Tuesday, October 29, 2019

hallowe'en was always my mom's favourite holiday, and i grew up with a lot of negative memories around it. i guess that's what happens when you grow up with abusive satanist parents rather than abusive christian parents - your negative childhood memories end up attached to secular holidays like hallowe'en rather than religious ones like easter.

"no, mom, i don't want to wear that".

so, i wouldn't care much for hallowe'en on a good year. and, i never go to costume or dress-up parties. ever. i'd rather kill myself.

i felt like i was too old for hallowe'en when i was about 10. if i thought holidays were dumb in general, i always thought this one was the dumbest holiday of all of them. i'm way too old, now.

as it is, it's cold this year, and i'm feeling gross and anti-social. i have absolutely no interest in this right now, at all, whatsoever.

i wanted to be done the rebuild yesterday afternoon, but i got circled around and had to back track. i finally stopped to eat this morning, and then had to nap. i've got a few dozen posts left, max...