Tuesday, November 19, 2019

the address that i got from the corporate name search is indeed registered to the name i was given, but belongs to a split commercial space owned by a sushi bar and a money mart. i don't know if there was ever any other business registered there, but it would seem to be an odd location for a property management company. it's a strip mall with a grocery store and some fast food restaurants and a dollar store and...well, a money mart. you'd think a company that rents apartments would want a more professional space.

the other option would be that the person that owns the company also owns one of those businesses, or also owned a business that was located there, and the property management component doesn't have it's own retail space. i would be more inclined towards thinking it's the money mart - or even in....does money mart rent po boxes?

(checks to see if money mart rents po boxes)

i can't find any current ads for money mart selling po boxes, but i can find some references to them doing so in the past. either she has an account that is in deep legacy mode, or the account is very out of date. but, it is on record that she recently filed her taxes, and the account open date is actually fairly recent. maybe they do sell them still, but don't advertise them. i dunno.

but, that seems to be the address on file - a commercial po box at a money mart.

which actually means i still have no idea where it is, but that's fine if the documents get to her.
i am indeed currently in toronto, posting from the fake account.

i had to do two things today, and they are in fact both accomplished. the first was that i had to determine the identity of the person that frivolously charged me with stalking them. it's a surreal reality - needing to go to a different city to learn the identity of the person that accused you of stalking them, and doing so under an implicit court waiver to do so. it's absurd. but, i got a po box, and it's actually fairly close to home - near the mall that i currently do a lot of shopping in. weird. so, not only is it bizarre to be frivolously accused of stalking somebody you've never met, but it's doubly weird to realize they were right in front of you the whole time.

i also needed to file a judicial review on the order by the independent police review director on the legality of arresting me in the first place. it's a clear error in law, and should be open and shut once an actual judge looks at it. it's just a question of getting it there. so, i had to get the thing stamped, then copy it a few times and take it to the oiprd director, and the attorney general. i also mailed it to the windsor cops. then i had to file an oath saying i actually did it.

i expected long lineups at the court house and the service ontario branch, but they were pretty much empty when i went in. so, it took me four hours to do something i thought would take six or seven, minimum. i'm really early, and have a lot of time to blow.

so, i'm in the toronto public library, a little stoned, and just sort of hanging out, i guess.

i'm going to catch a show here tonight before i go back. well, i'm in toronto, why not do something there, right?