists. but, he might counter that climate change is more important, and biden offers a marginal improvement; a point i may concede in theory, even if i think it's unlikely to actually manifest itself in reality.

so, we're not really disagreeing on policy, or even on who is worse in specific contexts.

we're disagreeing on the ballot question, and that's the difference between my own suggestion to vote green in protest against biden, and his to join the choir and hold his nose to push out trump.

like i say: if somebody wants to have that debate, send me an email and we'll have it.
the argument i'm going to have with somebody like jello biafra or michael stipe is whether voting for biden to get rid of trump is worth it, not whether they're actually in support of biden - because they're not.
there are a few people i've listened to for decades that might find me maddening and be unable to find common ground with me. i'll grant that.

but, most of what i'm posting here is coming from roughly the same far left perspective, and i think a healthy discussion would result in more agreement than disagreement, broadly speaking.
it's a bizarre situation...

trump is a democrat, and biden is a republican.

so, you should be confused; this is confusing.
in the event of a tie, would trump just rejoin the democrats?
if trump was running for the democrats, and biden was running for the republicans (both of which are probably more natural fits for both men), i'd probably endorse trump, in this election.

the reasoning is that trump scares me less than his party, and the only reason i'd even look at biden is that he represents his party.

but, that's not the option. well..

if there's a tie in the electoral college, we could get trump-harris. and, that's probably better than either of them winning, outright.
listen - i think i've been clear that i don't like either option.

trump scares me less than his party (and less than a cruz or a rubio, or a romney or a kasich), but i'm not naive - i know the party wins these debates in the end.

but, i simply don't think that biden is an acceptable option, under any context, not even this one.

so, i'm advocating voting for the greens.

my opinions are consistently to the left of the spectrum. i may often side with trump over biden on specific issues, but it's because biden is falling all over himself to run to trump's right, and i'm purposefully poking fingers in his eyes for doing it. that's not acceptable to me, disqualifies him as a candidate in my estimation and needs to be called out absolutely clearly.

so, i'm attacking biden from the left, over and over, and i think that's clear enough.

it may be that trump is the lesser evil, at the end of the day, but when both candidates are this bad, it's hard to even define the terms. what i'm not doing and will not do is fall into line on partisan grounds. i'm going to continue to think critically.

so, if somebody associated with the music i'm posting has some concerns about being associated with a contrarian that has up to this point and will continue to viciously attack biden from the left, as well as point out examples of how he might end up the more right-wing of the choices in some ways if allowed to govern [while being aware of counter-examples where the party dominates the decision making], i'd invite you to open a line of communication. i'd like to have that discussion.

but, this isn't a conservative blog, and i'm not a trump supporter; this is a socialist blog, and i'm an anarchist that is deconstructing the entire spectrum from a far left perspective that sees both parties as unacceptable.

i just post tunes that i like as i find them relevant, mostly because i'm listening to them....
actually, it seems like round two finally got him.

for this man, who is seen as a musical genius by those who know his work, to die of a heart attack in two movements is so bizarrely surreal, and yet so incredibly appropriate, that i'm just going to leave it as it is.

it's sad to have to let go. but, i wonder if ten years wasn't enough time to suffer through a horrible brain condition, and i wonder if it wasn't a release, in the end.

let us hope that he does rest in peace, although we know he never will.
perfect excuse for a cardiacs post:

On August 14, 1936, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, speaking at Chautauqua, N. Y., said in part:

"I have seen war. I have seen war on land and sea. I have seen blood running from the wounded. I have seen men coughing up their gassed lungs. I have seen the dead In the mud. I have seen cities destroyed. I have seen two hundred limping, exhausted men come out of line, the survivors of a regiment of one thousand that went forward forty-eight hours before. I have seen children starving. I have seen the agony of mothers and wives. I hate war."

that's what a president sounds like.

biden might want to take some notes.
there's a lot of really, really, really, really bad sides to trump. fine.

but, his disinterest in and apprehension towards war is a major asset, and i hope that whoever replaces him, in the end, picks up and expands on that, rather than undoes it.
i need to double down on what i just said about trump's war comments.

in the article, he says things like "i don't get it. what's in it for them?".

and, they slammed him for not understanding sacrifice, which is absolutely bizarre.

