Saturday, September 1, 2018

i've posted this more than a few times...

i've written a dozen iq tests, and they all put me in the highest percentiles. and, i do exceedingly well in school when i'm able and interested in applying myself - across a wide variety of topics. so, when i tell you that i have a high aptitude level, that's not my opinion or some other unqualified person's opinion - that's an objective testing criteria. and, you can disagree with that if you want, but i'm just telling you what the tests say - although if you disagree with the objective testing criteria, it probably says more about your own intelligence than it says about mine.

why am i not rich then?

well, i keep telling you that i don't want to be rich, what i want is to be free, and that freedom is only possible by rejecting wealth. wealth is a type of slavery, not an escape from it. your car is not a symbol of freedom, but a symbol of slavery.

and, so we're left with one of two possibilities: either the tests are wrong and i'm actually an idiot, or my rejection of wealth as a basis of happiness is actually a reflection of the high aptitude level.

maybe the truth is that i'm poor because i'm too smart to be rich.

what i'll say is that i probably think you're a moron, regardless of how much money you make.