Tuesday, February 19, 2019

what i'm going to say is this.

i want a younger candidate, and will jump on one if i can find one. but, if i can't, i'm going to end up supporting him, by default. and, i've always supported fringe candidates like kucinich or nader, so don't be surprised if i can't find anybody i'm willing to support in the democratic field, either.

but, frankly? it's starting to look like the left needs to plan for 2024. i may stick with sanders in the end, but if i do it will likely be as a protest vote.

if a younger candidate does appear, i'm going to expect bernie to step back, too.

so, this is comical.

but, keeping in mind that the toronto star is considered to be the closest thing that we have to english-language, liberal-leaning msm in this country, it demonstrates the power that this company has, here - and the factors underlying the situation.

the rest of the media is right-leaning and all over this. the toronto star is supposed to come to the pmo's aide; instead, it's throwing them under the bus to save the impugned reputation of the corporation in question.

as mentioned: they need to create a major distraction. firing gerald butts wasn't it.




do you have to go to jewish media to get some sanity on the topic?


"material support to a terrorist group" is not a new concept under british common law, either - it comes directly from the idea of "aiding and abetting" a criminal, which is well established and not very controversial.
i mean, this is ridiculous.

we are governed by complete idiots.
i don't agree.

there is a law against providing material support to a terrorist group, and these women should be prosecuted under it.

the stock market is just another casino - it's not a reflection of the economy, it's just a venue for people to gamble their savings. it goes up and down based on random trivialities that have little - and usually nothing - to do with the performance of the actual companies.

if investors want the market to go up, it goes up. nothing else really matters. it's just supply and demand, really.

nothing except one thing, that is. the one law it has to obey, whether it likes it or not, is that money has to exist before it can be traded. so, when you suck money out of the economy - which is what the feds are doing - then you necessarily suck money out of the markets at the same time. if a lag exists between a contraction in the market and an application of this policy, a bubble is created.

now, there's no rule that says this bubble has to burst, other than that people have to move their money around at some point. what ends up happening is that people have to sell their investments to pay for other things. this drives the price down. but, so long as people don't sell, so long as they find some other way to make up for the shortfall of the monetary contraction, the bubble floats off into space...

why did we see a crash around christmas, then? because people were reassessing their finances at the end of the year. they may have been selling stocks to raise money for christmas presents, vacations, etc. now, they're sitting at home, leaving their investments alone like they've been told to.

but, all the feds have been doing for years now is sucking money out of the economy, so the underlying cause of the last correction is just building up on itself.

i don't know when it starts to crash again. people don't seem to want to sell...they seem to have a lot of faith in this system, and that's hard to shake.

but, the monetary contraction is a vicious force, and it can't be undone by positive thinking.

it's a matter of time before it happens - and expect carnage when it clicks in.
what the market is demonstrating is that it doesn't exist in any sort of connection to any kind of economic reality. that's not news to anybody, despite the extended length of this continuing period of absolute delusion.

i am not changing my analysis of the situation: the bubble is simply getting more exaggerated, and it is still due to crash by over 10,000 points at any moment.

the cause of this imminent crash will be the monetary policies put in place by the republicans, specifically a contraction of the balance sheet. and, the only way to reverse it will be to print more money.

you simply can't destroy money and expand the economy at the same time. the longer that investors delude themselves to this fact by playing with these make believe numbers, the harder the crash ends up in the end.