Monday, September 7, 2020

it's labour day in canada...nobody's open....

i sent this fax out:


my name is jessica. i called earlier because i forgot it was labour day, but i'm going to follow through with this.

i would prefer communication over email:

you can also leave me a voice message at xxxxxxxxx, and i can call you back.

i am a male-to-female transgendered person that has been on hormone treatment for most of the last 20 years, and on the maximum prescribable dosage of 100 mg/day of cyproterone acetate since 2009. over the last few years, i have noticed that this medication has been losing it's efficacy as a testosterone suppressor, leading to a detransitioning effect. i first approached my family doctor about a precautionary orchidectomy in early 2017, but due to various delays, i did not get funding until mid 2020. by this time, the drug had began to lose it's effectiveness.

while i self-medicated an increase in the drug at the beginning of june to 200 mg/day under the understanding that it was safe (according to the data sheet of the medication), i was not able to get a doctor to prescribe that amount and have been forced to retreat back to 100 mg/day. my request is consequently somewhat urgent, and i may face the reality of self-harm due to the onset of extreme depression if i can't get the issue dealt with soon. that is, i'm in a race against time to get these horrible things destroyed.

i would like the testicles returned to me so that i can sacrifice them to demeter in a bog (ie burn them in a ritual). this is silly, but i think it's a therapeutic process.

i have funding from the ministry, and a rec from dr.==========. i'm being proactive in finding the doctor myself.

i understand that this is a minimally invasive surgery that takes a few minutes and can be scheduled on very short notice. if there is any way to get this done asap, please let me know.

if not, i would appreciate a response to let me know.