Sunday, June 28, 2015

i agree, y'all should clear right out. i suggest mars.

if we could actually get rid of all the fucking idiot christians, i might actually praise the lord, and sing hallelujah! talk about a dream come true...

last night, i had a dream that my dead dog could talk. she told me she wished i fed her less corn. i agreed it was a shitty deal, but it's just the reality of being a dog.

+deathtokoalas - YOU, MY DEAR, ARE IN A VERY SAD CONDITION - SELF-DELUSION AND DEMONIC POSSESSION IS NOT A 'FUN PLACE' TO BE...THAT'S YOU...WE WILL PRAY FOR YOUR DELIVERANCE - FOR YOU NEED IT...Mocking Christians is not a wise endeavour...when you mock and curse Christians - you are mocking GOD...and He hears everything and will bring you to a place of, either, brokenness in Him or being crushed to powder by the weight of your ill decision...Selah...L.

+Layna8 the demons keep me company; it would be very insensitive of you to take them away.

+deathtokoalas demons destroy lives i have never seen one person claiming to be happy when living with demons soon the demonic world will burn for eternity God's word

+MrGodsking funny. i've never seen a happy christian; they're always looking forward to the apocalypse, due to how miserable they are. but, i think i get to decide whether i like the demons or not. personal autonomy and whatnot. and your religion is actually big on personal choice, whether you understand that or not.
see, this is the kind of thing you have to do collectively. the reason solar has failed to break through up to this point is that it's being marketed as an individualistic solution to "get off the grid". if you look at countries like germany, where it's working, the reason it's working is because the state is heavily subsidizing it and integrating it into the existing systems. it's maybe unrealistic to think americans will ever understand that the reason electricity costs are so high is that they're privatized on a market, but they're going to have to at least get over the hurdle in realizing that storage costs for the lifestyles we live are only really realistically paid for collectively.

the reality is that solar is not an alternative to the grid. the reality is that solar is the future of the grid.

the open question, in my mind, is whether it's proximity to our living spaces will generate a broader concept of collective ownership.

werso smidits (initial upload)

originally written in 1996. recorded in feb, 1998. reclaimed june 28, 2015.

the threat of terrorism is used to restrict civil liberties (initial upload)

initially written in 1996. recreated in feb, 1998. reclaimed june 28, 2015.