Monday, September 7, 2020

ok, so i'm out of the shower and feeling a bit better than i did the last few days. if i did indeed pick up a virus, i think i've already cleared it.

i think it was something else...some combination of pollution from upstairs and carbohydrate withdrawal...but i'll volunteer for an antibody test when they're available...

i'm healthy; i wouldn't expect it to affect me, except as a possible complication of this potential multiple sclerosis onset that i've been dancing with for so long. and, indeed, i may have even being having a mild ms attack, rather than anything else.

the other thing is that i drank a lot of water and it really is baffling how often it is that drinking a lot of water basically fixes everything. why is that? why am i chronically dehydrated?

i'm going to pick up back on the diet first (the story is coming. i am, indeed, still processing.), and do a really thorough review, including amino acids and everything. this is likely going to be permanent until the spring, at least, so i want to get it right.

right now, i'm looking at introducing a salad bowl as a complement to the fruit bowl, which may mean tweaking the fruit bowl. ideally, i'd have fruit in the morning & salad at night, then eggs every second day. so, i need to ask sombre questions like:

1) can i cut the salami out and get enough b12 from the eggs?
2) am i better off trying for some other kind of b12?
3) are some of these fruits superfluous? are other fruits a better idea?
4) how exactly should i compose my salad to get my daily rdis?
5) how often should i eat eggs, for real?

& etc.

i'll post it in a series of tables & charts...