rather, to me, and i went over this in 2016 too, but, to me, it's refreshing to hear a politician talk about war in more sombre and reflective terms, like that. because, i don't get it, either. and, none of the authors i read get it, and none of the movies i watch get it, and none of my friends have ever gotten it.

and, i've participated in anti-war movements that don't get it.

those comments were humanizing, they were flattering to trump's intelligence (even in the face of so much which isn't) and they were reassuring.

i want a commander-in-chief that doesn't understand why anybody would sign up for a war, not one that talks about sacrificing our children, and criticizes people that think that that's insane.
ok, so i'm out of the shower and feeling a bit better than i did the last few days. if i did indeed pick up a virus, i think i've already cleared it.

i think it was something else...some combination of pollution from upstairs and carbohydrate withdrawal...but i'll volunteer for an antibody test when they're available...

i'm healthy; i wouldn't expect it to affect me, except as a possible complication of this potential multiple sclerosis onset that i've been dancing with for so long. and, indeed, i may have even being having a mild ms attack, rather than anything else.

the other thing is that i drank a lot of water and it really is baffling how often it is that drinking a lot of water basically fixes everything. why is that? why am i chronically dehydrated?

i'm going to pick up back on the diet first (the story is coming. i am, indeed, still processing.), and do a really thorough review, including amino acids and everything. this is likely going to be permanent until the spring, at least, so i want to get it right.

right now, i'm looking at introducing a salad bowl as a complement to the fruit bowl, which may mean tweaking the fruit bowl. ideally, i'd have fruit in the morning & salad at night, then eggs every second day. so, i need to ask sombre questions like:

1) can i cut the salami out and get enough b12 from the eggs?
2) am i better off trying for some other kind of b12?
3) are some of these fruits superfluous? are other fruits a better idea?
4) how exactly should i compose my salad to get my daily rdis?
5) how often should i eat eggs, for real?

& etc.

i'll post it in a series of tables & charts...
they end up fucking homeless...

i'm actually going to state something that everybody knows but people are afraid to come to terms with: americans don't care about veterans.

that sounds bizarre. everybody knows that 'merica is all about war. and, the polling will uphold the point, if you ask facile enough questions, sure. but, it's a lie - they don't care, and you just need to look at who wins office and who doesn't.

bill clinton was a draft dodger, and they nailed him mercilessly for it; if anything, most people seemed to think it was funny.

so was dubya - and he beat a legit war hero in 2004. nobody cared.

nobody cared about john mccain's war record, either.

nobody cared when hillary sent that gold star general after trump, and nobody seems to be caring much about when he called them suckers; if anything, reliant leftists like myself seem to find it a little refreshing to hear, in contrast to the jingoism and chauvinist chest-beating coming from biden (which we find nauseating).

there's other ways to come to this conclusion, as well. they get half blown up protecting an illegal drug shipment, and come home and get subpar health care, and nobody really cares. they kill each other, or their families, and people shrug it off; this is something that should justify major levels of social spending, and people just look the other way. they can't get the psychological care they need, and nobody really lets it bother them.

so why don't they care about veterans anymore, in a country that is built on militaristic jingoism and global hegemony?

i think the answer is tied into conscription. back when people were shipped off to fight (and often die. whatever. actually, i was going to post this on the sole video: kurt vonnegut is dead? so it goes.) whether they wanted to go or not, they aroused a lot of sympathy, perhaps more due to the tyranny of sending them than any legit feelings of gratitude for safety. i mean, most people know better; they have some idea of imperialism, even if it's blurry. they know they're being fed bullshit, and left to generate fungi in the dark. but, when they're sent out at gunpoint, it's kind of not their fault, and it's hard to blame them for what they did, within reason. with a volunteer force, they do it to themselves, and there's good reason to lose sympathy...and even empathy...for people that seem to want to go slaughter others, out of their own free will.

i don't think anybody else has really put this together before; it's just unquestioned that you win elections by rallying the troops.

but, the evidence doesn't really uphold it.

people don't seem to give a fuck.
"going to school doesn't mean you're smart"

i agree. but, more to the point is the following: having a marketable degree doesn't mean you want to use it; earning an education doesn't make you a capitalist.
just a point about opening up the border to labour mobility in north america v. europe: (1) i'd only support it if it were total and (2) generally, you want to avoid breaking down borders with large disparities in living conditions across them, as that just gives capital a freer hand.

