that forecast is for the first week of nov, 2024.
in recent years, we have seen the temperatures in november feature unusually warm bursts of air that quickly subside. i remember one year where we had two 27 degree days followed by vicious wind storms. the wind reasserted the fact that this is canada and it's november. so, we'd have this tug-of-war where it was trying to stay hot late into the year, but which was ultimately won by cold air plunging in from the arctic, as a result of the polar vortex breaking up due to a deficit of sunlight.
everything else aside, our weather is ultimately controlled by the sun and the yearly parade of longer and shorter days, governed by the tilt of the earth's axis, overpowers all. that will remain true for the foreseeable future, until or if this constant blizzard at the north pole ever subsides and the polar winter becomes a long summer festival. that will be a helluva party. by then, we should be able to grow new livers in test tubes and replace them on demand.
this forecast is different - constant late summer weather (by canadian standards) lingering on into mid or late november, and with no real end in sight. not fluctuations. not snaps. 15+ degree weather every single day up to or past november 15th, and unambiguously late summer or early fall weather pushing into december.
that is no longer unusual weather. that is now a change in the climate.