Sunday, May 20, 2018

i went out in search of one thing last night and found something else instead, which worked out just fine.

saajtak was a good set. & i spent the rest of the night in a park. i was looking for a noise festival, but found a dance party instead.

the night is crystal clear, despite the fact that i took something from somebody that reminded me rather uncannily of an old friend of mine. and, i feel i came to terms with the utter triviality of satan as a concept, in the context of the judeo-christian mythology. i still think satanism is silly; just be a fucking atheist, y'know? but, even in this make-believe realm of metaphysical fantasy, satan is really easily disarmed as indiscernible from a metaphor for reality, and there's simply no value in being schizophrenic about it. strictly logically speaking, satan can never be any threat to you, unless you allow the fear to consume you.

so, if you ever find yourself face to face with satan, you should just ask for a smoke, and perhaps share a glass of whatever you're drinking. the only thing to fear is fear itself.

i may not have let on that i was deep in thought for much of the night. i didn't see any floating colours, but, i had an introspective moment.

introverts. you just don't know what the fuck's going on in there. really.

i like that she's flipping the narrative on him.

it's a triviality. that doesn't matter. i have no idea what's going to happen, after this.

but, it will be a clear signal: if they don't react to this, they're beyond discourse.