so, i'm actually less opposed to the part of the border that keeps people out and more opposed to the part that keeps people in. if we had real labour mobility, i am sure i'd move south to a climate i like better, in search of a lower cost of living. canada is exorbitantly expensive, nowadays, and housing is very scarce, here.

but, it's not that easy...
i agree that it would be unconscionable to give an untested vaccine for a new variant of the common cold to kids.

but, i insist that it would be equally unconscionable to deny access to that untested vaccine to seniors that need it immediately.

and, those arguing that we must wait for the trials to finish before we distribute to the most vulnerable have doused themselves in the blood of those who will die unnecessarily as a result of their political grandstanding, and should ultimately be held accountable for it.
it's a question of autonomy, of self-determination and of individual freedom.

and, we'll see who ends up on the right side of history and who doesn't.
it's not a question of if it's safe or not, or who to believe when they make arguments.

it's a question of who has the right to decide what goes in their own body and who doesn't.

my body, my choice. no compromises, no exceptions.
so, we may have been given advance warning of an october surprise, and all i have to say is this: anybody standing between a high risk individual and an untested vaccine that is probably safe with an exceedingly high likelihood for political reasons should really be ashamed of themselves.

i'm probably not going to ever get vaccinated for this.

but, anything in late stage trials should be available on demand; people should be allowed to assume the risk.
listen, i don't doubt this, and i don't think serious complications are likely.

personally? i'll pass.

but, i'm not 75 years old, and i'm not diabetic and ...

if i were? i think i'd be a little more risk adverse, and willing to take a chance - and pretty pissed off at anybody telling me i can't, for my own good.

there is always some minimal chance of complications, but i wouldn't expect a high chance of serious ones.

i will say this, though: you'd better hope it doesn't mutate. that's a far more serious concern...
not really, though.

i've got a great name for the union, too.



great idea, eh? who'd ever have thought of that?

that's only in canada.

*sips tea*

wait, so brexit didn't get done?

i guess it's time for borisexit, instead, then.

my argument from the start was that this whole thing is stupid, and that the choices being presented to british voters were disingenuous. it's taken way too long for the country to realize that the premise that it could just walk out of the eu and into a world defined by giant trade blocs doesn't make any sense. it has to join a club.

so, my analysis is that brexit really isn't about brexit, but more about england being pried away from an increasingly independent germany. the americans cannot lose england to germany. so, england will now be a province of canada, instead.
toronto's over.
i'm almost in favour of artists abandoning the city, at this point. it's so expensive as to be unliveable.

let it be boring, if that's what they want.

let's band together and rebuild somewhere else - waterloo, hamilton, oshawa....
chances those kids saw something in the sky: ~.01%
chances of the chupacabra actually having some basis of fact in something cryptozoological: 33%

you believe what you will.

but, don't ask me to refrain from making fun of you for it.
and, now, some idiot is going to call me a rape apologist for not believing them.
what they don't tell you in the movie is that the crop being grown in the field they hallucinated their vision in was rye wheat.
"the virgin mary" was an archetype, built on existing greek motifs; a syncretic combination of existing stories and memes, put together in a way that was appealing to a specific audience, as a work of fiction.

the idea that this was an actual person that existed in real life, at all, is absolutely ridiculous.

so, how can a work of fiction appear as an apparition in a field?

i'm waiting for the retrospective on jesus in the potato chips, a hundred years from now - based on a true story!
why is the cbc trying so hard to convince me that a bunch of illiterate peasants in portugal saw a vision of a woman that never existed in the first place, let alone gave birth to a child without having sex, in a farmer's field over a hundred years ago?

i mean, how would they even know it was her? did she have a name tag on?



so, a true story, huh.

listen: it's the fucking cbc, it should be banned on separation of church and state grounds.

and, i can't even x the ad out, either. so, what i'm doing is minimizing the browser and moving the window to the side so i don't have to look at their stupid, ignorant faces.
labour day is may 1, guys.
so, i was planning on doing a number of things today, but i forgot it's a holiday...

