Friday, July 3, 2020

i would support a government jobs program for students in these times or any other, but a basic pre-requisite of any program of this sort really needs to be compensation at at least the provincial minimum wage.

the truth is that this was likely a hare-brained scheme, designed by a pmo trying to multitask in a foolish way, and that it reflects a lot on the prime minister's warped religious value system. the underlying premise is that young people should be obligated to serve their elders, an idea that is both primitive and outdated and should be left in the trashbin of history. young people are autonomous individuals that should be encouraged to look forwards in life, not be harangued to take care of their grandparents. they owe nothing to their ancestors. that's what these social systems exist for - to emancipate us from our families. but, it's also reflective of the kind of old tory, aristocratic value system that trudeau was raised into and no doubt had enforced on him going through these elite schools for kids. you actually see this kind of do-gooder nonsense really saturating government policy. it is true that liberals are supposed to believe in self-enlightened self-interest, and consequently act more altruistically than their opponents, but the way trudeau and his government breathes this is through a concept of noblesse oblige, and he seems to actually believe it - so long as the benefactors of the charity are considered sufficiently worthy. concepts of rights are being submerged into deprecated concepts coming from puritanical type thinking, where the poor are rewarded for their good behaviour. trudeau's operating principle seems to be that he has some kind of obligation to oversee this charity work, as a duty to his destiny and as a member of some kind of class vanguard.

it's weird stuff that most people will only ever be able to understand abstractly. but, this guy sees himself as some kind of enlightened despot. and, as hackneyed as this scheme may have been, it's perhaps a window into the kind of giant leap backwards into more entrenched conservative values that trudeau really imagines when he sits down at night.
july took a long time to post because there were a lot of things to post.

let's hope i can get the finalization done, soon.