Monday, September 7, 2020

so, i got five faxes out to six doctors and i'll have to get back to it tomorrow.

three of them are white, one of them is indian and two of them are muslim. i don't know if it's fair to make assumptions about people based on their names or not, but canadian doctors tend to flee the country for higher wages, while doctors from less liberal countries tend to come in, looking for whatever they're looking for. see, i know that some of them are coming here to get away from oppressive regimes; i know some of them are not just on my side, but here for that precise, exact reason. it's just a process of trial and error, and it has to be.

i don't care if i offend anybody; they can fuck off.

but, let's hope i get a good response and get these things out before the harvest, to make the sacrificial offering to demeter that much more appropriate.