i'm going to get something to eat and then get back to looking at the e.
so, i got five faxes out to six doctors and i'll have to get back to it tomorrow.

three of them are white, one of them is indian and two of them are muslim. i don't know if it's fair to make assumptions about people based on their names or not, but canadian doctors tend to flee the country for higher wages, while doctors from less liberal countries tend to come in, looking for whatever they're looking for. see, i know that some of them are coming here to get away from oppressive regimes; i know some of them are not just on my side, but here for that precise, exact reason. it's just a process of trial and error, and it has to be.

i don't care if i offend anybody; they can fuck off.

but, let's hope i get a good response and get these things out before the harvest, to make the sacrificial offering to demeter that much more appropriate.
why demeter?

because she needs to be reunited with persephone.
it's labour day in canada...nobody's open....

i sent this fax out:


my name is jessica. i called earlier because i forgot it was labour day, but i'm going to follow through with this.

i would prefer communication over email:

you can also leave me a voice message at xxxxxxxxx, and i can call you back.

i am a male-to-female transgendered person that has been on hormone treatment for most of the last 20 years, and on the maximum prescribable dosage of 100 mg/day of cyproterone acetate since 2009. over the last few years, i have noticed that this medication has been losing it's efficacy as a testosterone suppressor, leading to a detransitioning effect. i first approached my family doctor about a precautionary orchidectomy in early 2017, but due to various delays, i did not get funding until mid 2020. by this time, the drug had began to lose it's effectiveness.

while i self-medicated an increase in the drug at the beginning of june to 200 mg/day under the understanding that it was safe (according to the data sheet of the medication), i was not able to get a doctor to prescribe that amount and have been forced to retreat back to 100 mg/day. my request is consequently somewhat urgent, and i may face the reality of self-harm due to the onset of extreme depression if i can't get the issue dealt with soon. that is, i'm in a race against time to get these horrible things destroyed.

i would like the testicles returned to me so that i can sacrifice them to demeter in a bog (ie burn them in a ritual). this is silly, but i think it's a therapeutic process.

i have funding from the ministry, and a rec from dr.==========. i'm being proactive in finding the doctor myself.

i understand that this is a minimally invasive surgery that takes a few minutes and can be scheduled on very short notice. if there is any way to get this done asap, please let me know.

if not, i would appreciate a response to let me know.
the snowflakes would love this, if they'd spend thirty seconds trying to understand it, rather than kneejerking to it like conservatives and trying to shut it down like the nazis they really are, inside.

i need to call some urologists today and ask about scheduling orchidectomies.
i can't find any clear evidence linking k to strokes, but i think there's grounds to be careful.

so, we're going to x out the dandelions due to excessive k and a bad 3:6 ratio:

and really double down on the broccoli leaves:

the self database is missing a lot of data, and it seems like it has a ? for the e content of the leaves rather than a 0, so i don't think there's a contradiction. but, that study i posted is clearer:

The recommended intake of vitamin E is 15 mg/day for adults according to the USDA nutrient database [39]. A 100 g portion of fresh florets, stems, or leaves of broccoli can provide 0.15, 0.14, or 19.9% of the RDA, respectively.

so, it's the leaves that get you the e.

and, it seems to be, by far, the best way to get e without caving in to what are very, very high amounts of omega-6s or questionable fats.

i just need to find somebody that sells the leaves as some kind of salad base. is it going to be as hard as finding raspberry leaves?
ok, maybe this isn't too bad...

if i have the fruit bowl in the morning two days in a row, that's 50%. then, if i have the eggs at night, i'm up to 100-110%; let's say 105%. so, i need each of these salads to have 95/2 = 47.5%. let's say around 50%.

and, i'm already at 25-35%:

- one small red pepper   [50% a, lots of c, 10% e, some b]
- one small tomato         [less of everything, 5% e. lycopene. high in omega-6.]
- some broccoli             [50% a, lots of c, lots of omega-3, some b, variable estimates for e, 5%?]
- caesar dressing           [some e, actually. ]
- chopped cheese          [some a, some b, 4% e, 3% d]

how can this be tweaked?

well, the broccoli can be microwaved to as much as double it's e content, according to this study:

that's easy enough to get me up a bit, to 30-35%.

