Saturday, November 4, 2023

i an firmly of the opinion that any level of male facial hair is unacceptable and that the social expectation and norm has long been that all men should not just shave but tweeze and pluck if required. five o'clock shadows are not socially acceptable in modern society.

there is no place for any male social hair at all whatsoever in polite or civilized societies; it's backwards, primitive and barbaric. it's one of the few things that separates us from being apes.

men with hair on their faces are projecting a low level of self-esteem. it's reflective not just of poor hygiene but also of poor self-image. what it says is "i've given up on myself; i don't even try.".

i generally won't converse with men with social hair, and i certainly wouldn't date one.

also, it's a good time for a repost of this: