Tuesday, August 8, 2017


i will reiterate that i can hardly imagine the united states actually doing this, to begin with.

i went to that hershey factory on a field trip for school.

you're not even beginning to imagine the production capabilities of creating that much biomass. we only smoke the buds, leaving the leaves and stalks for other use. right now, the plant has a split cultivation use; it is hemp that is used for industrial purposes, and it has been artificially selected for useful traits. this should be easily resolved through artificial selection on the bud-producing plants.

the reality is that marijuana holds the solution to a wide array of environmental problems, and this should end up driving numerous different sectors, from plastics to paper. this is the real "green economy".

it's going to take a while, but there will be a day when marijuana overtakes oil as the central focus of this country's economy. it will be on that day that we can start to seriously accelerate transition away from a fossil-fuel economy, and it will be marijuana that offers us those real solutions, both economically and in terms of tangible products.

so, this story is making the rounds, and it's no doubt causing eyerolls. but, it is in truth merely touching the surface.

marijuana is at the centre of the future of the economy, of the future of energy and probably of the future of the species.

i've been over this.

my skin colour switches over the course of the year.

the reason my skin colour switches is that i'm a combination of races. and, it's actually truly staggering. there is some uncertainty on my father's side, but i actually have ancestry from the indigenous groups of four out of six continents (i'm excluding antarctica): europe, africa, asia and north america. and, south america doesn't really count, either. it's really only australia that i'm not genetically connected to.

so, if you saw me in the dead of winter, you'd be likely to pull out the norse or finnish in me and conclude i'm probably white. but, if you saw me last week, you'd have no doubt noticed that i'm actually a fairly dark brown, coming from my brown ancestors, which were native american (certain), middle eastern (certain) and sub-saharan african (probably).

just ask me questions, please. i'm friendly. and, i don't like religion. but, i'm willing to be friendly with atheists of any and all backgrounds; i don't care what colour you are - i care about whether you renounce the faith of your ancestors or not.

i'm not actually even white.

i keep telling you that...

i've protested with anti-fascist groups, and i'm usually on their side. but, calling me a racist - in the absence of anything remotely resembling evidence and the presence of a plethora of evidence that suggests otherwise - just demonstrates the intellectually vapid knee-jerks that these people so easily fall into. and, i know through experience that there is no value in arguing with them.

i can actually be a brown person that wants to abolish islam, as well as all other religions. and, it's kind of scary to me that the idea is beyond the general public's grasp.

what i want is for everybody of all races to unite to abolish superstition and nonsense. you can disagree with me, if you'd like. but, please keep your disagreements topical.