on top of that, adding broccoli leaves (20% rdi/100g) & dandelion leaves (15%/100g) can introduce the balance, which i can then take over the top with some roasted soy beans, which still have a bad omega ratio, but nowhere near as bad as the other options.

the broccoli has a lot of omega-3, so it should potentially offset the other problems.

what i'm more concerned about with this is that the leaves have a very, very high vitamin k amount, so i'm going to want to research estrace & vitamin k after i take a short nap.

the cereals have the same problem as the nuts :\.
am i going to have to start buying cereal?

you have to understand that the way these dietary recommendations work is that they assume that everybody is a useless, obese piece of shit and then they push down harm reduction tactics. they're designed for people that are in horrible health.

healthy people should pay them no heed.
so, what's the deal with nuts?

well, if you normally eat a diet high in cow and lard, then perhaps moving to nuts may be less bad. but, that's like suggesting that paint thinner is less toxic than heroin.

if you're an actually healthy person, you should avoid nuts like they're poison, because they are. and, outside of the e, they have no real nutritional value that isn't easily found elsewhere.
no, on second thought, i misread the source; almond milk is still crammed with omega-6, whic is what i thought they stripped out.


so, how do you get the vitamin e without the omega-6, and without the saturated fats?
now that i've adjusted my diet so i get more vitamin a and less sugar (even if i think i'm coming down from the pasta and may be for a bit), is there anything else i should look at?

i think i'm getting enough b-complexes from a combination of soy milk, whole wheat bread (which is replacing the fortified pasta), salami, berries, bananas, eggs, cheese & olive oil margarine. i guess most people get their b in the form of big chunks of meat, which i do not ever eat. i might eat a chicken sandwich once in a while...but i haven't had a steak in like 20 years...and i rarely even eat burgers, anymore. so, the b comes in in fragments, but i do honestly think it's enough.

the a was low, but i fixed it by replacing green peppers with red peppers, mostly, and also by replacing pasta with eggs. i also get smaller amounts of a from ice cream, cheese, tomatoes, kiwis & the eggs, themselves. i think this is ok, now. i'm still thinking about the carrot juice...

i get something like 1000% of the rdi for c, and i like it that way. kiwi, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, apple or orange juice, peppers, tomatoes, etc are all very high in c. it's probably why i look like i'm 39 going on 13.

i get a fair amount of d from the soy, but i also get some from the eggs. the best way to get d is to go outside, and i admit that's been a struggle for me lately, and may get worse over the next few months. i'll need to keep an eye on that.

i actually get enough omega-3s from the soy as well, which is also low in omega-6s. but, there's also the eggs for that. my understanding is that we actually can't even metabolize things like flax seed, so these high omega-3 diets are just pseudo-science. the daily recommended intake for most people is 1.5 g, and you get that in a glass of soy milk; the rest of it is gravy, and too much of it is probably useless. there's 10x that in a red pepper, so what do you need fish for? but, my cholesterol levels are actually in the dangerously low category, so i'm doing something right.

with fat, it's more about total intake; keep your calories down by avoiding junk and you don't need to worry about that too much. and, you may even do weird things like realize that there's 80 mg of omega-6 in a green pepper and freak out unnecessarily.

as mentioned, i'm not concerned about counting calories or reducing fat intake - with the exception of watching my saturated fats, which is pretty low. i'm not concerned about sugar or salt, either. i just mostly eat actual food, and not too much, and i think that's enough to not concern myself with that.

i actually want to hold off on the k a little due to the high amounts of estrace i'm taking, i think. it's one of the reasons i avoid cow's milk.

what about e? that might be the last thing...

i've added it up, and it seems to be like the b; it comes in in a trickle, and it's not terrible, but i'd kind of like a specific source for it. the problem seems to be that it mostly comes in via nuts, which are something that i actually do avoid due to the high fat content. i'm getting some from the peppers, some from the kiwi, some from the eggs, some from the meat, some from the bread, some from the cheese, some from the olive oil margarine, etc....but where else can i get some....?

nuts & seeds don't seem worth the trade off with saturated fats, and you'd actually have to eat a lot of them to make it worthwhile. avocados, as well. so, no thanks.

