Tuesday, June 7, 2016

why don't you just shoot him in public? that's what you really want, right?

fucking christians. or muslims. whatever. you drive me nuts. and you get the world you deserve.

it's conservatives that demand punishment for criminal behaviour. conservatives then accuse liberals of being "soft on crime" because we prefer academically tested social programs that work, not old testament fire and brimstone that just perpetuates the problem.

i bet hillary agrees with you, though.

you should be educating people as to why they're wrong to demand repentance and vengeance, not helping to perpetuate their stone age ignorance.

stuck in the fucking cave.


He should really be castrated. If the punishment for rape was castration, I think we would see a drastic reduction of rape.

If the punishment for any crime is genocide, there wouldn't be any crime any more! Everyone would be dead, isn't that wonderful! /s

Tommy Vo
Let's shoot people in the face for smoking weed. That would totally help things

And what happens if someone innocent was convicted of rape? It happens, probably especially to minorities. Then innocent people would be getting castrated.

Harder punishments lead to harder crimes. If their balls will be cut of when convicted for rape, they will make sure the victim is never going to talk. You won't see a lot of women surviving rapes anymore.

Richard Wilson
or maybe we should spay women who lie about being raped?

and yes. I mean spay. I mean cut open a woman's groin and rip out her ovaries. There have been a few cases of women assaulting males. would you advocate doing that to a 20 year old woman? you want equality right? just playing devil's advocate.

So if a woman rapes a man we should sew close her vagina?

kay jewl
your probably a Muslim right ?

why not just behead him?


putting people in jail doesn't solve problems. putting people in jail makes problems worse.