Monday, February 11, 2019

this "job uncertainty" with the federal shutdown is probably driving people nuts. trump almost certainly missed his chance to sway the democrats, i already went over why stopping and starting is a losing strategy and why his only real chance now is to shut the government down until the next election and hope the apathy completely dismantles the democrats, but it's some pretty nasty psychological warfare on the actual workers.

so, i'm trying to see it from their perspective. what would i do?

the actual reality is that if i had a government job in dc, i'd be single in a cheap apartment. i wouldn't own a car or even pay for public transit - i'd bike or walk. no kids. so, i'd be spending something like 30% of my income on rent and food and putting the other 70% away for retirement.

if you told me i don't have to go to work for the next six months, i'd take advantage of the opportunity to go out and live an actual life.

in fact, you might have a hard time getting me to come back...