likewise, stuff like spinach and broccoli seems to be overrated; you'd need to eat a whole bowl of leafy greens to get the daily amount, and i'm not adding a regular salad to my fruit salad. well, not yet, anyways. actually, i think i just planted a seed, there....hrmmn....

there's more e & c in a kiwi than in the equivalent amount of broccoli, fwiw. i'd really just be replicating a less nutritious fruit bowl, and i'd probably be better off having two fruit bowls than supplementing with a salad bowl.

well, unless i moved the peppers and tomatoes into the salad and went back to having fried eggs. in fact, i'm a little worried about cooking the peppers & tomatoes and missing the point.

if i did that, i'd put

- one small red pepper   [50% a, lots of c, 10% e, some b]
- one small tomato         [less of everything, 5% e. lycopene. high in omega-6.]
- some broccoli             [50% a, lots of c, lots of omega-3, some b, variable estimates for e, 5%?]
- some carrots               [high in a, but also high in omega-6. doesn't seem worth it.]
- caesar dressing           [some e, actually. ]
- chopped cheese          [some a, some b, 4% e, 3% d]

all of the c, 25-35% of the e & all of the a, at least. + extra b. almost no d. hrmmn....

then, i'd still have my fruit bowl

- six strawberries            [lots of c, some b, ~4% e]
- 1 banana                       [some a, some b, ~1% e]
- 1 kiwi                           [lots of c, some b, some a, ~10% e (with skin)]
- 20 blueberries              [some c, some b, some a, antioxidants & ~1% e]
- 10 raspberries              [some c, some b, some a, antioxidants, phytoestrogens & ~1% e]
- 1 serving of soy milk   [some c, lots of b, lots of d]
- ice cream                     [some a, some b, 4% e]

all of the c, not much a, ~25% e, half of the d, some b.

so, that's only 50-60%.

if i add the eggs:

- 4 eggs                      [lots of b, choline, 50% a, 15% e, 25% d]
- salami                      [lots of b, 4% e]
- olive oil margarine   [20-30% e, some a, some d?]
- cheese                      [some a, some b, 4% e, 3% d]
- bread                       [lots of b, 2% e]

50-60% e, all of the b?, most of the a, not much c, a third of the d,

so, over two days, i'd get 150%, meaning i'm getting 75%.

and i am, in truth, a little low on the e. hrmmn.

i'm also a little low on the d, but all i can do is go outside.

the internet is telling me that most people aren't low on e, but i'm looking through this and i can't figure out how to get enough without overeating. even the fish (which i'm avoiding due to mercury) doesn't really have much e, at all. and, you'd have to eat enough nuts to give yourself a heart attack; 100 g of almonds is only 65% of the dri!

unfortunately, soy nuts don't have much e. it's 3-4% the rdi for a reasonable serving. they have isoflavones :). not much e...

so, how? they'd have to eat fortified cereal, from what i can tell. there's no other way. well, that or molly, i guess. i know; wrong e.

i'm going to guess, then, that most people probably actually don't get enough e. hrmmn.

there is one sneaky answer i can see: almond milk. the way they process the almonds maintains the vitamin e, while throwing away the saturated fat.

i've checked the side of the cartons, and almond milk isn't anything close to a replacement for soy milk. the b complex vitamins just aren't there. no d. etc.

but, i can think of two ways to work some almond milk into my diet:

1) i could use it with coffee.
2) i could use it as salad dressing on these hypothetical salads.

i'm going to throw this out there to soy milk companies - why don't you add some vitamin e? contrary to what appears to be the popular myth, it seems like we don't have a lot of natural sources for this essential nutrient that don't come with their own serious health risks. i guess if you eat too much in general, you're accidentally getting enough of it by brute force. but, the irony here is that, the healthier you are, the less likely you probably are to get enough e.

i don't want to buy supplements, so i'm going to look at the almond milk as really the only answer i can find. and, this works for me, because my chocolate soy brand (so good) seems to be disappearing, and i'm trying to resist moving to this other brand (silk) that has a shitty selection of b complexes in it; the so good is legitimately healthful, and has even won awards, and the silk that is replacing it seems to essentially be junk food, marketed as a "soy drink" - itself an apparent step down from what it was a few months ago. it's depressing. so, i've been drinking my coffee black for weeks. at least moving to almond gives me a potential source of e....

i need to post this and start a new post.