Friday, May 19, 2017

if your goal is to isolate human rights abusers, then doing so by going after russia - rather than israel or the saudis or the united states - is flatly farcical.

you can't take this seriously. it's just a propaganda smear.

the truth is that this woman is a deep russophobe and that that should have disqualified her from cabinet. her job's prerogative is to advance canada's interests, not to advance the interests of the democratic party in the united states.

and, the reality is that this is very short-sighted. it doesn't take a lot of vision to realize that a warming arctic is going to require canada to develop closer ties with the russians, and that attacking them is acting against the country's self-interest - and in the self-interest of american capital.

freeland should resign her post (under necessary pressure) and move back to the united states. and, i'm not being trite about this. this policy position is so pro-american, and so against canada's long term strategic interests, that it's not outlandish to suggest it's a type of treason.

she's made it very clear who she's working for.