Tuesday, February 9, 2021

if you want me to answer this question of whether i'm a feminist or not, you have to define what it means, first - and that's challenging, because the word holds multiple entirely contradictory meanings.

i'm not at all interested in third-wave concepts of feminism, and i've never claimed i am.

what i believe is that all humans should be treated equally under the law - what i am is a radical egalitarian, and i have a concept of feminism that follows from that. that means i'm going to clash strongly against certain conservative constructions of women's rights within the framework of patriarchy, and i have no time for people that advocate these positions; they can fuck off. and, what it means is that i have no patience for people arguing for inherent gender differences, and they can fuck off too.

that puts me in a minority position and i understand that - i'm both arguing against conservatives that call themselves progressives and against militant rad fems trying to segregate themselves as some kind of nationalist movement. in that sense, the word has become it's opposite meaning. and it makes sense to define me in opposition to the opposite meaning the word has embraced.

but, i'll still use the word as i see fit to because i believe i'm using it in the proper framework, and all of these other people are lost in foucaldian, orwellian backwardsness.