Wednesday, May 5, 2021

this picture is going around and has been for a while.

in it, the prime minister is clearly shit-faced stoned and retarded. you can tell by the shape of his eyes,

it's been clear for a while now that the pm is in fact a pothead, that he actually goes to work stoned. i'm in the group of people that would rather just sweep it under the rug until he finally just goes away, because it's really too embarrassing to react to in any other manner.

but, if the media could collectively stop posting pictures where he's obviously shitfaced, while talking to major world leaders or not, that would be in everybody's benefit. it's probably too late to undo the reputational damage to the country as a whole, but we don't need foreign leaders expecting to talk to a retard.

and, on the other side, if mr trudeau's habits are interfering with his day-to-day life (they're clearly interfering with his fashion sense. yuck.), perhaps he ought to be coerced into rehab.

i'd rather he just go back to the mountains and smoke all the drugs he wants, myself. but, some decision has to be made - we can't have a constantly shitfaced-at-work prime minister.