Tuesday, June 7, 2016

j reacts to the allied media conference

you might expect that i should probably go to the allied media conference in detroit this month. i kind of wanted to post this on their site, but i think it's better if i post it here. and, you can bring them here, if you'd like.

i just don't want to concede the ability to moderate (or not moderate).

if you go through the list of events, something should jump out: it seems designed to break people down into tiny little subsets. so, you have the meeting for trans people of colour, the meeting for latinas, the meeting for women of colour - and a few meetings that are exclusively geared at white people, too.

when i see that, i interpret it as counter-productive. you get all of these people together in the same space to talk about politics, then you break them into micro-demographics. if i was going to write the book on how to break-up the revolution without a stick, that's pretty much exactly what i'd write. break them down into divisions. make sure they don't talk to each other. make sure they walk out having seen nothing but their own reflections, and maybe with a heightened sense of isolation.

and, i mean, what else do you get out of walking into a conference like this and only talking to other people that are like you, or that can be categorized as statistically similar, anyways? you should expect to walk out of this place feeling isolated - because the conference was designed to isolate you!

where's the meeting on inter-racial class struggle? it's not in the list. there's an introduction to being a dj. there's nothing about bridging divides. it's all about creating and enforcing them.

then, i looked a little closer. this event has some major sponsors, including the ford foundation. now, what do you think the ford foundation wants out of an event like this? do you think the ford foundation wants to fund seminars on class struggle?

rather, i might suggest that what the ford foundation - as well as google, who is funding it through their (functional) mozilla subsidiary - really wants is data. well, if you're an advertising company, that's what you do, right? you break people down into these microscopic categories.

so, what is this going to be like? i'd expect to get asked a lot of questions, and for some people in the back to be taking notes.

the one thing that i pulled out that looked a little bit interesting was this workshop. it kind of seems a little anarchist at first glance. but, on second glance what came out was the likelihood that it's probably a focus group to unveil an advertising strategy. the website says venture capitalist all over it.

you need to be careful with this shit. but, this isn't real. don't be fooled into thinking that it is.


what i think that a lot of the reactionary right fails to realize is that a great deal of what they're railing against is really corporate advertising and people that get sucked into it looking for something better.

plumbing update

the sink has been a little slow the whole time, but it began to slow down a bit more yesterday. we did get some rain, but it wasn't very much. the toilet is not currently clogged, but it is draining a little bit slowly. the sewers outside are a foot higher on marion than they are on cataraqui. i remain convinced that there is a substantial clog under the intersection that will recreate itself until it is removed.

i have been addressing the problem with water pressure - that is, i will fill the sink up to the very top and then let it drain. this is noticeably effective, but only temporarily.

while i am not requesting action at this point, i am taking note of the circumstances as was requested.


06-06-2016: day four of detox ends with the realization that facebook has broken it's timeline

tracks worked on in this vlog:

the reality is that this is pornography.

sex sells.

or, if you'd prefer different language, just realize that the way rape culture is covered and capitalized on is a part of rape culture, itself.

i just want good solutions. and that means rejecting bad ones.

you might think you're fighting something. you're not. you're entrenching it.
she seems to believe that it is of the utmost importance to prevent the lion she's grooming from smelling the interviewer. i suspect that's not arbitrary.

j reacts to the stanford rape case (you're all stuck in the fucking cave)

if you want to put him in jail for 20 years, might i suggest contributing funds? 'cause i really don't want to pay to house, feed and entertain the guy for the second third of his life - and then repeat for the last third, because he can't find a job due to the fact that he's a convict.

listen. nobody doubts that this is a problem. but vengeance isn't an answer. deterrence doesn't work - it's just a waste of resources that could be better spent on things that actually work.

you could have a bake sale to raise money to pay for food & shelter for rapists.


i'm really ultimately reacting to a different concept of freedom. you want to punish the guy? make him work at walmart for twenty years. but, you have to discard the idea of a free market, first. you have to discard labour as freedom and understand it properly as slavery. that's subversive.

leftists yell and scream that the christian social order is a failure, but they're not really addressing the crux of the matter. it's a tool, rather than an end to itself. so long as we accept these capitalist social norms, we're stuck in their self-perpetuation. we'll never see outside of the cave.

why don't you just shoot him in public? that's what you really want, right?

fucking christians. or muslims. whatever. you drive me nuts. and you get the world you deserve.

it's conservatives that demand punishment for criminal behaviour. conservatives then accuse liberals of being "soft on crime" because we prefer academically tested social programs that work, not old testament fire and brimstone that just perpetuates the problem.

i bet hillary agrees with you, though.

you should be educating people as to why they're wrong to demand repentance and vengeance, not helping to perpetuate their stone age ignorance.

stuck in the fucking cave.


He should really be castrated. If the punishment for rape was castration, I think we would see a drastic reduction of rape.

If the punishment for any crime is genocide, there wouldn't be any crime any more! Everyone would be dead, isn't that wonderful! /s

Tommy Vo
Let's shoot people in the face for smoking weed. That would totally help things

And what happens if someone innocent was convicted of rape? It happens, probably especially to minorities. Then innocent people would be getting castrated.

Harder punishments lead to harder crimes. If their balls will be cut of when convicted for rape, they will make sure the victim is never going to talk. You won't see a lot of women surviving rapes anymore.

Richard Wilson
or maybe we should spay women who lie about being raped?

and yes. I mean spay. I mean cut open a woman's groin and rip out her ovaries. There have been a few cases of women assaulting males. would you advocate doing that to a 20 year old woman? you want equality right? just playing devil's advocate.

So if a woman rapes a man we should sew close her vagina?

kay jewl
your probably a Muslim right ?

why not just behead him?


putting people in jail doesn't solve problems. putting people in jail makes problems worse.

j reacts to requests to play nice with democrats

listen. i'm not walking on eggshells, worried about what fucking democrats think.

you picked a shitty candidate. you'll have to deal with that. next time, pick a less shitty candidate.


here's some fucking 90s for you.

you made your bed, democrats. now, lie in it.

if you want to put him in jail for 20 years, might i suggest contributing funds? 'cause i really don't want to pay to house, feed and entertain the guy for the second third of his life - and then repeat for the last third, because he can't find a job due to the fact that he's a convict.

listen. nobody doubts that this is a problem. but vengeance isn't an answer. deterrence doesn't work - it's just a waste of resources that could be better spent on things that actually work.

you could have a bake sale to raise money to pay for food & shelter for rapists.

the email scandal promises better ratings.


j reacts to the ap's call that clinton has clinched the nomination

my best guess is that nbc has decided that you'll stay home and watch friends if you think the primary is already over.