Sunday, July 22, 2018

the russians have plants everywhere - nobody seem to be surprised by this.

but, there's a pattern in their plants, if you look for it: they go after what you might call "right-libertarians", that promote a false sense of nationalism, rooted in a skewed concept of white identity.

so, in france the russians fund the national front - and quite heavily. and, there is a very powerful policy goal in supporting the national front, as a french abandonment of nato would neutralize a major threat coming in off the steppe. the russians are pragmatic about the racism - this is a holdover from soviet times, albeit with the revolutionary goals replaced with cynicism. they're essentially using the socialist theories against us; the idea is that they think they can use the racial animus run rampant from low education and industrial decay as a vehicle to put their people in power.

you might think that sounds like trump, and trump uses the same methods with the same aims no doubt, but the russian influence network didn't appear in 2016. the kremlin-preferred candidate for years was ron paul, who has always represented this intersection point of right-libertarianism and white nationalism that the russians have a habit of propping up. and, the propaganda arm they used was always alex jones.

i'm not going to be filling in posts here from 2008-2013 for a very, very long time. but i wrote quite extensively about this around climategate.

i'm extrapolating a little with rand paul. i accept. but i am comfortable stating with a confident amount of force that ron paul and alex jones are both russian spies.

and, when the rest of the 2016 stuff comes up, you'll see me unveil a theory that trump is a creature of the pentagon, who are projecting the russian connections as a mirage. i haven't been keeping up because i think it's a lot of nonsense, but i saw this coming from before the election.