Sunday, March 31, 2019

somebody that i've never met before, or don't remember meeting, is trying to contact me over facebook and send me pictures of her son. i initially informed her that she had the wrong person, and she initially seems to have accepted that. but, she keeps messaging me.

i could be getting trolled, or i could be being targeted via some kind of immigration scam. or, the person might be crazy. i dunno. i know i've blocked this person and hope to not hear from them again.

but, to set the record straight on this issue: it would actually be impossible. that is, i am physically incapable of producing sperm and have been for almost ten years.

there are a handful of blurry nights over the last five years, and i do suspect i was on the receiving end of an anal session over the course of at least one of them. but, whatever happened, i can assure you that i did not ejaculate - because i can't.

i can orgasm still, with a little effort, although i don't do so very often. but, there is no corresponding flow event - no ejaculate, no "cum". so, no clean-up. and, no evidence.

why is this?

because the testosterone suppressors - the anti-androgens - that i've been taking for roughly ten years have reduced my testosterone levels to nearly zero. this is a process called chemical castration, and what it means is that my testicles can no longer produce sperm because they aren't receiving the hormones that instruct them as to how to do that. as such, i cannot ejaculate.

this has been thoroughly tested and is repeatably demonstrable.

so, if somebody were to approach me about something that happened during the small handful of blackouts i've incurred since i moved here, i'd have to keep an open mind. i expect i'd be far more likely to have sex with a male than a female, but it doesn't make sense to speculate upon events you don't remember.

but, i can state with absolute certainty that no children could possibly be the result of any such misadventure, because i am physically incapable of impregnating anybody - it's impossible, and i could prove that in a court if i had to.