Saturday, December 2, 2023

what naomi and others miss is that if you let people with anti-semitic biases engage in a process that is legitimate on it's face, it becomes anti-semitic. my experience with "progressive" activists in canada is that most of them really don't like jews very much. i have one jewish ancestor 200 years ago, and it's better if i don't tell people about it, because once i do i get labeled as a jew and marginalized. it really does affect people's perceptions.

spraypainting slogans on a storefront is pointless vandalism, but if they wanted to get their point about this fund across without being labeled nazis, they should have chosen their words more carefully. if it sounds like a nazi and acts like a nazi, most people will decide it's a nazi; and, frankly, the truth is that it probably actually is one, too.

naomi's concern should be about nazis co-opting the action she feels is legitimate, however pointless the action might have been.